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Fo�. a�o u�nt-r�ravt�s c�. sr. ►,�u�, k <br />TN`'tS CONTR�? IlPPROYED BY ST. PAU D C►f REALTORS, {HC. AHD BY THE 0(ECUTtYE Ct� OF TF� RA1�4SEY t�t1NTY 8AA A�O�LATICM !R I965 <br />�ARt�EST MONEY CONTRA�'T <br />Saint Paul, , �,,,�. (,)ctc�ber ,1�7 <br />RECE�YfD 0� Hol�omb-Henry Funeral �3arne, Inc. _ <br />ce•:,m�or _-...._...._(7n� ThQus� and na/t�10------......---------------------���_��(1� �oa��a <br />� C�1@Ck �s a�es! a�ootr �nd In p�rt ptrmsnt tor tt�� P+ucUa:� o! prePtrty <br />(f�r�t14 CasA or Mob — Statt Mtiikh) <br />,��ene�al vicini.ty oi Alb�x�t Street �r�andhur�t Arive Rosewille Minnes�ta <br />titwted In tht Camb �+ i� a m t� P_ v�� Bt�U o( MianssoG, u+a ieca�ry a.urroea .� raiews. to wia <br />Ttae W 112 of th� South 2 ac�re� of the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of the �V�' 1/4, exc�pt the <br />E 1�. 5 ie�t thereof; <br />aad <br />The tN 112 of the N orth 1 ac r� af the 3E I/ 4 of the SE 1/ 4 af the S tiV 1/ 4, egc e pt �e E 1 S. S <br />feet thereo�; *� <br />InNudlns �u0an 6uibs, p�anb, tdtub� sad tra�s, �I) storm s�sh, stwm doas, d�t�ch�bt� ves4tDula, �cnens, awnln�, winGaw �dts, blinds (Includin� renetian Dlinds), eur4�tn roda, <br />trmrte roda, drap�ry rods, II�htlA� tlxhms� piumDin� fiztures, Aot w�ter tsnts te� A�atins plmt (wlth �mr burnen, U�ks, stokers snd oMer e9uipment ustd In connectton th�rtwfth), <br />w�t�r softener �nd Iipuld jas tenk aud ca+ttots (I! the DroPerty of selier�, exhrlor telerlston ietsnn�, Inelmnto�, dishw�sher anG �xrb�=e dlsposal, 6ulit-tn avens, eook•top storea, atr <br />candkionln� eQniqnent, arpetin;, tLit cuptttn�, �nd other D�iitdn utpity epWpment used �nd Ioeate0 m�id ptemises ra�e�pt <br />�tl of which properhr tAe wlQsraitntd, as ��ant ta the seller, h�s this day sold to td� btrye► to► th! stotn of Thi�o=�'-.;fl�.—�.� �.r.�]�1�RS��% APi[i ri�` 1 Q() <br />—���.•.•�••�•.�,•��.•—••••�—••••---�—••--��••-- ��$� �IOQ _�D a DOLWtS, which the btqnr atrees to pay In th� tollowln� manner� <br />E�rnest mon�y A�nia Raid ( _ �no � a�, on a befor� De�E3mj�e],�,�,,�� 1$67 � The balance <br />of $27, 000. 00 to b� paid ua�der the teraa�e of tlh€ sta�darci form of �ontract for deed, payable <br />ia equal iu�t�llmente oi $9, 400. DO each, t�ie fir�t f�nstallxaaent payable D�cember 1 I, 1968� <br />�nd annua,ll� t,hereaft�x, �ri$h inter�st on t3�e •reduced b�l�n�� from time to $ime at th� �ate <br />of eix and ox�e-fourth pexcent �6-114%) per �nurn �'ram dat� of closfrag and with full priwfl�g�r <br />of px�epaym�nt after Ja�tivary� 1, 1968 �xcept ihat not more than $13, 500. 00 shall be paid in <br />1966 vn �� and nat m�re t�ara a lik� amount oa prix:cipal in the �►ear 1968, SubZ�ct to <br />tl�e follo�i:�g cor�ditiona; (1) 'S'hat on o�r b�foare closing the propert� s�s�la. be in su�h a zon�n� <br />cla�r�ification as to per�it the operation of a fune�al hon,e thereon; and (Z) that Buyer eha11 <br />be permit4ed to eare�t and crperate a busin��� sign on th� p�exnises o� th�e type �uitable fQr ite <br />busfnese; and tha# buyer sha],I proceed irn��diately to comng�nce proceedings to have th�e <br />pi°�op�eri�' r��oned �or such* � � . <br />subJec! to perform�nce Dp tha buyer Me sella� a�ees to execute artd dellr!� � Wamrttr Deed (ta be jolned In <br />b�r spouse, N amry corneyin; marketable Utle ta s�ld Rremises s�Ject oeh to the tofio�riag exceptionso <br />(a) Reserv�Ua�s ot any minenis or mirtaral ri�hq to tiie Strte of IAfna�esota. <br />(b) $I�IiS Qf 1ltt811tf �S �18fE�R3fiEf i!t f0�ftt <br />Selter caveaants that DulidinYs, tt aoy, are datirely witbGn tt►e 6aundary (ines of the property. <br />Taxes paysDie In the �reu_�.i#!�?� shail be T <br />Sprtlal asseuTents Inctuding wa'xr Frontage tax, if srry far work caapteted on site pr! to <br />Afl olRer speciai assessmertts, if any, shall De patd by Ehe buyer. <br />: SeOer xuraats thet he has no knowlsdBe of a�qi planned improrements which may resutt In speciat ass�ssmments ercep� <br />The se��er twther ecrees to aenner actw� passesst� on � tetae� DQC�DlbBi 11,, 19 6? �ro,rta�a tfiot au tne <br />condilia�s of ihis agreement have bten complied with. Thi3 sale shali be cinsed on or befora Decemb�,�11 � 1��� <br />ihe biryer arA seiler a9so mutualSy agree tfiat pro-rata adjustments of interest and city water {�nd, in the case af inceme property. c�ent operating expenses and rents) ahaq he <br />adjustee as � �=in�$p►a <br />9n the event ihis proparty [s destroyed or damaged by fire ar anr other cause bei�e the ctosing dat�r, this aareemert` shall heeame t►ull and void, at the purchaser'a optien, and ali <br />moala pald hereur�der shail be rcfuAded to sPid pwchaser. <br />The selter shail, wtthi ___sfays aRer appraval of this agreement, furnish an ahstract of tlUe certifie4 to date or •registered property rtport to in�,7ude <br />proper searches careriag tevie an pen in asse ents, bankrGptcies, and State, and federai judgments and liens. The buyer sha!! be allowed �4 daYs after receipt theteof tor examiration <br />af �id tiite an� the making of any oDjectian thereto, said objectiorts to be made in vrriting or deemed to be waived. If amd abjections are sc maCe fhe seHar shali be allorved 120 da�s ta <br />auke such titie markeiable. Pendi�g correctian of tiUe the payments hereunder reQuIred s.hai! he postponed, but upon correciion of tiUe and within 10 days after written ootice thereo(, Yhe <br />Duyer sAail penorm this agreemeot acco�ding to its terms. <br />It sa�d t�tie �s not markr.table and is not made so within 120 dars fran the date of orrritten abjections thereto as abov2 provided, Lhis agreemept.shail be roW, and neiffiev princtpai <br />shai! be Ilabte fcr �arragps here�rtder tQ ih� other principal and ali money lheretoiwe paid by the buyer shall be refunded; but ii the 2iUe to rabd property be tound marketable, or be so <br />made withia said time, and said buyer shall default in any ai the agreemeoQs artd continue in defauit tar a yerfod of 10 days, ihen a�d (n Shat erertt the selter may terminate tfiis tosftract, <br />artd on such tetmination atl tha pa�rtne�ts made upan Nis cc�nU�a�t shali be retained by sair seller and said ageni, as their respectire i�teresf rnay appear, as ilquldated danra�es, Ume b?ing <br />of the essence hereof; but th3s pravis�on shaii not depri+re either party of the alght of ert'arcieg the speci�ic pe►formance of this ccntraci[ prarided such conVact shail not be Yctminated 2s <br />aforesaid, an6 prav9ded actian to eMwce weh specific perfiormance shalt he commenca' xtthln siz months after such right qi acU� shail arise. <br />This conuact cantains the entire agreement tetrreen �e pariies, and neither party hbs relied upon arty verbai rapreserttatiorts, aEreem�rtts, at understand(ngs not set fiarth herein <br />wfielher made b�P any agent w party hereio. <br />- It is undersiood and agreed thai this sale ls made subjsct to 4he ap;xova! by the selier of said premis2s, in wri8reg which approral agenY �� .d+. <br />, s to <br />ebtala, and that ihe ur�dersigned ag�nt is in ao asanner liable or responslble an account ai this a;reemerrt, eucept ta returci � ae�aunt for the earaest awe�er p�16 tmdar this conhaa� <br />The Qeimery ai ati papers and enQaies shati bE maQa at the office of _ <br />i� tfie ua,usi;�ed, seller of tde above la�M, Qo here�+j apprmre <br />. U�e abojre agree i� saS ' eC� maG - <br />/ <br />,� Se ,Rzegt <br />a` i <br />EY <br />Se41er i ANcb�r a�ea to psvsi�s:s xho said property f� t�� prko �nd a�on t�s <br />�DOYB E6tFttI05ld. f ,;s% ry : , �, F '. : 7"., r r ,; ; . - � •,. <br />��,A13. ia S�etio�a �£#, ia���ip� 29, Ptang� 23, :��� _ , "; ; � f ;, . y '.. _�r�,. <br />�u�►�ect to �3am�f��� Ave�u�. r� ,� �' � r�� � ��'�`���---::�r--_ <br />������if�+�a�ic�� a� �� Q�a eup��e, ari� s��l.��s r�-dr�.-, � �:-� �N� _ . �. <br />s�a31 �t�+og��t� fu}.l.g u� �� �:�c��nin� �r�c��clin��. <br />e� <br />� iN�S 1S lHTQiDED 70 BE A iEGAlLY BltiDlPJ� CONTRRCT. FOR LEGA! 14D�'ICE !N Gflt#PdfCT1aH WITN THlS �RA�iSACTlON, COMSUL7 YflUR tAWYER, <br />-. :: _ ,, > <br />� <br />�,..:��:.�_�..�_,�� ;..,_. :.>..._.;�wu�....,:....:.�>__.�,:.T�,�...ue ,.�.��_�.. _- „__ =.,,w_�:� _-::: . _�..�;::;�...,�� _,,.._..,w,�._.�_..�__._.. , __ . . ._ -_ _,- . <br />