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a <br />.�����d��t# �f �ubltc�iiu.� <br />��t�ie o� �fiinne�ut� <br />C�ou��tt� of �nt�eg �s. <br />N. Theod��re I,i1,1,ie <br />, being duly sworn, on oath says that <br />he/she is the publisher or authorized agent and employee of the <br />pubiisher of the newspaper <br />known as � RoaeYi� 1� RPyi� , and has full knowledge of 4he facts which <br />are stated below: <br />(A) 'P'he riewspaper has complied with all of the requir�ments constituting qualification as <br />a quaiified newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A.02, 331A.07, and other applicable <br />laws, as amendecJ. <br />(B) The �rinted _NOt3.Ce Of Pub1iC HP�r� <br />which is attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and v�as printod and <br />published <br />ance each week, for 1 successive weeks; it was iirst <br />published on �u�8d83t �� the <br />��h day nf MB,i'Ch 1 g _gb , and was thereafter printed and <br />� published on every <br />to and including , the day of � g <br />� ; and printed <br />below is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is hereby <br />acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used ln the composition and pubtication of thA <br />notice: <br />. <br />' abcaelghi�klmnopqrstuvwxyz <br />BY: %r� t�`Lc' c� CG'c%�-Z� .. <br />—'--- ��-e—�--� <br />TITLE: _ �/%� �C` N� / <br />Subscribed and sworn to before me on <br />this 25th day of I�a2`Ch ,� g $� <br />hlotary ublia / <br />"Alpfiabat should be in the �ame size �►nd klnd of type as the notice. <br />li(AAA/1AAAA/�AnAAAAAnnAnAAAA:.nAnAA 1� <br />� ;-��: �[ATRICES. EAk)C�i� > <br />� t;otdry r�blic > <br />��-.��.t,."�'?j Rynyay Coi;n;��, MN � RATE INFOF�MATION <br />< 'e•�s1 �,, M Cntnm, kxpiros � <br />'��� � Sopt, G, 1891 <br />�vvvvvrrvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwvvvv� <br />(1) Lowest classified rato paid by <br />commercfal users for comparable space . . . . . . . . . <br />. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9.34 per col. inch <br />(2) Maxfmum rat� allowed by law for the above matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <br />. . .$6.40 per cof. inch <br />(3) Rate actually charged for the above matter . , , , , . _ . . <br />............$ <br />M �48f@��`L'��w <br />�rw �f�__ <br />per col. inch <br />