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a . . <br />A PRUPOSI�L <br />To amend Lhe �1�..1..1.�.�n t%�da of Iioseville to establish a special use for "Planned <br />Develc�Fm�i��, Pr'o,�;E:�c�:a't as fo�.lows: <br />S�C`.P.TON 13.'?��� Pla��lned Ds'r°�-, �men� �'o '�cts in J3M1A I--1 and I-2 I�is�z�icts <br />'1�iy� ��rpose of �this sec�:�on of th� Zonin� Ordinance is to establ�ih <br />����•;��.� a�c,rzs for t�e �rantin� o:C a sp�cial pc�rmzt t� provide a mul <br />pl.� 'b��ildin�'; facility or sin�;10 ��lanned c1����e7..opr+�;nu project, and <br />t�:i.�:�h res�r7_c�ive con�ra�! � �o b�tt�r prp�ect� �djacen�� development <br />�rad ins�x�r.� hi�h standarc�s of developmont in accordanc� wi�hrlatelte- <br />�;�r��.tc�d des:i�n and coordinated phyaical plan �-rhlch �.s appr p Y <br />:l,ocat,c�d. and in accordance �aith the followirig conditions. <br />, .(�.) A. r�arnplete si�e plan of �thd planned development projocllsbuildin s <br />,�d zaY�i ch p1an 5ha11 sho�r pr�posacl locat_on of a �, <br />pZrka.xi� arQas, dr�ivea and l.andsca�ed �.reas and shall bo subject to <br />- ap�:�r. o val o i the Co�ncil o <br />� j 'I�i:�,� Ca� ��hal1 r�afer su ch �lan to �,he Plannin�; Comm:i.ssion �or <br />� � d suc�h add:itional conditions as the <br />��t.: ;r.i :� �a anr� T'8 C C�1�1111�11C.iu ta ons an <br />Gc�unr.i:l rnay clir�ct to protect t1'�n g�nQral welf�re may be imposed <br />�y I.�,t�a �aunc�.l b <br />, <br />(.3i '1'h� t;;zear,t oF land for which a project �s propos��� and a perr�.t <br />r.��c7uf.,�t�d sh�11 b� nat loas �tho f Qt in)f'ronta�;enonTa�publica� <br />a m�...r�..�,�um o f thr� e hundre cl ( 30 ) <br />�-:��c>.r. c�u���f'ar� o <br />(Z�j U�;�� shall include only t�hose uses ]_istod a5 perrr�itted and special <br />u,'=,�; :in tr,e cii st.rict in wh�_ch the pra jec�r, is pa,or�osed. <br />(�;) T10 pa.rlcin� of' vahi.cles srial.l be l.�ss than fo�rt,y feat��from�ra„property <br />1�n� excep�F, adjac�nt ta or across the str.eet from a B <br />Da.4�t�,�t°�c��h� in which case par��.n� areas o�� driveways may 'oe within <br />1('� t ea � of ti1�� pr��ope.rty line . <br />(f�) td'nr�x�:� a f'ront ;�a.rdp or a�ide yard of a corne:r l.o�t;� face� a resi- <br />��;jl�,��,� �i..;t��a.ct ac.ross a stree�, tha bu�ild:i.n� sc,t--bacl: f.rom that <br />�:�.r•�:e�}. sha11 ba r�ot l.ess than 1�0 feet and. no parlc�..n� shall Ue <br />:! �� 5.� than 1�0 f��t from such s ti~��ts e <br />r � �,4 �?ar��.i.n� ar.e�,s t�ontaining moz� than ss.x (6) �ar�s .hal.l. be effect- <br />( i') ,._. <br />�.-�1 y�t:r��ned on t,ho side ad�acen�t� to r�sic��n�,2al areas or across <br />t.��c� �, t,�r.��a�;� from residen�:ia1 area� � <br />� I';�;:t.��r l.� t,he ��suance oF bui]d.i..n�; p�rrnits a landsc�pe plan. indicating <br />(t�, <br />�t:,-�:ai�.�a d�sign and spc�czes of planting an e1 Councilo treatment shall <br />�h sixbmzt�tedy subject to th� approval of th <br />