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« � <br />� � <br />hia,Yor of Shoreview and <br />Siiorevie�7 Village 2`rus�tees <br />Au4;us � 15, 1956 <br />Page 2. <br />§ 10.2b0 ��Screenin�: Plans To Be Submi�tted for Approval. <br />Scre� .ing� must be provided and mainta�.ned by <br />the ormer of �n industr�al buildi�.�g ad jacent <br />to a residential area. Such screening, either <br />of planting, fence or wall, shall substantially <br />bl�k eye-level vision betsveen the resiclential <br />and industrial areas. . . ." <br />A,ft�r m�y re�arks to the Trustees, pdr. Roberts of Roberta Con- <br />str�c ��.oa Ca:�p�y properly cailed to rny attention two £acts which have <br />significan� bearing upon so�e of bir. Roberts� actions af which w!� coonplain.. <br />Tnese ��vo facts are as follo-rls: <br />(i ) E,t a�y.r.� or �eetin�s t�et<<�een i�ir. Roberts and Roseville <br />�Ti,llage Officz.a� s, �rnich meetinbs vi�ere �ot attended by representatives of <br />our group, t�;:�. Ro��r�s rras advised that it c�as the position of the �Pillage <br />ihat t'r.e exf,stino scr�enirb (a fence �rhich in the opinion of the residents <br />�o�s not sczi�s�antially olock eye-level vision) behind the Roberts Con- <br />struction C�:��any pro�erty alone County Road ��C" bet�een Snelling and <br />Har:il.ine Avenues co�plied ti�ith the �rovisions of t�he Roseville 'Loning Code, <br />and that t�e �rior Village appreual of his constructions plans (including <br />the fz:�ce scr�en} ;aould stand, hootle�u�er, the Village 0£gicials requested <br />unoi"��cially tha.� rli��. R�beris volun��ari7,y honor the requests of the re- <br />sidents of the Nor-t� PascaZ-Rose Place neighbarhood �o install additianal <br /> by plantiz� trees in th� so-called 40 foot green strip which <br />serves as a bezffer bet���een the residential and the industrial p.roperty. <br />?�r. Rab�r�s agreeci with -�he Village Officials to voluntarily camply with <br />our reques�s. <br />� (2) bs. Roberts st.a�ed that he had a Special Use Permit. I in- <br />:er�ed r"roQa hi� statemeni � ne meant that he held a permit modifying <br />th.e .�icith of the �U foot �andseapeci strip provided for in § l0.Ob0 quoted <br />above. <br />T'ne effect or." tnese two facts upon our c�nplaints are readily <br />apparent si.�ce ihe tv�o oases oz" our complaints are dependent upon c�n- <br />- pletel� apposite se �s at� z"acts . � <br />�s �o the effect oz" �he first, �act, vre were not aware of the <br />accc�odatian agreeaent �hich had been effected between tiie Village Of- <br />�icials and �. Roberts. It ��as our understanding that Mr. Roberts h�d. <br />acquiesed in o�r c�r.s �ruct�on of § 10. 260 that ;�he must ttsub- <br />s4anz�a��y b� x�s eye-��vel vision between the residential and industrial <br />a.3 �as .�t The= ei �re, ;�e i"eIt tlnat �. Roberts � agreement of April 18, 1966, <br />{s�e en�losed copies of l.e��.ers datied April 2�., and �r 2, 196Ei, s�n�nar- <br />,�.� i.�� saia ��-r��nt) to pl�� trees for screeriin� �as ba�ed upon the <br />:: , : p�ovis :.o�s of ;�e 2b*�? � Coae . ` <br />� <br />,.s, <br />. , <br />�r <br />l�� 4 . . .. .. . .. . . � <br />,:�:4 F � �f . . . � ' � . <br />t �� <br />��� 1 <br />��� { <br />S t' � , <br />�T'i (y� �:i � . . � ' i . <br />rxI `1 <br />/ <br />a �� t <br />����# �f� . . . . . . . � .. <br />. ��� s <br />"k � _.._..,., ._ .. . . - . � � - � . <br />