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�� <br />C�Be I�o. 62�18 - continued <br />Ti►es� propartiea ar� conti�uous hc� i3igh��y 36 and �tculd �.e <br />aub�tBnCielly �ut•off b� the pro��s�:d plaC �li�o�in4 c�ily �os <br />the continued uae of aa exf.�ting 3Q` �ESe�enC fra� T,o���li <br />Aven� to the properel�s in qu�etian. 45�� sk���l��. The <br />appiicanrs have aubmitted a secoad �et ai drac�in�� c�•hich <br />indicate vith a red pgncil th� proA���c1 subdi�.�isxon �� tre <br />sautherly portiion of �he�,.r properti�}� indicating a�0� str��t <br />soutb of Lwa11 Avene�e and a 40' atr�4�t con��.�isous to the <br />�igtr�ty right-of��W�y Co aerve �s acca�s for the "IIa�Ce�r and �8cob�on <br />prop�rtie�'�. Thus, �na have t�o subd:�visior► pl��s befor� c�s, the <br />e�cond of �hich indicate� a diff�r�n�: develo�ineu� proposal. €oz the <br />nursing home caaplex for which � gpd�:ia1 use p�:�� t ia r�questsd. <br />b. T�Ihis que�Cion of access to these l.;o�d-locked , �.e p��ha�e <br />t� �ajor �questiox� of �he p a�. �i�.�inus y� there ma;st e an rt icatian <br />o� � c p an � gro�ros ox pr�: ral. ih�re is obv�ou� cons�.d�rable <br />m�eri� �n Che second plan in-ea-�muci, as it c��uld app��r ea eolv� Che <br />a�c+cse� qus�tion �o two difficul� g;.�r..�s af propertya <br />7. T'her� is a su��tantial ponding eres ��n �h� �.�ster�.y porti.csn of th� <br />p�roperCq �ah�ch m�:rits careful cQnsi�l.:rs�•lon in xe�.�tion to �� <br />e�tYeeC p�tttern a�nd the run-ofcf qu��t ion. A tem�oxr�ry acc�eas is <br />r��qu�e�xed £ran Grandvi�w A�renue to �,oveZl �venue rou o <br />aa t propose p .. , g a qu��Cion of timing �f tt�s� <br />c�enst�rucl�i�n o �Sndv�e�r A�venu�, �r�d Lovell �`.v@nur� (�sa�ing Chat <br />� Cempor�ry access is pr�pased to r�aFala.ce tt3e ��st�rly �xtea�ioA <br />af-Lave11 Avgnu��. <br />B. Reso�inA of Prots�rtv from "R-1" t4 `R-3" <br />��iA /� � ��� �pi � �r� � � .►���r <br />1. Th#.s Yezoni�g was oxiginally cvr�r,id����:d in F�ay of 1960 �t �hich �im� <br />tbe zoni�g was requ�sted anly fr,r �he �:auth 2b4° c�f the p�rcel naro - <br />�n quu�stio�x� A� that t� xhe s;onir�g ��s noe �ccc,�apsnied by 8 <br />r�velopwent or a gla� and lackxng t����e es�en�ial it�ms in thig <br />particul�►r case the aarsi�g w8t; turned do�i. <br />2. �►t th� �tisu� of tha zoning con�id�Ya�ion ii� 1960 t�e nur�in� hc�ac <br />�ropa�eai was tao''be o�►�� and ape�aL•ed by n non profie organization. <br />'�his 3.s, df cour�e, mes�in�f►sl :Ln te�m s u� th� po�en�ial �� ssset <br />�� rtr��develap�aeat. We undo���and that tn� current pr�posal is <br />�C3�at a� a Caxable � corporsticm. This q�:��ian sheu e.�sc�r�a ned � <br />s <br />r�ith the pe on�rs 1 0� infor���8�#.on, ` <br />;� -_ 3. �ne of the �rrincipai �e�itu af the �nd i�s gruposed �Qni�ag is <br />tha� Che develvp�rs have tals�en a la�ge �;rea of i�ud and by d�a'�elapis�g _ <br />aingle f�miTp within �hat a�ea h�v� achl�ved � z�#,ng� � lan� �a���� " <br />,, . - ��aris�.��.a� �f�hia �h�f� �a« ��apeLty . ���.s i� 3c�, b� c�,:ssg� i� �sra� � <br />�aiong� the rear lot liuee of th� a�ine sin,�le €�mily lots to b� p�a��ed <br />$outh �af Gr��dvie� Avenu�. Z``h�re �s th� fur�hex merit thAt tta� dev��op- <br />= �en� a� prop�sed appears to fiC w�1]. to a lo�� aarror� tract coiitiguous :. <br />,_ <br />µ <br />s <br />a`f � . . . -- � <br />i� . <br />�� <br />C;� � . . . . . � . <br />�G, . . . , � .� . . . .. , .. . . . _. . <br />�^ <br />� .: <br />� <br />�:. <br />T:. <br />�i <br />i <br />. . . . . .. . — ' wy� <br />L( �� <br />_ . $ Z ��� <br />?Y ' <br />I - j t��S <br />'� ''�� <br />. .. .. - . _ .. _ . . . � � . .._ Y__`-+.�*..� �'.,r i _�` <br />