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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
1/21/2016 3:05:38 PM
Creation date
1/21/2016 3:04:55 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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have the authority to direct waste to the facility, probably not before 2018 until <br />ordinance revisions and MPCA plan approval are finalized. <br />7. Review October Agenda <br />• Proposed 2016 Utility Rates <br />Mr. Culver advised that the City's Finance Director Chris Miller will be <br />present to review proposed rates. <br />• Sanitary Sewer Discussion Continuation <br />• Water Distribution System: Discussion of overall system and private <br />ownership and maintenance policies <br />Eureka Recycling Contract <br />Discussion ensued regarding the timing for review of the current Eureka <br />Recycling contract expiring the end of 2016, and preparation of the request for <br />proposals (RFP) for that contract. Mr. Culver advised that staff was initiating <br />preliminary work, and as a starting point would be meeting with consulting staff <br />from Ramsey County on how to incorporate upcoming county mandates into <br />the new RFP (e.g. organics). Mr. Culver anticipated feedback from the <br />PWETC, as well as public input after that, to determine what was working with <br />the current provider and any changes that were needed to guide the next RFP. <br />Walkability/Pedestrian and Bicvcle Access <br />Member Seigler suggested a broader discussion on the community's <br />walkability and an overall plan or blueprint to encourage Roseville residents to <br />get more active. <br />Acting Chair Wozniak noted that many of those components were provided <br />under Ramsey County's "Active Living" umbrella. <br />Mr. Culver noted the existence of the Pathway Master Plan that previous <br />members of the PWETC had discussed and updated addressing some of those <br />issues, but mostly focusing on pathways and sidewalks; with some remaining <br />gaps still obvious the current system. While some areas were re -prioritized by <br />the PWETC in their review, Mr. Culver noted there was no dedicated funding, <br />with priority established as other project came forward and leveraging funds <br />from Ramsey County or grant opportunities. <br />Mr. Culver suggested the Pathway Master Plan be incorporated into the broader <br />Comprehensive Plan update that would start in 2017, allowing the PWETC to <br />tap into the public engagement process for discussions related to land use, <br />transportation networks, and other elements that the City Council was required <br />to update every ten years, and receiving considerable public input throughout <br />that process. <br />While there are many sidewalks now, Member Seigler suggested showcasing <br />improvements made in that system around elementary schools and residential <br />Page 12 of 13 <br />
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