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Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
1/21/2016 3:07:19 PM
Creation date
1/21/2016 3:06:46 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
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conserve without penalizing larger families. Since there was some point needed to <br />cut off that consumption, Mr. miller advised that it inadvertently hit families with <br />more people living in the household, and while he'd attempted to think it through <br />this continued to be the roadblock in a tiered or conservation -based system, <br />resulting in leaving the cutoff at 30,000. Mr. Miller noted that attempts had also <br />been made with higher rates during the summer, assuming higher usage would hit <br />the mark, with year-round and summer incentives tried over the last years, none of <br />which resulted in any dramatic consumption either. <br />Member Wozniak referenced the Xcel Energy letters to customers comparing their <br />energy consumption with their neighbors, and asked if something similar would be <br />an effective tool or get people thinking about their water usage. Member Wozniak <br />suggested a pilot project to begin with rather than attempting to cover the whole <br />city. <br />Mr. Miller noted that idea, opining it was worth a conversation, and offered his <br />support for any education or awareness campaign that proved effective. <br />With Chair Stenlund noting the different billing cycles throughout the City, Mr. <br />Miller clarified that there are three sections or quadrants receiving quarterly billing, <br />but advised typical customers could still be alerted, even though it was a moving <br />target. Mr. Miller stated he noted such a pilot program to pursue with the City <br />Council as an idea from the PWETC. <br />Referencing additional graphs showing fee comparisons among peer communities <br />in first -ring suburbs serving a population between 18,000 and 50,000 with stand- <br />alone water systems and not simply an extension of a larger entity's system, Mr. <br />Miller provided an annual review. However, Mr. Miller offered a huge caveat by <br />noting such comparisons were difficult on an "apples to apples" basis, depending <br />on different preferences, funding for services and program, and service levels. Mr. <br />Miller reported that part of this comparison included the age of each community's <br />infrastructure and maintenance/repair and replacement cycle. As an example, Mr. <br />Miller noted the City of Woodbury would not be a good comparison with the City <br />of Roseville based on the difference in age of the infrastructure, with the majority <br />of the City of Woodbury's infrastructure only 20 years old. <br />Mr. Miller reported that the City of Roseville's rates were obviously higher <br />compared to some peer communities — and intentionally so — during this CIP <br />funding mode. Mr. Miller noted that other influences also came into play among <br />communities in the peer group, including assessment philosophies as well. Mr. <br />Miller noted that the City of Roseville does not currently assess customers for <br />water/sewer infrastructure, with customers in Roseville paying for those costs <br />through rates versus assessments, which was not the case in all communities <br />depending on their assessment policies. Mr. Miller noted that the City of Roseville <br />provided pre -softened water as purchased from the City of St. Paul that customers <br />didn't have as an added expense. While some of those variables may seem small, <br />Page 9 of 18 <br />
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