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6 <br />� <br />7 <br />� <br />� • . <br />� <br />- �� <br />The S. 2F4 feet of the N. 592.63 reet oi the �Y. z o� the N�V� of the S�T�� ' <br />Sec."11, T. 29, R. 23 -- <br />Ap�arent record owner; J�hn I. t4�arkus. .,2,3 S�'',�%� c���' - <br />That part o� the NNT� o� Si9� of Sec. 11, T. 29, R. 23 descriUed as <br />N1 <br />follQtivs: Commeneing at a point �5G.63 fee�; S. and 1359 feet E. o� -�he <br />NW corner oi said ?� � Sec., being the SE corner o� pz•emises deseribed <br />as the S. 264 feet o� the N, 850.63 feet of said �� Sec. , a•unn�.ng <br />thence N, along Etly line of said premzses being alsa the �T°I.y line' <br />of Cha`ts�rorth St. as e�tendec� Sou�hward a distance o� 210 i��t to a� >r� <br />point on Vl' ly of Chatswor�h St. within th� inte�section: t�f : I�gv.ell. `� <br />Ave, and Chatsworth St. , running �hence 4"�' ly 30 �e�t perpendxcu3:aa�� ta <br />�; the line last described, th�e��ce running S. 21(? �eet parallel to 1ix�e; � <br />t� f irs� descr3.bed to a point oiz S' 1y line of said premases, ihence ;� <br />;� runnin� �. 30 �eet to point oi beginnzng; '`�;� <br />�� The Id. 3 rods �� S. 1C?8 rods af j�l. 80 rods o� SW� o� aec, 11, 7C. 29, r; <br />�� �. 230 ► ubject �Lo High�vay #36 - ; � <br />�� �,ppa�eiit recurd owner: George �. Jacabson and �da C. Jacobsfln,; L� <br />� husband and wi�e (as j oint �enants) , +� ..� ,+� �. ' x � <br />} c •'�"" � /" . $. J� e �� ��,,,:�'w�l+�rs'�` ;,; <br />S �� Lot .17, B1ock� 2, C.VJ. l�ichae7. �e�;ondAddition - : . ' ��� <br />... <br />;�:. -- . ;�� , Apparen� record vwner; C.W. Michael and Ann� �rl. Mich:a�l, hxs 1����+�.,;: <br />�� (as joint � tenants. ,� "'J t'' ' ��' <br />z,. ;�'c�..� o�'��^""�..�' �,,,�.��'�'�` �.���+�:� �; <br />i � � � .; <br />' ' ic <br />�: 9 �� I,ot 1�� ,�31oc1� 2, G.W. Michae7, S�corad �dditxon - , 1{ <br />�� A�pareut �ecord awne�; He�man Buz�ican and ��xah Burtan, his w�.��� �; <br />, � . �� , ; <br />., ` �� _ (�s �r�int tenants) . .,: <br />� � ��' <br />- � Yy "�: . . � � `. � . .�. . : . :. . . <br />�g � i <br />�.0 �4 L�� 1.9, Bloc% 2, C.�'�.Micha�l �ecv�cl 'l��ddi.�tion �- , ; <br />,� � Apparen� record ownez°; Herrnan Bur�ion anc� �a�.na�i Burtan, k�xs Wz��� �,: <br />-y- �� (as ,� oint �C�xian�s) • % 5�G r� , ,: <br />�, <br />��` .� �c�,���"�'"'" , � °';�; <br />, � � . - ' , . l 15 � � <br />'- '„ .�;1. '� L�t 2Q� S3.ock 2 C.Yr. Michae�. Second Addition - �' <br />� ` ;� <br />_ �.. = Appax`ent record ownex; Carl �'. N�agnuson and ble G,Magnusbn, ;; �, �'F, <br />; � ,. <br />,_, husband and wi�e, (as jaint tenants) .,�"� �� �a�����;��».�„�' `�`;; <br />� _ ,�7 # � <br />� �,2" `:. ;� Lat 219 Block �, C•tiY- Michae1s �econd Add�,�tin - ; ; � <br />;+' '�""" ::. �${� App�reni r�cord o�vner; Raber-ts Canstruction C. (Mi�n.' Cor�rxac��a���� <br />. ���� F'�4e �'' � � �g�� `�y,� ..' �t �5���. <br />..., � � . . .. . � . - �- py t �'j��a£��M*^he �f �M' �'6%ik � �' <br />1�� `� Lo� 22, B1o�c1� 2, C.S11. Mich�el ��cond Addil:ion- � , '��' <br />�y. <br />� _APparent recor"ci owner: Iionald R. H�rrick anct M vis M. He�^;��.c�;_ �' ` <br />� .�. � �� ��- �� � � �� <br />i. . husband and wife, {as jaint tenants) . ,�� G�'.� , � �� { �,; <br />"' � i r'�'er7' ��C ,�1� rar=,c % �".•e -�o cu iz � ��=� � /dr,.f� ��s � �r,n�, �' ��5 �� �„ ; <br />; < , �7,-� ,�J^e�.�+.,- i .; t ',' ,'�< <br />�,:� Lot� 23, �7.oc1�, 2, G. ��1. Michae�. � s��acond 'Addi�ion -- 4�'c. �: <br />:� App�rent r�cord _owne�: Geo�ge L. Lesl�.e and Loyo].a B, .�,e��:�.e, :� ;;a., <br />" husband and wa�e, (as joint �ez ants},.' ,�,_, �.�. �, � � „ �: <br />' f'`�' : <br />"� � ,�yw.�r �"!�w�sl4„�5<`tr '= FY�.ii"�+�5olyli !� h1A <br />�' � f . Y,, . `...; . . : - . . .. � . � lr. � (� ` : <br />7 � � . . . � r � �. <br />�� �.�� .�� La� 2� Bloc� 2 C.�Y. M�.chael's Second Addita.on. - ` ` i�; <br />�,`, ', � ! � �,' : 7 ' � ��. � � � �: ,, � <br />� ' �3pParent r�co�d owner: James F: &�adden an+d x�e�.da A � .-Madd��, , , f � � <br />{:. � � �' husband : and ` wife, ias j'a�,nt tonants) .' ,�''�� .�'�'`�° r��`�b��� t <,� ' �a; <br />� , ��, <br />s:' , _ � � <br />` 1�6 Lot 25, �lo�k 2, C.W. M�,chAel S�cond �iddita.on -- � ` `�` {, r4'.=,; <br />'�..� �Sp�arQnt recor.d o�vner; k�en:ry A. �eedy; Jr. ax�d L�Vonx�e �'. 1��e+dy' ;�; t�2; <br />r �� �,;: husband and wife (a� j a�.nt tenan�s) . � " � ; ,t � f'�� <br />�� � �� ���� �'���. <br />, -; z t�i< y`5 <br />x.. �.' r t � x� ts �� <br />y 1? ,., Loi 26, B1oc1� 2, C.�"�. Mich�e3. �econd Addi�:i.on - ; f������ <br />, ;, , , . . � � <br />�5 � ��� <br />, �,- Appaarei�t� xec�,x�d; ow�er; B�ernaxd C. Eb��� .an:d Ce�a.�.�:`a �:: Ebe�*��, ��Z��w?£;� <br />���hi�;�:�tiva,���e, C�as ,���"oint;� -�enants) . �' �' ���3 ,� � ��'`'� r�����: `�'.,� ,, � �tiro������r�� <br />4� �y �.� w'i <br />:- r . . . ' . t / '.. ��1C�rv�'�p <br />y <br />1'� ; I,ot 2?-� B1.oek� 2, , C.'6Y . Michael . S�cand A r�dxta.on - „��t����,-.��H <br />'� Apparent record. �wner: �ittr�y �. LeTourneau and Gladys„'i. ��c�u��.���� <br />F a <br />j ! .'. Y�� y �F� i �� <br />�',, '�',. �hus�arz�i and ; waL��, ias J ��nt ten�nts) • ,,o�� � ,� � � ' ► ��,���"� <br />,,,; . ���� �z,-y,.� <br />r�� �: tr `�'��, � <br />uL `� 19 .� Lot 2�, 131ock 2, C.V`d. Mi.chael Second Ac�di�i�on � ; �r � y�;,��� <br />�';� ' ' ; A p p a r� i a t r e c o� d o w n e r; G� o r g e A. S c�.u1;�;e. axid � ax g are�.`, A-� 5����.� �'' , <br />, , ,,,,,; <br />, , �, ,������� . <br />�a� �`fli�at tenan�ts) y^ ��/ �t,;�� : ` ` <br />�f/� � F 4r <br />� � .�.Y �� � : �.��� F '� . ,V.'� �������MNWrP'M'Vjq+N� i�� � ..2c L ���-. <br />',� . ..,. � . , �. , . S y �, �Kr rii' n`4�'f— <br />�>' r . � � . . � ' � � � <br />�'a � 29 2 C W. Mlchael �econd �,d�di�tion � �'������� <br />2ti ,: Lt�t ; i �1oGk , . , <br />x;. , � �� .a <br />� ;�Appa�ex�t ;r9cord o�vner; ` C.�,i��o�rd L. G�eon ,ax�d �arbaxa �. G�"���F�`:�F�ry�� <br />�:{ ; , _ , �, i�,� i ���� <br />�;, r hus�an�' nc�-'wife.,. (as a�.n-� ter�arx�:s) �j ;� ,� `r 7 ,�,r ��y�,�ri.� <br />�; 1 .i ' �. �'.., • ������ J �:��' � ( 5^J�� <br />`vy � 7 �� � ��' y K �� "'AZ'�{� <br />� t ' � i ':.t � � ' x ��.: z a-�'�4'��k� <br />K'• d., 4 p . 'p�+�;,��r` ���,'' i� �. <br />," �� i � � 1 - �. '. 5F L y��i ji' id�Y9 <br />JS 41 1� � �• �i� �a <br />.t,( 11 d' , 1 � . �s, e y�'� n� tiy+rx <br />`'7T ��. ?'.. � . - . . r... . � . . .:'. . . . . .,. . .�. . . . . , . „ ,. . , ._._...�fva.��r�0��4i .,,r:"�,.$�i?�..�,..�".i�?St�.sv�:5:'daac"yiSM�.'l;,�'� ..�.. .. _..- - <br />. V �3 "�' f � , � . �.t ., <br />