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.• <br />� � <br />, CASEs 3F:�-!i7 <br />� <br />Ai�PIlCANT: <br />LOCATIQN: <br />Dorx� I d it . N�i I <br />1975 North P�i�r�►ve <br />� � <br />Southwe�tt Cofne� of Fri ar Avenue and Rran Ave�tre <br />A�TION R�QUESTED: Approvfll of $ide Ymrd Vcrinttce <br />PL�NN1t�iG CONSIDERATIONS: <br />1. Attach�d to thi: repa�t ia a copy af tfie sk�tch submitted by Mr. Heil showing <br />eacfati�p setbacks and dinaert�ians t�f the hou�a. k1r. Hei) is asking for s� r�duction <br />of th� 3� foot �id� yard setbock raquirernent to 7�Q�t. Nowever, f�om the :ketch <br />it ie s�m�what difficult to ��scertvin exoctiy wfie�e he prapaaes to locate the garoge. <br />W� ��n anlq pra�ume that he int�nds to (ocote it on the �orth side af the ha��e. <br />2. The t�t !�as 80 fe�t c'' ��o�t�ge on Prior Avex�ue w�th a dapth that appeaars to be <br />c�p�a�cis�otely 1 bb fee�. Thus, tha�e wovld Qppear to bo r�t�.�:idcroble a� x+ with <br />whith ta wcNk in sai ii�g tfie goroge location questi�. <br />3. T�� goroge is inteanded to foce the streer on �fie �affh side, the Vi I(age has <br />ca�sisMntiy requ � opk;�rncimate�ly 20 faat of �eFt�ek as a minimum to allcrw for <br />the por�c3r�g t� the Cor in fro�rrt af the �roge withaut beir�g out on th� stroet <br />ri{�ht-mf-�w�oy. if t�� �,+,age doora� aae to face e�ast ar �nr�, the 20 feet figure <br />,��Ipht be adj�rstad bercause �he hause is s�+� ba�ck �7 feet f`om P�ior Awenue. <br />Ti�i: i: in feccgnttia�n cf the �oct that one c�f th�� main purpoaas of requi�ing the <br />�ide yar�i aet�ock olong a:iae st�eat ia to retc;r� �raximurn tmffic visibili#y acrcnt <br />t#�• carner. <br />4. We supgest that Mr. Fleil ne questioned as t� hfs intFnt and eacact orientation of the <br />gproga with the +ob�ectiye of orrivin� z�t a solu;ion r�v�iring less thc� the 23 faot <br />vorionce. <br />