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! <br />April 1, 1986 <br />City Cauncil <br />c/o City of Rvseville <br />2660 Civic Center Drive <br />imsevi.11e, Minnesota 55113 <br />Mayor Denx�s and City Ca�ncil M�ers : <br />An item scheduled for discussion at the April 9, 1986 Planning Ccamiss�.o� <br />m�eting and the Apri.l 14, 1986 City Cainci.l meetinc� c:cmcerns tihe Property at <br />2595 t�amline Avenue, current citre of the Forum A��nts and the Proposod <br />i�ose Pointe Develaprnnt. We own prapert�.y adjoining thi.s parcel oorY the northeast <br />sxde. <br />On March 31, 1986, Mr. Craig Waldrodn, Planning and Dv�amie D�velaPm�nt <br />Manager for the City of l�rriile, suggested a lettQx b� �rritt�en if w�e could <br />n� attend thes� meetings. Zl'iis letter should not be canstru�d as co�rnnt <br />cn any of th� new requests for variances to be discussed a� t-hes� meetinga. <br />H��+rav�s, sirx�e w� may not b� able to attend th��e ar meet.ings sct�eduled in <br />the future, w� want t�o assur+� that �e follo�aing items ra�ain as previausly <br />a9reed• <br />We, th� wx3ersigned, want to make it �lc�s tn the m�x-s of �ille's <br />City C3Qincil, City staff ar�d th� Pointe c�v�l.�t (brporati�n �hat w� +�nt <br />a fer�e b�tween our p�roQerti�:s and th�t a� 2545 i�mlinc3 Av�nu� t3orth. Tfi�� <br />feru.�e is �o be irastal.led a�r�d maintained by Fointe Devel�t �o►rp�ora�tian at <br />th�ir exp�nse. <br />�is w�►� di�cusst��d at the c�c;t�b�r 2, 1985 m� of t�he Plannir�g Oarmis�i� <br />of the Cf ty of �v31 le and an ozYal agrec�nt to tliis ef f�c� w�s mad� b��ween <br />the repres�ntatives Af the Foixtte ['�velo�pment C�arpoac�tion and tha ur�deraigr�d. <br />'Ifi� representatives stat,�d they had planr�r�d to co�tru�ct a p�rti�l brick �11 <br />�lc�g i�aml.ira� Avenue �d t1�t it would be ea�sy tro contuau� sane�hing s3milnr <br />alc� the south side of the Fri�per�ty bein9 d�veloQe�. <br />Anathex ��ec�sun�errd�tion rr�c�e f x�m� tha P1aruYing C�missi� �nd, we b�l i�, <br />affirn�eci by the City C�ouncil was tMa� a�drie�ay/p�rkinc� sPaces wvuld no� <br />Qxist � the south side of th� ProF��Y' ��9 d�O� • <br />