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� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />,� <br />� <br />�� <br />�J <br />REPORT OF SOII� Ih1t�STIGATION <br />PROPOSED APARTM�NT BU�LDIIt� <br />ROSEVILL�, MINNEESOTA <br />INTRODiJCTION <br />On April 12, 13, and ]1�, 1967, w�e put down four soil test borings to aid in <br />a�taluating the soil conditions for a proposed apartment biailding to be loca#,ed <br />t,e�we�n Sne Ave. and Snelling Curve and sou•th of County Road C i.n Roseville, <br />11in8 <br />Minneaota. ; <br />;` <br />INPESTIGATSON METHODS <br />The borings w�ere put down at the locations sugg�sted hy y�ou and ar�s shown on <br />ar <br />the attached sketch. Surface elevations were referenced to the top of the h�irartt <br />located ou the east side of Snellin�a Curve and aorth o� th� site �+rhere �hown, taken <br />* as 10�.0� (an asst�ed elevatian), '! <br />,� <br />,f <br />Bering 3 was cased with 2� inch pi}�e which was c�.,eanad and advanced by standard <br />jgtting methods. The remaining borings were put down uncaaed, and were cleaned� <br />and advanced wit� a 2-3/8 iz�ch pipe drill. Soil samples were ta�cen wfth a 2 inch <br />0. D. split s�apler, anci the blows per,foot (BPF) as:giv�n along the right side�^ <br />of the logs �re record�d on �h�.s sarmpler driven by a 11�O,1b. waeight falling 30 <br />� .: . _ <br />inches. The cansis#.ency af the cohesive soil was rated by th� p�netration o� <br />^, ; . ; <br />; <br />:��: : the sampler. <br />; . _ , _ .> <br />,:;� <br />SOIL AND SLT� CONDI�IONS - <br />� ' . �� <br />The Yogs of �he borings and a c�iart showin� the metY�od of so�.l cla�sificatian <br />�:� ;", (II. S. Bureau of Soi�.s j� are attach�d. �'h� �so�:l. � visuail.y cla.ssified i.n a.acor- <br />d�nce with �the abov� a�ethod. <br />;� <br />There are t� existing h+�ases just sast of the p�oposed construction sit�. �ie� <br />�� t� snrfaca , sla s do�a�rerd engr toward�a the lower -: area t� �ihe <br />gro_ 13e g a17,3r s�r�mPY <br />{ . <br />t_ <br />.. ..weste S�rfa:ce elevatians:at the boring lacatioAs vary bp abant 6� feet and are -�� <br />�. <br />y` £y . _ . � . .. . . . _ <br />�r -c''r __ .. . e <br />��+ 'r ` . 6 : i <br />.r-�r9 �_ .,;� _ ....,_.,, ... . ,�. , _ _ <br />