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�1�'f(�� ��' ��9�LI� <br />pypy^p�gye�! �{�.��py�Iy����ga{ �Vp�/p� p� <br />ITV194.�8.., �A-D BI�YY�AD 1J18Y6;:tldy <br />that the City CaunciE af fhe City af <br />Roseville, Minnesat� �aalll meet on <br />Marid�y, Nc�vemE�er 30; 2(}15, �t <br />approxim3tely 6 p.m, ir� th�+ Caunci[ <br />Chamb�rs at GiBy Hali, 266Q Civic <br />Cent�€• 6rive, Ro�eui(le, Minnesota, <br />to cpnducY � pubiic f�earing on <br />the qu�sYion of the adog�tion of �n <br />eri�biing resolutiqn whieYi wo��id <br />estabiish an Econornic q�velapment <br />Authority ("�C�R"j far fhe City <br />{�ursuant ta N9innesota Statutea, <br />Gh�pter 469A9t� ta 169,'1081. <br />�rnm�_r�+af�nabling ��saluu4ion <br />if adapted as prop�sed, the enat;ling <br />resoEufion wauid es4abl€ .f� an EDA <br />compri�Pd of five GOiTftY31SSI0R�YS, <br />whn shaii be the members af ihe Gity <br />Gotancil.. Tha EDA would �eoom� <br />ths publfe enfity �rin�ttrily r�spansible <br />far pramoting de}rel�apment and <br />rEci�velnpm�n� �ntithin ;ei�� City <br />anci waufd tiavr� the powers �,f an <br />2GCFt1QPR1tC devsio�m�nk authari4y <br />UndAY Nlinn. 5tat. �§ �69.Q90 t0 <br />4&9.01081 anct of a housing and <br />redevelo�menY authority untier Minn. <br />StaY. §§ 489.0(J1 t� A69.0�7. TPie <br />fulf text o� tE7e prt�pras�;d enabl'sn� <br />resolutian is auailataia firom the <br />Cmm��unity Deuelo�ment Directar. <br />ri <br />A# Yh� �ublin he�rirtg any p�escrn <br />�aisi7ing tc� �x�ress a vieov regarcl'srtg <br />t17e propased enaFifing resolutic�n <br />�rili be heard arally ar in u�riting. At <br />the c�nCiusion of the hearing ur <br />any adjournment ther�af the City <br />Cnurioi€ wili t�ka whaYever activn it <br />de�:ms rter,�s>�ry with re�ard to the <br />snabling resalut�an. A aopy at the fuii <br />texf of 4he �rabiiny resolution is on <br />fils far public inspectinn in the affiice <br />of tPi€� Cammunity Dc���eloprnc�nt <br />Csirector at City_ Nalt �iurir7y ncsrrtta! <br />busin�ss haurs. <br />�Y C�E3t3�k� C3�i�i� C1TY <br />�C3€1R3�IL <br />P�t Pa�i �ilotta <br />Cera-amurai�y ��v��apmen� �ir�ciar <br />{i�ose�i(le Review: h�au 10, 17, <br />2Q1 a) <br />