I�e� cle�s of a11 structcn�s, starage end empioy�e perking s�a.ces as aated
<br />in 3ec'�ione 10.020 thrae�,h 1�.160. This i'�ron� yex�3 �ha1]. be no't 2e�s titen
<br />�t0 fe�t iia depth. Gra��, ehrubs saci tre�a s2u�z1J. be parc�vided agd maiutairted
<br />by t2re ps'�;per��y �rner 8ad�o�' his tEnents ."
<br />,1]., Sta�e Exact t�t is Ihtended to be Do�e aA or �ri.th the Pr i+lhich
<br />; � t Con#'orm �r'i�� sting Regul�.tiona :
<br />; Ap�licaiax�'de�s�c°e`s��ma�n�af.a a$-x�v�y and paarking �rea to withia five
<br />� i'e�t of �the f�ant paopezrty line c�f' the p�remis�s .
<br />,
<br />�
<br />i2. �i�ultiee as $,ar+ds�hi. to t?�r:
<br />*,l�s �u �ng oca ed pa ha p�mi�es fs so located that ti� best atad by �as°
<br />� t� .a�st us�ble ar�� f4r p�rking �.s loca�ed to �i�e south or. in ��t oS �he
<br />� p�,*esea�: b�i3.��n.g. R'�,ere i�, et p��es�a�, a parking iot lacated in this �a
<br />' �t�in� �f3 ���:t n�r�h of th� a�outh praper�ty line of th� p�en►ises. At tl�e
<br />' �ime ths b�ailding w�,� construeted, it eppeared �hat thie prssen�t 2ot Would
<br />,� b� sc�fici�nt tc� t�ke egt�e c� the re�.�o�1Q needs of the g].aut �or pexking.
<br />'�.e prea�r�cl to b� �arong. Already tha par�i.ng lat bas been expeac�d alang
<br />� �� east�r3�► sid� c�f the �emises. '�his lo� al�o i� inadequate to take
<br />csx�e af si]. the p�a�it�g n+�sd� af the �az'a�ex� due to th� requixemeats af
<br />`� bflth ��re �mploy�s (na�+t ntzmbering ir� e�cesa o�' 12� ) and the vf�i�ars to
<br />`, ths p�.ant. As iaxdicated sbtrv�, �hi� i$ '�he an]y practical at�a �or �acw
<br />� paA�ion of th� p�rk�ng lo�. The eaet�eri�r side yard i,� s2r�ac�y being used
<br />€ar par�i.�g, �ud. �e �ster3�r sid� y,�rd �.s �ga�ed to rai�o�.d a+a�e��
<br />t Purpo���, �.s le�re� cm�r th+e �ar yaard �r�ich �s im;�rac�ic�. 'rar develflp-
<br />e
<br />`' ment fcc��rr p�ax�&�,ng ��.nc� it �u�i 'bt �iif��.cult ta u�ili�e tbis araa so e,s t�v
<br />''� Aat �tt�r�e�e �rS.th 3.3.�ely futu�e ex�a�ic�n af �he glas�. Iu a�di.tiQre, i�
<br />�rould b�� dii'�'i��,7:t �nd ��ea�si� to t��velo7p �o� �rkia� aad �rat��d lik�2,,y�
<br />r be c�tal,y tt�a�ai �r�re� t�e fron'� la� ��i�.�.e�. �.i.s �ou�t me�a a g�eat e�ea3.
<br />-� t�f in,�cu�ni�� ta our cus�om.�a �o must vi�i� oux �3�ut� Ti�f.s vsuci�ncae
<br />_� �rnuld nc�� in� uu� othes 3.�a�c�ner� ar '� a�+pe,e�as�t.c� �i' ��+s a�a g�aace
<br />� ot�ter cc���r�s i� �he a�a aza� t�tafa p+�rt o�` t�fr �e�ts gt}r si�i.�.ar p�-
<br />:� ��es � Ih �dd9.t3.on� tl� 1� :�e�t of s�r� ri�h� o� �r fra� th� aetual
<br />� �ta�� �o �he �a�Y line can be ].�c►�a�� ta ,�ive the ��rho� pa�mis��
<br />$u �ttractiv�e a;��ra�ce. �'e ha� 'ia�fed, tg buil,cct �a att�active straze�u�
<br />;� �e► ��c�te aur � o�t t�i�a p�t�pexr�y? �d � c�v'ixt�d �i�� t&is v�riance
<br />t- �au3�, ��t d+�tra� :�'rc�r� �at t� h�v� ai.rea+9y �ute in i�c�ving t� �ite.
<br />�-
<br />�..
<br />i
<br />,j�ji.i7 7��iiii� �.FiV� 1�:�� ��1%i.MY�+� LL1i Ei�i�M Si[i.Z�M+Ci��G. tiS��L.II Vai �W ii�+���w
<br />bc�nc��c�d. r�� e�he�iv�� p%a �c3r �iae sxea. At pr��+�n�, �st o� t�
<br />bu�i.�e����:'-�� :�t�e::R�a �i�a�i� a�'ki�g lt�'� to cs�' �itl� a f�t+t f��t
<br />s��' ��e s��t r�g,h�-�te�'-�ay� ebu��� �paxa ��1x �"ap�a�Y• I� ,��.�3on,
<br />�.2, s�o�.�ctc'�g �e�s � ��t�y i��u�'G�is�3. ca�nce�s, �s� a� �rhi�h
<br />reqs�� ht�h �r.�i� �c� us� f.x3�l�g m�i.at,��tce af �i� �k�,g
<br />�ac�'�3.��. � �x'�.ti� a�' �I�3.� v�r�c� �ui�i �3�us bx�i�g �1�.� �o��y�
<br />i��� ca�Po�i�y �i�}� �.��t�l m�i�c�h�d �.ea��.
<br />�..�. l���t�tl��t'� �t�. Sig�atu� :
<br />_.�._�.. ...�.,_ _
<br />�e �c'�r�igr��i�reby reg��en�e �zp�n a�l o�' the ��lti�s o� �Sv, ��'
<br />�� �5�� +�� igduci�tg th� �€il.�sge vf �.fl��-triile, �o t�� the ec�it�z�
<br />hs��a �eQu�sted, �h�t �i1 �tat�ats he�i�s er� tru.� an� �i��.t s31 �ar�:
<br />_2..
<br />