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C�FFiCIAL <br />RAMSEY COUNTY ABSTRACT OF TITLE <br />1. Rehbein-Husnik DeveLopment Co., a corporation is the owner of: <br />That part of NW4 of Sec 5, T 29, R 23, describeci as beginning at a <br />point on the centerline of State Trunk Highway No. 8, distant 642.g4 <br />ft Staly, as measured �Long said centerline, from the N Line of said <br />N�J4i thence S�dLy along said centerline 407.3 ft; thence NZJly, <br />defLecting to the right 90 °, a dist,ance of 408.12 ft; thenee NELy, <br />deflecting to the right 90°, a distance of 407.3 ft; thence SELy <br />40A.12 ft to the point of beginning. �3�� ���,� <br />2. Har1An J. t�r�yden i.s the o�aner of : ALL that part of the �Ja of <br />Sec 5 T 29, R 23 describ��ci as foLlo�os : Commencing at a poin� in <br />the center �.ine of Trunk Ni�hway No. 8, 642.84 ft SW of e point <br />whexe the said center line ?ntersects the N line of sr�id Sec 5; <br />thence StJ �alon� s�id center line, 407.3 fty �hence N�J at right <br />angles �o the center iine of �r�id 'IYunk �iighw�y to the N l.ine of <br />said Sec 5; thenc�e E alon� the N Line of said Sec S, to � point <br />t�54 it E af the NW corner of Se�c 5; thQn�ce S� to �h� poittt of <br />beginning, excepting therefraii all that part lying NWly c�f the <br /> described Line: �om,:�encing �t a point or� the SWIy Lirte <br />of sa�.d Tr�act, 91L.4 ft SELy of NtJ corner therec�f, thh��e NE�.y <br />paraLlel �o sAid center l.' of 'IYunk iii�hway No. 8 tn a poa.i�t o� <br />the N'�Ly Lin� o£ ssid t � nd there te�ni��ting; <br />�„ � r �i � , (� ,`:/ i'��'',t��-c ��,�.,C,�,, <br />3. A1 %orsythe anc� Sc�nr�,�: �� � �,�iership consa.sting of dtober� S. <br />Foxsythe snd John J.� Fa, ;��re the p�w�era of: 'I"hax pr�rt.o�. <br />the NW'x, Sec 5, T 2�t., ,. zF +� Co, M�.nn; d�escribed es: Be�,� <br />at A p�int in the N'� 3. ��y S�G LO�fi,3 ft E o� Ntd corner of <br />s�i.d I�P1Ja, Sec 5; th �.,�ngl�s S 37�.55 ft to � poa�nt; <br />thence SE Alcan� a 1' _ �� �ended would inxers�c� the c�nter <br />of State ����hc��y AI � sec �t A di.�t�nc� a� LOS3�34 <br />f t StdLy �r�:� the intersec tian nf the N 1.�.ne c�f s�id '� �ec t�e <br />s��.d �center ca� Ha.�hw�y Nu�tiber �; � dist�nce �f 313.5 ft to A point�; <br />thenc� IV� �nd p�rr�ilel with Mi�hw�ay Nucnber 8� 410. S ft to A pofnt; <br />thence N1�1 �nd p€�rt�L1eL with 1�he L�t ,�a�n�ioned S� Li�e a dis�snc� Q�` <br />4�Ci �t :ta�re car L�:�� t� the �r�ici �t �.ine of Qr�Yc� NtJ'�� o€ SeG 5, �t�enee <br />t.t r�lon�, s�id N Li.n� LR6.2R ft ta pLAc� of be�ir�ni��; <br />4. Rose rt. Drr�hAa�� r�e�d l�u�ne N. F�r�h�sei r�z�c the �wn�r5 of : �e,�ir►�in� <br />At ��cain� in thc center�e �f �ld �ii�;hwAg► Nn. �, which i� <br />13�Q.1� ft StJl.y �f its in��r�ectic�n w�.�h tt�� N Line caf the A1W'� of <br />Sec 5, 't' 2�3, R 23: thence runni.n� N�JIy �t ra.�t�t �ngle� to sr�a.d <br />c�r�ter lin� 3t3H.4�i ft �o � p��.nt; tk��nc� rucinin�; NEl.y ��t ri�ht <br />an�les �o s��ci L�st clescri.t�ecf line 25S ft; thence runnin� SEly to <br />saic� �.A�t cie5cribeci line 3ti�3.�:� �� to th� eer�t�r izne c�f ��id dld <br />i�i.ghwr�y Nc,. �; th�nce ru�nnin� SWI.y� nlon� s�id cent�:r l.i.tae 25a ft <br />ta �he �oint oi t�e�;ir� <br />_ � �'� s�- I ��� (.� <br />ISSli L:1:) I3�' <br />('t)t?\'fl' c11��'I'1:�C`r ('l.i�:l�{� t:i'? c'c►t'(;'l' lit)L'�1�: <br />5'1'. �'Ali I�, :�I 1\ ti 1�:�( �'I':1 <br />.,�.v. .. <br />F��n-� AltC.1,00 <br />