� �S�i�i�A*'s�R�piC.a-ry ��F�' C, "3 '1 - . ... h�-�a+'x ��.^' .�M`�i�'1}`x . ±�. �?Y'Y h �.i:3���
<br />L.a 4 iN : # ' � _ ,. . . - 5},;,'
<br />�. c-::.,;.�..�1 �s�+2�,n� , _ - a a,. . _ .: . . � . . � . . - . ,
<br />5 . . . _ . . . . . � .. . ..
<br />��•
<br />. ,u ,-:'n '4 � „v . �,������
<br />�
<br />- . �n 3 ��';
<br />��`'� . �e �i
<br />�40.30, 3t�a.31, �o.��, 3�0.323, 340.33, 3l�0.34, 340.35,
<br />.31�0.35.�, 340.35l�, 34��.355 31,o.35br 340.357, 3t�o.36
<br />($ubd. 2 on7,Y), 3I.�0.37, 3�t0.3a, 31�0.39, 340.40 34o.l�Ol,
<br />340��402, 3�a.4v3, 340�401�, 340.l�05, 3i�o.t��6, 3�io.l�a7,
<br />31�0.1�1, 31�0.493, 340.50, 340.51, 31�0.52, 31�Om53,
<br />340.54, 3�0.55, 340.56, 31�0.57� 34ow5g, 3�0.59, �40.�0,
<br />.+��i�`�
<br />r
<br />��� ,� i
<br />(corr� � n, ) ;:
<br />31t0.b01, 340.62, 3l�0.63, 340.6 , 31�0.6�9, 340.70, 340.71,
<br />; 340.73, 340 .75, 31�0. ?9, 31�0 .�0, 31�0.82, 31�0.8�, 340. E36,
<br />340.95, 340.97,63�09 071, �4osubd� 2l�0.973, 340.978,
<br />340.975, 31�0.97 , 3�s 977, C . �Y), 340.97 .
<br />;� II .
<br />� �.
<br />Section 151.11Q of the Village Cnde of the Village of Roseville }`'
<br />- ;.
<br />. i� hereby repealed.
<br />zza. � :
<br />_ .�:
<br />r
<br />Sect�.ons 151.�.1.4 through 151,113 of the Village Code of the <,: ,
<br />_ 'Vil]rage.;of Rosevi:Ll� are h�Qb� added t,o read a� fo17�.�wss r,l
<br />���
<br />1��..11A. Permit Fradn I,i or Control Com�niasioner. It sha].l. Y�
<br />`;�, he un,l�rful for an:�' pr va c or p c p ce,� rec ar indirectly �;
<br />� <
<br />ar upon� an�y p�etense or by any device to a1.l�r the cox�aumr,ption or dis- ���
<br />`` 1 of . irr�ox�.cati 1i: uoor or the serv of ��`��
<br />�4 P�' n8 q , ing ar�y' liquid for the purpose r�
<br />i; af mi�c3.ng xit4� in�toxic�ting liqwar w3.thaut fir�t securing :a permit from the ��
<br />�, `:I,iquor -Contral Co�issioner and P�y'ing the annual fee as provided in thi.s : � . ,`. ��,�
<br />"`�' ordi.na�ce S� �
<br />hr � � � � � � ,,��
<br />� �:�,:.
<br />; ;. �
<br />}�s 151.111. Fee. E�c��ry private club or public place deairing :�fi,� ';° ��
<br />� allo�r the vonaum tion ar dis 1� o.� �.ntoxicatin , 1i ``"`�
<br />� � P F Y g quor stisll on ox befacre �
<br />Ju1y 1 of e�ah year pay to tha v�.11age treasurer a fee af Three Hundred 4��'
<br />fls �� , �
<br />�� Do�ars (�3Q0) and sia�ll be i�aa. ed a tarittsn re��ipt �herefor. If a '����
<br />;{ �
<br />'' �; port3.on of the y+ear ha� elapsed when P&ymer�t is made, a. pro ra�a f�e sha.11 '�<�� ;�
<br />'� -be pa1d,• but ru� 'suah pro rata fea shall be accepted fram any' P�'ivat$ club �`` `f ��i�
<br />A ` :" ' . . . . � - . ' . I � ;7�
<br />or public �1ace which has triolat�d section 151.7.1U o�' thia ordinance. , :.� ��
<br />� . In comput�.ng �uuch .fee;, a�un�xpired f`ractian of a mont�hi ��hall be: co�mputed ;�;,�k
<br />The x'ritt;ern receipt ehall be posted ixz some conspicuou�s `{� ��.�'�
<br />� as one mc�nth, y rri��
<br />`� Iace on t�ie �ni , ; , > ��
<br />�`` �p uP � ses along9ide the permi: � i�sured b�r the L�.quo� Qont,ral � k
<br />��
<br />?� ; ;: Camm3seic�er �n� aha1:1 � .kept poeted at all timea. ' ' : � ;X'��
<br />$' . . ., SS i ��.�
<br />fi . . .. � .. ' . -. .�. . �. -. . �.�. " �. f9} �
<br />, rt .� � �. , . .. . . .. . �. �. . � : � . f 3""ui{
<br />a� 1�1, i12., e� For . Zns ction, Ar�y pr�.rrate club or public '�1ace t; ���f����
<br />� tx ' a3.lowing .:the c�nsump �n., or �P �y' o. intox3.cat� liquor shall be open � �� ",��
<br />� ti£5rfi�
<br />' at a71 re�eona��le howrs for ��"[)ection b ti�s t,i('��or Control Co�nniaei,�r�r ` i�'��
<br />�.l :- _ . _" .�i' . . �. � . . . . �':"� . . .. . �.. t� �y+h,. ?
<br />°� tiis dss nated agents, and du1�r auttwrized ` peace �ft'icera of the �r3.11 e. �' : `
<br />�°? t - , � �
<br />� ��ui��
<br />�� .' Refhxaal to parmit` snch inspections :`shall be : a violat;i.cn of t;his ordinance. `�`s���
<br />s, � , � a � �,�.��
<br />r, . . , L.;sf,.r,�,.,�r..�
<br />} , tn
<br />T� s 1 1 Ybes , Not App],V. �to �Intoxicating I,�.qu,or Licensees . ,�4a��' ��"
<br />�� = � •� �
<br />:.'�',` ` �, - � i us� ��r��rn���■ �.�..�rrir�� � ��� s�i�. �yN �„f.
<br />: t_ 1 �1 �r���
<br />}JF�.. ,�f.• ..��. � � .�.��. a..il_ t- iF
<br />e does. n�ot eppl�,to a�.,v. preo�i.aes l:icenaed for tile sals of
<br />llqwor.
<br />r
<br />�a
<br />_ - � ;,;
<br />_ ; , � .
<br />�'- - c e ` �� .� ;
<br />., .. .... � ., ,.. � _" . . _. . . . . . . . .. . . . , .. . ,. . . . . .. � ..._. ��' u-::; .;,
<br />