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� <br />a <br />�r <br />2. i� <br />� <br />3, <br />� <br />� <br />` � <br />! • <br />� <br />i; The 3� 131.99 feet of the N. 527.96 feet of the �1. 3f:0.18 feet of the <br />=i 11� of the N11� of the SW� of 3ec. 1�4, T. 29, R, 23 in said Asmsey Cvnnty� <br />'s �ttnne$ota. <br />Apparent record owner�: <br />Fugene d�. Vievering and Ruth E. Vievering, <br />husband and wifea (�oint tenancp clauee). <br />u <br />The S�'. PAUL ABSTRACT �ND TiTLE GUAR.ANTFE CO�PANY daes herebp certifq <br />�hat irom an examination o�F �ihe r�cord� in the otfic� of the Register <br />of I�e�is and/or Registrar of Titl�s, in and for the County of Ramsey <br />and State of Minnesota, it appears that the apparent owner or own�ers <br />d�Y the property within a radius of 250 feet of the above proper�p which <br />is to be rezoned are as follows: <br />�inning at the NE corner of the �bove tract ahich is tbe i�tersection <br />of the ceater lines of Rosela�rn Ave�ue and Uni�ed Statss Hi�hway No. <br />ln; thence Sly a�ong the centep line of United States Hi�hw�.y No. 10 <br />being the �ly line of the above trac�, a distan��e of 183 feet to t� <br />point; thenc� Wly at m right angle a distance af 89 feet to a goint; <br />then�ce Nly p�rallel to the center line of United 5tates Hig�way No. 10 <br />a di�tance of 18 feet to a point; thenc� �fly �t a right angle a distaac� <br />of 61 fe�t to a paini; then�ce N1; parallel witi� the cQnter line af Un1t�d <br />Stat�s Hi.ghway No. �.0 to � point on the N. line oi thc� above described <br />tract, being the cez�ter line of i�oselawn Avenue; thence Ts1y along the <br />H, line t►f said tract to the p�int of beginning. <br />Apparent record owner: Sheldon E. 3mith Ir�vestm nt, , <br />(�inn. Corp. ) ' ; ���.�-�� /�:"r'�'''L4 • <br />----------- <br />The E. 150 feet running at right a,ngles to the N-S section line of the <br />N� o� the E. 12 acres of the N� of the N-E� of the S��, �ec. 15, T. 29� <br />h�. 23, except that part described a.s fo�lows; to wit e <br />Beginning ai t�xe NT corner of the ahave tract which is the i�.tersecltion <br />o� the center lines of Roselawn Aveaue and United States Highwaq No. <br />10; the�ce Sly along the center line of t7nited States Highway No. 14 <br />beiag the Ely line of the above tract, a distance of 183 �eet to a pc3.nt; <br />thence Wly �t a right angle a di�tance of 83 feet to a point; thence <br />Nly pax�.11e]. to the center line of Un�ted 3tates Highwaq No. 10 a dis- <br />tance o� 18 feet to a point; thence Wly at a right angle �d distance o� <br />61 feet to a point; thence Nly parallel with the center line �i Uni�ed <br />States iiighway Na�, 10 to a point on the N. zine o� the above described <br />tract, being the center line ai Roselawn Avenue; thence Ely along the - <br />h. line of said tract to the �int of beginning. <br />Apparenx record owner; Fred F. Rarnn. <br />The S. 131.9� feet of the �i� 395.9? feet of the W. 36U,18 �eet of the - <br />�t� of the NW� oi . the SW� of Sec. 14, T. 29, ft. 23, ftamsegr Cou�aty, <br />b�innesota; except the E. 178.59 feet thereof. ` <br />Apparent record awn�r: Albert J. Schrei3�er and M. Eile�n 3chr�iber, <br />r__- husband and wif�, (joint tenancy clauaej,� . <br />/ � � <br />/��"' � ' <br />0 <br />