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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Human Rights Commission
Agendas and Packets
2015 Agendas and packets
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Human Rights Commission Minutes <br />October 21, 2015 — Draft Minutes <br />Page 5 of 7 <br />l 80 Commissioner Slade stated she had attended the Second Chance Coalition meeting and they <br />181 were talking about restoring the vote to people who are on probation or parole. Their leading <br />182 point is the Country was founded on "No taxation without representation" and when people are <br />183 on probation or parole they are expected to get a job and become contributing members of <br />184 society but at they same time they are not allowed to vote until their probation ar parole is <br />185 complete. This can be a lifetime ban for some people. She stated 1 out of 51 people are on <br />186 supervised probation or parole in the U.S. For Roseville this would equal 750 people in the <br />187 community that could not vote. They are asking that once people are back in the community <br />188 they should have the right to vote again. <br />189 <br />190 <br />191 <br />192 <br />193 <br />194 <br />195 <br />196 <br />197 <br />198 <br />199 <br />200 <br />201 <br />202 <br />Chair Groff stated he is not sure how the Commission can get involved but could consider <br />education or a community discussion. The Commission is focusing on voting in 2016. <br />Commissioner Christiansen asked if the Commission could support the Organization. <br />Chair Groff stated the City Council would need to approve this and they typically do not want to <br />get involved beyond politics in Roseville. <br />Commissioner Carey stated this would be a topic that they could partner with the Community <br />Engagement Commission as well as neighboring communities to organize discussions. <br />Chair Groff stated the starting point would be doing something educational in Roseville and see <br />what the interest would be prior to involving other communities. The City Council would also <br />203 need to approve the Commission continuing the discussions. He suggested Commissioner Slade <br />204 approach Second Chance Coalition about doing a community dialogue in Roseville. The <br />205 discussion must remain focused on the human rights aspects rather than the political aspects. <br />206 <br />207 Commissioner Christiansen clarified the Commission would be asking Second Chance Coalition <br />208 to educate Roseville of the subject. <br />209 <br />210 Commissioner Christiansen moved and Commissioner Carev seconded a motion to have <br />211 Commissioner Slade contact Minnesota Second Chance Coalition to discuss possible dates <br />212 for an education presentation. Motion passed unanimouslv. <br />213 <br />214 d. Discuss continuing Membership with the Minnesota League of Human Rights <br />215 <br />216 Chair Groff stated continuing the Commissions membership with the Minnesota League of <br />217 Human Rights is an ongoing discussion. He resigned from the League because he felt they were <br />218 not progressing in a way that was worth the time. The question would be if Roseville as a City <br />219 would want to continue being a member. What he found when he was on the League Board is <br />220 there is not enough Board Members to get enough momentum going. All they can manage is <br />221 their annual meeting. Some of the Councilmembers were not happy with the League, especially <br />222 after the essay contest was not handled well. <br />223 <br />
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