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r,'�yar oi' Shorevier� ar:d <br />Snorev�.et�r Village Tr�sstees <br />A�.�i'li.c.i 1� � 1965 <br />Page �. <br />t:ze use of ull. or :�ortion of the �.0 foot s�-�ip. It could be argued, <br />tnerefo�, �r:a � wze u,se of tne s �rip has n�t been with any intent to <br />resist Code provisions to the con�rary, but a�ather ha� in the past been <br />due to a misu..derstanding concerning the issuanc� of a Special. Use <br />Per•nit . <br />in �y ccncludin� rernar�s of last Thursday evening, I sta,ted <br />tha�t ti��o lessor.s could be applied i;1 Snorevie��l from our experiences in <br />Roseville, i.e., �`irst, proper zoning of land at the outset is a pre- <br />requisize to insuring �he future compatability bet�reen different land <br />uses. In our case tr.e land just behind the industrially zoned property <br />alon.g County Rc�d "C" snould not have been zoned for residential purposes. <br />Secondly, proper screeninb bets�een different lan�i uses mttst be provided <br />in a zonir� code to �ua-ran�ee adequat� protection of residentially zoned <br />prc�perty. Botn l�ssons apply to the decision vrhich rests on you �s <br />Trustees in Shorevie�r. Clearly tne First applies, and if you shoul.d <br />decide that i� is pro�er to reZone the proper�y in question and it is <br />later developed in�o the proaosed industrial park, the screeniag require- <br />ments (araong ot'r�ers) should be clear and definite and should be drafted <br />and applied to elfectively screen areas vrith height different�.als betw�een <br />re�idential and industrial zones (aw is our sitiaation}, Such x+equirementa <br />�vould avoid �ne problems `�nicn both Mr. R.obe�ts (and the other industr�.al <br />prope�r�y ovmers) ar.d the residents have encountered in Roseville, The <br />r�sidents read the Code one ��ray and �r�ere vnder the mistaken impression <br />that the�r construction vras the of�icial Village position. In add:.�cion,, <br />the residents rel.ied trpon the screening agreement of April 18, 196b <br />(see enclosure) bet�reen themseZves and the i.ndustrial progerty awners. <br />i,�r. Roberts, an the other hand, ��ras advised that the Village construed <br />the provisions of th� Code differently, and he acted in accordance with <br />such advice. <br />CbJective screening requirements must be i.�rposed upan both <br />= parties by the Village so as to adequately inform industry of its responsi- <br />°ailities and ac�aqua�ely proteet values oi residential prc�perties and <br />encou,rage pride and upkeep by their ormers . <br />.5'�n,r::_:;. . - � , . <br />.fi-; <br />h':�.i t - � . <br />�;; <br />:r 'i'FR:gl <br />�, r <br />k <br />� i � t+ � - - . . <br />� <br />� t r` <br />sti f `� <br />�"+ r , <br />� <br />�¢ <br />�"' f �- r .��� ' ; <br />n,£��������µ ,' . . , . ., <br />Sincerely yours, <br />. <br />/ - <br />Tho�as E. Rohxicht <br />. <br />n <br />` <br />