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14. Have you ever been engaged as an employee, or in operating a pawn shop or precious metal <br />dealer, or other business of a similar nattxre? If yes, give information as to the time, place and <br />length of tirne: <br />�Cl-1i11�V l���r� Z�t'� C' Cl.� ��( q' (`iZ7 � V�''`'�� v'1� , <br />�� � ��._ � � � � r��'�'f U�� G�ti �-�--G�� G� �Q , <br />15. Have you ever been in rnilitary service? Yes No � <br />If yes, was discharge(s) ever other than honorable? Yes No <br />(Upon request, you may be required to exhibit a11 discharges) <br />16. Are you directly or indirectly interested in other establishments in the City of Roseville ta <br />which a license of the same kind has been issued? Yes No� <br />17. What is the amount of investment that you will have in the business, building, premises, <br />fixhxres, furi�iture, stock in trade, etc., and what was the source of such money? (You rnust be <br />prepared to furnish proof of the source of such money). <br />r <br />J ] , f ru� <br />, <br />P�.w �, �����. <br />18. Have you had any interest in any previous pawn shop or precious metal dealer license that <br />was revoked, suspended, or not renewed? Yes No� <br />If yes, explain in detail: <br />19. Have you ever individually or with others made application for a pawn shop or precious <br />metal dealer license, and had such application denied? Yes No� <br />If yes, explain in detail: <br />Page 9 of 10 <br />