� - •- + �
<br />�;
<br />i;
<br />� . .
<br />'' A. That part of the Egs� �fi� �eet of the N. 1/4 of the NE� of the
<br />'�SE'� of Sec. 10, T. 29, R. 23, �amsey County, Minn., except the S. 150
<br />� fee t and excep t the E. 17� fee � thereo f. Sub j ect to County Road B o2 ,
<br />` The E. 178 feet of t',he �', 1�'4 of the NE� of the SE� of Sec. 10,
<br />i; B '
<br />ti T. 29, �Z. 23, Ramsey Couinty, �i�.�n. , except the S. 19� feet thezeof.
<br />;' Sub j ec t to County Road B-2 and I,exington Ave nue .
<br />� C. The S. 150 feet of th� E. �64 feet af the N. 1/4 of the TIE� of the
<br />{ SE� of Sec. 10, T. 29, R. 23, Ramsey County, Minn., and the N. 4S feet
<br />� of the S. 195 feet of the E. 178 feet of the N. Z/4 of the NE� of the
<br />;� SE� of said Sec . 1Q.
<br />E Apparent record owner: G1�11iam H. Kruse.
<br />� � � �
<br />j The ST. PAUL ABSTRACT AND TITLE t;UARANTEE COMPANY does hereby certify
<br />that froffi an �examination of the re cords in the Real Estate Division
<br />�
<br />in the office of the Register of Deeds and/ ot Registrar af Titles,
<br />in and for the C�unty o f Ramsey and S ta te o f Minnesota , it appears tha t
<br />the apparent owner or owners of the Property within a radius of 250 f�et
<br />�f the above property which is to be rezoned are as follows :
<br />1• The E. 264 fee t o f the S.� o f the N.'� o f the NE� o f the SE� and the
<br />N. 25 fee t o f the E. 264 fee t o f the S.� o f the NE� of the �E�, all in
<br />Sec. 10, T. 29, R. 23.
<br />2.
<br />Apparent �ecord owners: John Thomas Lyons and Ruth E. Lyons .
<br />(as joint� tenan�' �'��j� G� :_
<br />� �
<br />The W.� of the N. 8 acre� of the following: Commencing at the NW corner �
<br />of the S. 20 acres of the N. 1/4 of the SW� of Sec. 11, T. �9, R. 23, �
<br />thence N. alo�g the road between Secs . 10 and 11, T. 29, R. 23, 40 rods,
<br />thence E. and parallel to N. line o f said 2� acres , 80 rods , the�.ce S;` ly .
<br />parallel to Sec. line be�tween Secs. 10 and 11 to tt�e N. line of said;20
<br />acre tract 44 rods, then�e W' ly along said N. line 80 rods to place of
<br />beginnir�g, subje�� to Lexington Avenue . ;
<br />t
<br />App�arent record owners: John I. Markus and Mary R. Markus, , �
<br />hus band and wi fe .�� 5�9 Gcl� _
<br />�e �- - —
<br />The NE� of SE�, Sec. 10, T. 29, R. 23, except the E. 264 fe�t thereof,
<br />Subject to S�ate �.'runk Iiighcaay �36.
<br />Agpaxent record ow�ner: Independent School Distr
<br />� � �D. �
<br />Lat 1, Block 5,
<br />rx.
<br />�623.
<br />a���y .
<br />Apparent record owners; Eugene J. Bal�es a�d Doris V. �altes,
<br />� �as j oint tenants ). 2 g Z.3 �� j
<br />- ^ * I
<br />Lot 2 , �Iock 5 , Por�e Park . �, � Z Z �� �itj ,
<br />Apparent r�cord owners :
<br />�
<br />Y�vt 3, Black 5, Porte Park.
<br />Apparent record owners:
<br />JamEs F. Boles and Ruby M. Boless
<br />husband and wife, (as joint tenants) .
<br />� � , � � ..lo _�f 1_ �l' _e �. /.
<br />,
<br />l � 30 �, l-v,�
<br />4swald FI. Lepisk and Son,� a Leg� sk,
<br />husband and wi fe ,(a s j o ini tenants )
<br />