� - �
<br />�
<br />�
<br />°The Sauth 3�Q ieet of the Sas� 340 l�et of th� Southe�►at I/�!k
<br />oi 3ec tio� �3 , Township 29 , Ran$e 23 , eaccept the� ��►v �h 20fl
<br />� i�et of the Sast 200 leet thereof . 3ubject to ths �r'z���ened
<br />; Lar�enteur Avenue aad St$te gighway 49-126.
<br />Appareat recorci ownQr:
<br />P�eter �. Fooshe, Sr., Sstate
<br />�he Sast 3@4 fe�t of the 8�t 112 �f �outhe�ast 1/°4 ai 3a�►�?th~M
<br />east 1/2, Section 13, Townstiip 29, �nge 23, �xce�t the ��aui�h
<br />300 �eet thereo�, and except that part lying �torth Q� th1:+i
<br />center line of a lane runni�g North `fi9°35' ltes� fro�n a p�ct�ini� '
<br />on th� Sast line of said 3ec . 13 , c�istant 5?5.6 fieet Hoy;�th of
<br />t1�e S$ corn�r thereof. 3inbject to an e�se�ent fur roafiway
<br />purposes �ts follows: A strip of land 30 feet �.n Width running
<br />th�ough the gast 1/2 of 3outheaet 1/4 of Southe�st 1/4 of
<br />3ection 13, Township 29, Range 23, the �enter line of which runs
<br />North ?9 �35' 1Pe�s t f rom a poi nt on the B�s t line of aaid ��c .
<br />�3 , distant 575. 6 feet �to� ,h o� the 9►ou �heast cormer the�reo� . '
<br />App�rent re�ord o�aners : George C. Mas tor
<br />The 3T. PAUL A83TRACT AND TYTLS GUAR�NTS$ COMPANY dae� hereby certifp
<br />that from an ex�aination of the records in the of�ice of th8 Register
<br />ot Deeds and/or Registrar o8 Titles, in and for the Countg of Raa��y
<br />and State of Minnesota, i� appears that. th8 apparent ov►nier or otrners
<br />of the propertp with�.n a�adius of 2�0 feet at the ai�ove pr�per�� are
<br />as follows:
<br />1.
<br />2.
<br />3.
<br />5.
<br />fi.
<br />T.
<br />Lots 1, �, 1�. 18 fe�t of I�ot 3, 4, S�nci 6, all in �lock� 1,
<br />1/oodbxi�dge Additio�. ,
<br />r y �'�' j r � , �, ��� ,
<br />` • � ��.. - �
<br />�pparent record own�rs t itobert� Consicructian, Inc, ,{Minn. Corp. �.�
<br />Lot 3, except the 1!� 18 fe�i thereof: B k 1, l�oodbridge As�ditiaa.
<br />1 7 � 6,(a . '��'r`.� . ;;
<br />Apparent record owners : Rc�berts D�velopment Co ., (lEinn . Corp� a j� and j
<br />Robe��s Construction, �n+�., CMinn: Corp.�. �
<br />.._____-_,�.------
<br />Lots 9 and 11, Block 6, 3t. Aubin an�d Dion's i�i�e �3tre�t Addition
<br />��, the City o� 3t. Fas�l, R�msey Count,y, Mina. ,
<br />���seat r�ecorci o�rne�s: �`he�odore L. Laber and I�a.�h�pa M. Laber:
<br />husban�d and wif e aad M�a�tlBa T. Laber, as '
<br />joint teDantsw_ _
<br />Lo�s �.� anci 13 , Block 8, 3t . Aubin and Dio�a's 8i�ce 3treet Additio�rc �
<br />ta trie City of �t�. �aul, Ramsey County, Miune�ota.
<br />Appar�nt r�cord o�rners : The�dore L. Laber and Ka.thr3►n Y. L�.be�r,
<br />husband and Wife, as joiat tenauts .
<br />Lots �B, 9, 1Q, lI, 12 and N.� of Lot i3, Block 7, 3t, Aubia ancl �' ��
<br />Dion's Rice Street Additioa i�o ;the City of 8�. �aal, Ram��y �o.,l�in�:
<br />�,pparent r�caa�d owners : Rheodore L. Laber and Kathryn La�r,
<br />husband and aife, a.s j��nt t�nants,
<br />�outh 1/2 vf Lot 13, and all vf �ots 1�, 15, lfi, 1? �.nd 1�, Bloc�.
<br />?, St. �ubins and Dion'� Rice Street Addiicion , aad Lats 8�.nc� 9,:.
<br />Black 8, same a.ddi�ion. ' _
<br />� Apparent record awners : Theodore L. La.be�t aad Martha �, Lat�er, a�;
<br />.
<br />3oint ten�nts.
<br />Lots 10, il and 12 , Bloc�c 8, St . Aubin as�d Difln t s Rice 3�res�
<br />Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsep Caunt�, �d�nn.
<br />Apparent recorc� owner: �1�rt,S_ �.,�.�e_�
<br />r
<br />