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� .-^�<, ,,�.,. <br />L"�. �t� eaatutlr ��a� i� 3nte�ded �.o �e cia� � Ot riil.� t�e prvge�� ao�cta +doe� ttot <br />ae�ot�► �it3ti ei�isting �wgv�Lstioms : <br />i� �•• g�t. �a� Br��� ��►!'W��3t+ea$ COlr�A! Cd� btiilttl�g "C' LO b4 1@Citetl <br />� cl+�a as ��t.� t�8e �� li�s af R�e Pleuce ca t!� Kort�l�. ��at <br />ao�� o� 1�i1+� � la� iota��.ad spp�xSm�ataly h5 �aet irom t.�e etrast line ad <br />� F�aa� a� t.i� � . <br />b� 1Q.Ob� •• i%x° ia� 6et»iSmc.�t. �e�►r� of bui�tdia�s A;•� ao� C to ba 2�tted <br />� �� � �.iii:ii� � L Vi � ir �±�1 � r <br />�) �A.CI�D �� '�'laor A�ea► talbatio. i�'lac►r at�as s��lo �' building� A-B st�d C to �e <br />�Pp�� . � . <br />a� lp.l�p -• 3p parkiag speces vil]. be pravide� for, ac�t 12t} a� re�u�.r� by <br />ax�liasnce. <br />�p�'g; TD� ],�tw rs�� uires tt�t tl�e coc�ciitions ast fo� ip th�a foL�.o++ing item MUST be <br />tstabiiehed before a varia�ce can be gr�nG�d. S�cplmfn in d�ta�l a�fter �ah <br />tt,a#�aaoaat Wl�roin your caae c�n�c�►e to t.he r�ui resaet��s . <br />�_ _ <br />- -- - __. . �.,� <br />�+2. Dilticuitie�s oa� Saardabip to O�mor: Strict spplicstioa� ot i.ha proviaion� ot the <br />r s. ■ i.. <br />`•� _Zpnisssgg O�ci$a�ncg va�ld result in peculiar and praelticel di�PiculLfse or +ucceptic�el <br />o! h�ards�ip u�n t%,e a+rner ot the lot in devslopinag or uai�ag �uch lot io a <br />�eat�r cu,�rtta�ry anti, 1ege11y ger�iee�ble vithin the zoning district in vhich stid <br />1pt is locete�i. Granting ot the rarieuace i a necess�ry for t.he pre�arvatir3n aad <br />a�ay�tent o1' a aubsta� prop�rty ri�bt of the appli cant �sad to �l].evi�te <br />tle■Gt�natrsble har�l.el�ip s�r dilfd.culty an�. �ill not mes�aly ■erv� �s a conveni�es to <br />'� etpFlic�ut : <br />8ec�i�ns 14.030, 10.06� a�d 1n.�90. 8et-bacl�s 8nd, �'2�r AreFs �atio. Oar►�r's vare- <br />hou►s� c�pax'ations make n�sc�rsetgr build�ngs conia�ning ].2�,0�0 �quaro fee� o! tlot�r <br />spat� built acaprdiag to �► st�rd.isa+d S'!ro p=imsa�y co�►eldetatiou � tb�a <br />�"a�ds�tio� o! Ovn�r"s bualaese is ease +�d c�rrenieuca to au�t,am�ra ir� pic�t up, <br />dtl3v�r en� �tase,g� by providing adequate loadirig deck� on �,oth sides c�2' ths <br />bu�i3.d3ng ancl ad�eeq�te fioor s�ce. It tioul.d. cauao u�rlua �erdship a�e practical <br />ttilYi,+eu].ty !.o t.3�e Owner it it had t�a ra+�esi�n the buildi�g to �atc� t.�►e anglc <br />�' R�a Pl�ce, exr r+edu�e t,he �q�a�re Soatsg,o, eithar $3f:�.ers�stivo re��2.ting ia e <br />sttbstss�ti� 8ecr�a�e i�a oparatiaraal conveaien�e to eustomaa�r a� we23. e�s s saiuc- <br />�i+c�a ia t,he value c? t�e ia�prc�r�ments . <br />B�aLiv� 1Q.12t1. Et�'!•Str�� Parking. �'me ve►x`ehouse opesa�ion in tite buildia�$ <br />ca11s for 24� er�plQy+eee. Oae spece fos eac2a �saplayee pltus 10 sd8ltiona2 s�ses� <br />i��T o�caaio�e�. businass viaito�'s i� sutlicient te► provide ade�usta� p�king on <br />t�►e sit�. 1�1t b�a�ir�r�s v�i,sitora us� the large truck �o�ing areae tor losd- <br />!ug atW w�l+cye�ing. Ths ordine�e vc�ula requir� 120 per�iug spac�� fvr autamabiles. <br />'�'ba� r�uat� i� v1eY of al'1 of th� ttuc�c� loadiag ar�a oa the site, ie !ar too <br />��. s� tor ar�playm�at aaps.��.ty sad business u�e s�ad it not vafved �aould +�use un- <br />s�e�s3,i�stia eliacatian of e��a to parking. <br />��, <br />