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� �� <br />� <br />:; °:'.; <br />V�}TICl: AF I�UBLI� 11EA1tINC <br />'t�J WfR?M IT NAY CONC�iV: <br />Notic4 is hereby givcan; th�t the Nlannin� C�amission of the Yilla�te <br />�f R�savil�o, 2741 Nortl� Lexin�ton AvBnuc, itosovillc� :�tinnesota, <br />wiil meet at i:�I, Wednosdsy, Aup,ust 2, 1967, at the Vi11aAe <br />lis�ll to consider tite fo�loxing raquest: <br />flivisian of a p3a�ted parcel located at 471 ?i�nnesota dlyed <br />ancl 47U �.ovell Avenues which �s le�ally ��cribec� as follows: <br />LEGA�L UESCRIPTION: <br />The 4a 2 acro� o� �.h� t� 1/2 of the S�V 1/4 of th� <br />NB 1/a of the StJ 1J4 0£ Sectfan 12, To�mship 29, <br />Ran�o Z3, Sub► joct to Rds, and �asee�entso <br />� <br />!� a o a�n 'agei . _ <br />