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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Roseville City Council
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Special City Council Meeting <br />Wednesday, December 16, 2015 <br />Page 5 <br />Public Works Director Marc Culver displayed a map of the Twin Lakes Redevel- <br />opment Area storm sewer infrastructure as it currently exists, along with the area <br />of the proposed development project, and location of Langton Lake. Mr. Culver <br />stated that staff's intent for this specific language was to clarify that there would <br />be no additional outlets for stormwater drainage, and that any infrastructure de- <br />veloped on the site would connect to existing stormwater structures on Mt. Ridge <br />Road, and keep the intent for constructed stonnwater infrastructure. Mr. Culver <br />further clarified that language stipulated that any existing grading or any re- <br />grading would be required to be modified or constructed to drain away from <br />Langton Lake, and that the applicant ineet a higher standard, insuring meeting <br />volumes for a 2" rainfall event. <br />At the request of Mayor Roe, Mr. Culver confirmed that the existing stormwater <br />under Mt. Ridge Road did not drain into Langton Lake, but drained into a pond <br />further north. <br />At the request of Councilmember Laliberte, Mr. Culver confirmed that he had <br />been party to crafting this expanded language for Condition E. <br />Thomas W. LaSalle, President and CEO of LaSalle Group Limited <br />As owner representative for the applicant, Mr. LaSalle expressed some confusion <br />with Mr. Culver's explanation and rationale for expanded Condition E, noting this <br />was their initial look at it. <br />Mayor Roe provided clarification by noting that while the current city standard <br />for treating stormwater volume is not as high as a 2" rain event, the applicant <br />would be asked to increase their standard to address a 2" rain event, for the pur- <br />pose of dealing with a potentially greater volume. <br />Mr. Culver concurred, noting that the current standard was for 1.1" of treatment <br />and volume control, but the 2" condition would address rate control measures <br />through the applicant's creation of a pond or ditch to hold the runoff for such a <br />larger rain event. Mr. Culver agreed with Mayor Roe's further clarification that <br />this condition was intended to apply to any portion of the site not able to be re- <br />graded. <br />Mr. LaSalle noted that the applicant didn't intend to touch the eastern boundary of <br />the property; questioning what impact this condition then had for them. <br />Mr. Culver advised that, as the applicant designed their site and stormwater infra- <br />structure for the site, they may want to put in extra pipes to access the existing <br />stormwater system. <br />
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