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Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
1/27/2016 8:45:23 AM
Creation date
1/27/2016 8:44:38 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
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currently being received by the city would expire of its own accord. Without that <br />being a condition, Mr. Kroll advised that the rate structure versus capacity credit <br />for solar would mean that the total dollar amount would be greater on the capacity <br />credit side versus that of the current rate structure. Mr. Kroll noted that this was <br />based on his preliminary discussions with Xcel to -date. <br />As a point of information, Member Wozniak noted that earlier in the summer of <br />2015, the city heard two proposals for solar array installation, and had chosen <br />Sundial based on the lucrative option for the city to buy the system or have it gifted <br />to the city after 5-6 years. <br />Mr. Culver clarified that there were two elements involved. Mr. Culver noted that <br />the other proposer required upfront financing by the City, anticipated at $200,000 <br />to $250,000 as part of their PPA, and only aportion of the system would be installed <br />under that PPA, with the other half of the system purchased upfront by the city. <br />Under that option, Mr. Culver advised that the cash flow beyond a potential net <br />positive in year one was not as favorable, especially when requiring upfront <br />financing. <br />At the request of the PWETC as to timing in final approval, Mr. Kroll advised that <br />the only time constraint was the expiration of the tax credits at the end of 2016. <br />However, if he was able to obtain the necessary information to bring back a final <br />contract for review at the PWETC's January 2016 meeting, Mr. Kroll anticipated <br />timing would still be okay. Mr. Kroll advised that he planned to meet with the <br />investor mid-December and offered to set up the PWETC meeting him if they so <br />wished to do so. <br />For the purpose of the PWETC, Chair Stenlund and Member Cihacek clarified the <br />purpose of the proposed motion was to obtain final numbers for the PWETC to <br />respond to and then recommending approval of the PPA to the City Council to <br />allow the process to move to design engineering. <br />Ayes: 7 <br />Nays: 0 <br />Motion carried. <br />At the request of Chair Stenlund, Mr. Kroll reviewed his credentials and <br />background in this business, as well as that of Sundial Solar. Mr. Kroll advised that <br />he had worked with Sundial and Mr. John Cramer, its owner, since 1999, with the <br />company having a national presence beyond Minnesota, having done over 200 <br />installations to -date. <br />In addition, Mr. Kroll advised that Sundial had about two dozen contracts under <br />maintenance at this time, one of which is the IKEA building in Bloomington, MN, <br />their largest standard panel technology rooftop installation in the State of MN to - <br />date. Mr. Kroll advised that Sundial prided itself on being the top maintenance <br />Page 10 of 18 <br />
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