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�, � � <br />l�v�ember 2, 1965 <br />� GASB: <br />355-66 <br />App�,,.ICAAiT: �nvtson �oaapaay <br />245 �iarqusCte Avenue <br />M3nneapolis, Mins`eso�a <br />� � <br />y�g�Ip�l; E�s� si�e of LexingLon Aven�se i�mrth o£ Catmty �aad B <br />♦CT7�p�i ,�SS'�Ep; A�pproval af R�sr Yard Vasiance <br />�u� caa�s�D�►rxa�s : <br />1. At the le�t i� a��py of a si�e plan �ketch <br />locatioa of tlne garages to be coaseruc�ed. <br />initiaiiy davel�ped �he �Ian f.uc�uded a 40 <br />t�e east 9idde, �i�ict� i.e cen¢fguous �o the r <br />houses to the �east. Initiaiiy no gaza�es � <br />deve�a�ment, <br />+nd�c�ting ti� propo�ed <br />When the prop�ertiy caas <br />faot "�uffer �trip" a�vng <br />ear qarde of single family <br />ore construc�ed wi�� the <br />2. Propas�i is nozr �c► �vnsCruct 25 ga�age units along the ese�er3.y s�de <br />o� the e�cisting srea wh�,ch will �.esve a pa�kln$ space in �ront <br />of th.� garage doors ns acrro re�uired by the curr�nt ordinance. The <br />puzpas� of th8 4tf foat strip waa of course to f�ction as a transition <br />bet�een the psrki:tg area and the stngle family area to the eest. 7�hus, <br />t6� qu�s�iau is �aLet'her os a�t the constructfon of the gasa�es se <br />progosed �uld more adequsCelg serve as tbia ecre�n to the park3.��g <br />srea� �nd �+nuld it havt� �ny ad�exse effect on the single familp area <br />to �he east. <br />3. i�e douid suggest that if the garages are p�rogeriy caaserucCed ` <br />q�,�ali�g maCerisi8 eliat the garage� C�maeives migbt �e1.1 fozm a <br />more effec�ive screea and be a desir�ble additirna to tt� developaaent <br />I�tb i� t�rms of a service �c� the aga�meat un�ts and as a more <br />effec�i,ve screen devics fe� tt� aing�.e fami�y owne�s to th� east. <br />t�e �derst�ud that the app�.icant proposes tD censtx�se� Che garages �f <br />brick oa tiII�e end wa11s �nd the fro�t (piliars bet~�eea the garage aooss)o <br />� curr�t�� Qrdfnan,ce af ceurse requires C�at 8uxillary buildfags swch <br />as g.zrages b� hui�L of substaatia�Iy the sam� materisls a� that ef tha <br />p=fncipal br�9.icii�►g. �s �tl�. of cou�se z^equi=� t�t �he gas�g�s he , <br />eneia-eig oir brick. �lae app�3.r.ane tpa�pnsea ta ase � i�osiza�at�l �rv�sgh <br />cedar sidfng as � recali the d�ac�ssfons tather �&�an ba°�ck �� ti� <br />eas� sfde f��ing the aingle-£ami).p h�aes. Thi� #.s tt� poi�a� tha� ve <br />f�ei si�auld be discussed wi�h rbcx�e d�taig 8t t&e ha�a�9.�gd The opinions <br />o� tf:e so�i�g�aous p�co�es�p o�n��.s si�avid he cos�id�red. �n �bis �ase, <br />s�ze �he £o�ceion of th� �p��z� �u�d be �ue of screext�ag i� might <br />be re�saaab3� �� �cansa.�ler �i�e �ua�e�e�•c�b e�t +c�oc�.d agpesr mare like a <br />fe�ce, -�€ th:� is � obj�cCive, ►� s�oc�d su$ge�G th8ti the use of a <br />saugh harig��I c�da� �af�� ��a: ma��ar�l m�ght c�l� �f��cti.ve3.y <br />s�Fve this ��pose. � objec�iea �a tlie use of t�� brick in i�s en�is��y <br />of course ir a�te of co$�� l�i ��e v�risa�ce is gran�ed �t is important <br />ta inelude ���cfi�fic ec�di�iv�, p��c�.pa� c+� �r�aich r�u�d of course be <br />_ �it� u�� �f mater�al! � to d�o � mfls� ��fective job. <br />" .� . <br />..,, <br />y,, <br />��"� � � � <br />, _ . ,.����,w .. , . . � � <br />