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� � � <br />�in#� �r�lopr�eent Curporation <br />M� M 0 R A N D U M <br />TO: F'orum Rpartment Residents <br />FROM: Jim John�ton, Pointe Development Corpo <br />DATE: Novembex 23, 1987 <br />SU�JECT': Hamline Avenue Screen Wall <br />------------------------�_�-__--------�---------------------------- <br />Some Forur� r�sicients haWe expre�sed concern and ia�ritation <br />over the �:ffe�t of the n�w Hamline Avenue screen wall on access <br />to the �iTC lbus stop. I bel�.eve that it is important to <br />e�cknowledg� thet �h� wall is b�ing constructed under the require- <br />ments s�t dowa� by the City of Roseville in its iinal `1985/1986 <br />ei�e �lan app�ov�l for the en�ir� i�o�� Pointe propsrty, <br />W� apoiagizo for th� inconver�ience that the wall creates for <br />bu�ric�er�. How�ver, w� beYieve �hs� the visual, p=ivacy, and <br />security benef.�t� the wall offers to a�.i resieients outweigh the <br />oth�r f�ctors. <br />Th� bus acc�s� probl�m will be r�sol�ed with the <br />install�tian af a�i���walk from �he e�st �ntrance of the Forum to <br />�hc� new sidewalk adj�c�nt tn ttie n�w �air� era���ri�c to Rose <br />Pofnt�. Thi� s,�dew�lk will be constructed in 1988 as soon as <br />�re�ther permits. <br />Thank �ou �gain for your patience during the remodeling and <br />conB�ruction. � <br />3WJ/scs <br />5Q11 t-lyaq Nbrclkandise Mart/1300 Nicollet IVI�II/Minneapol�s, MN 55a03/Tel�ph�ne 612/375-1818 <br />Tf������e rr G i�?/i i5 • ��`� i8 <br />