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� � _� .- - ---...,.. � � _ _ __... . - <br />, � - ._,, <br />���t�' ,��i���nt� ,li�z�e snd entered into tbis.�._._._ '"' L" d8y of <br />3u11' ._�...._�..�.. ,19.r �,.' ; by �nd betsreen---- _.�� <br />T;t':��L SLnV1C� CC;::Pr.:;Y <br />rution under the lazcs of the State of._ ��� =. � j^ e`o�,: � �....._.-.---..----------•-�- <br />a corpo , ...�„�-�- -,�-��-,r S C� __._ _ <br />pariy of the first psr�, and---_._..._kLa_�;�.�t_��.�ti!.�.�_:�..:.��,..:.�. � ._�__.....�.._.___ <br />. <br />...._a2� I� '��_c�r_oQratis�.n. .�____��..__ , Part.�.of i�e second part; <br />�thi£S�Ctfj. Tht�t the said pnrty of the firsi: part, in consideration of the covenants aad ��ree- <br />ments of said pattY..._.. of the second pr�rt, hereinalt��r contained, bereby sells and.ari arit��Yey unto <br />ssid parts'...._of the secand purt,. ?:.�:s,_.s�ccesso c�s ._..�nd� assigns, by a____•:...._...-.._._._.Y-._.-..-Deed, <br />accompanied by an abstract evidencing good title in party of the �rst oart at the date hereof, ot bv ar� <br />owner's dcrpl:cate cerCifieate of titl�, upon t�se prompt and full per�ormance by said part.� the <br />second part, of �� Spart of L�nis a�reeme�t, the tract S..of l�nd lying and being in the Countp of <br />p�.:��SeV ,�� .State �f MinnPcnta I�P.SCT7hP.lI 8.S {AlIQWS� to-wit: <br />��Tne �outh Four I�undrec3 Li�iit (S.���') i�et cf ihe N.^.,� th �ne Thousand <br />:�ine I-iundred Z`cventy-six (id.1,926i �ee� of that part of tlie <br />Southeast quarter lying �i'est oi the �ast T�va Thousand seventy- <br />iive (E.2, 075) feet thereo� � in �ect:�.o:� �, Township 2�, Ran��; <br />23, Ranise� Coun�t�►, 1linneso��, acc�rdi��� �to tiie U.S. Governnient <br />Su�vey {.:hereof subject to l�airview Avenue (iormerly vew Bry�'hton <br />Ro�d) , and sub jec-t to Couiii;y �i tcl� �'o .!= <br />Except'easemenis and r�esiricLions of record, if any, <br />And said pnrt.x.._of the second part, in consideration of the premises, hereby pat� said party <br />��'7_ a ..Iin�� :.�..,Fix�nuA ���.�...Pau�.,_.3Linn�sQ �.�...__....__.____....... <br />of tbe �rst part, at..._ .�- '"'' �,:� , t- '- __ o�:�a.':_;...___..._...... <br />remises tbe svm orr vet�t ��'"o `=i `' <br />as and fur the purcbase price of �aid p , �""' �\ __P_��� �� _--�- _�.Do�lttrs, <br />`� � �! : � j� � � � ..1+..: � `...��1.�...��-••-�'..� ..'n.....i.�..._.��a« y � � »-^ � �..a„�,..�..r.+....1 J t ' ..`.._. � � I -. ' `Y. ; 'y'� ; � � �. I :. �+`� {i � <br />..._._..._� ..:... ..:.:... folr.ow,n� to-wit: � � :, - � �.: , � �• �X � - � �'� - � " � � <br />in manrier aridut times , : - �` _ �-.� . :l�L _ t:�:•,��. . ! � , �'' � <br />� � ., � :��1;: .., ;����..� .,��.� .,: L_�'-; ~ i <br />` � / �' `� �G• r,:1� �` ( �; 2 � � 7? 2 . � ^ ) ;. <br />' � :1 . r�:.`��:1 ��• �+:?•�:::��:�C'. n�V �:1 ��'.:;a_ CC? '_il? 't•� ��riC� :.�' � � .�.. .. . ',r �. - <br />' : C:.S�1 � ��'��.:_�.?; .`.L:'� �C''.'•� .. '7:� �tii_e��.�': ].� 1��i�:.�'iy 'r.'.C�iiit�i'.'1�tit '��:J ► <br />' � :i v. <br />1 ✓� _" c,l.�.',,�� � '�:.^•_'?'. c'�a 11 't3'.^. .T:1_^,f,`.'..-�'. rJ_2, i;i�'.^.�J� J.i1%I7'.��. 'l}c^.Z�::C3 '.�:21a �; `i <br />• r .,:� �u �:' .;� �-. � ��__. ;_ �. .. <br />` .� • „� ;r ' {:.he cal���?a�• ;-c� r '_�':;;;, I�ot�t�•vnr � n��^r� :., a� t?�c <br />" L=� � 1 .:1:1 .l ��. a �J. . �7� <br />_1_O'i:.^_^'." .. .:^ 'i�? .�C: t:�: i:'_1� j� COi:1:i1C'.:1C2?l� U:1 '',:tl^-. �.:,i; '�:�' � <br />' : �r',;ent:.��� ,l`.::.� , a-�c: con��.nuit�� o.� .. _� 1�4 day oi 2�clz �,�o�zii <br />T,;??•�-'' "' ' C�;' �, 7 t�`.213 Y'��^•7_i21.=I"' ::lOi�"i.Sl; O� ��Ji7� <br />_ v� 1 �G'i :i Il� r-r �-� r' �' T:��?1t�rQC _` fl2 j: ��i,�.?iC� <br />c. •? Iu:�A, s_�_ai ��a�%.7�:�� ai "'�:r�:,';.�T�;"��,� -_2�uv�.nd ai.. � <br />` C1 ?.7�1i_'':1 �l."iLL:i.:�.".'+ � ��� ��[tj ?.�i� t:' iia :?'?�i�1C� 121 i.�3T'��:i i iG 'C�..^.i:G' Si u�.�. <br />w ?? " ' _ <br />' �•,.� M•:r r f:,_�� �irs � n�_ � a:� Jan��ax�� 5, 3�E7; <br />i: j% ;a ;r���� :.0; Lt_ � 1' �, O� ` � T �i ';,tr—''y: c1;1C1 <br />, .`.• ' ' ��r.,-`-+' p�' `���r� _`y-51.:;. ii20:��2f�.� ! ''_:ti c : Z�.:!2G1r0C� I � �+ . <br />n, __e r�slH V i1� ` tO '.. Gi .� <br />2J�3�0 i.�'��LL.4�.5 /^'25 '�`' �") �I1�1� '�: ^:;;TGbl,� 4'_�� :�:c ;� tI� <br />l•� 7 J4 G ..JJ <br />•� irs ��ax L i.a �qual ::o� �.� ly � n s� L� ]. I:::� n t s o� '?��o ^':zo�.�sanr. � GLL:!:� � <br />(�2,G��.3�� �ac� plus in::eres� at ��,? aiora:aid ra�e, co::.-!enc:�n; on <br />, �?ie 2st day o� rebruarg, 1�G�, anci co:��inuin� on t�e ls� d�w' of <br />� . each ��on�h �herea�ter :zn�il t�i3 en��=a rrincipal b�lancn aa3 said <br />:�n�erest shall have be�n �aid zn �u11. _ <br />aLga that any buildin6�s and imProo�e°ts now on said land, or which s�all heretsfter bs erected, placed; or made thereon, ehall not be <br />� rEmovcd zherefrom, but shall be and remain the property of the p�rty o€ the firat psrt i:ntil this contract sha11 be fully periormed by the , <br />�.,�„_of ihe secand pazt; snd st �� --o'wn ea�pense, to keep the buildings on eaad premises at all timee ins�u�ed :�► <br />� p of the firsi part, $$�i�st losa by fire for at least t�e sum of <br />some. reliabla insursnce company' or camPe.�i�� � be approved by the party <br />J A' <br />,. ::�3u VR.1.�.:@ Oi: Si�'tlCLti2.'2S aS c�.i1Ci �?t.�i' CrJ:n����GC�C} �=1 ��1.+� i?�C�'rn' .r�.nc j�pljatg <br />. - ...._..r— �.C! 0 V ci � it'�' O'�' .�'-� ��-:,� C{c. 4?'S'�:^. S c1`•: '� �= �+t�� .. <br />'� and egainst loss by windstorm for at le4st the sum of._._._____..-- ' r . Dollars, <br />> � p"1�' �. C`� � Li O i? i'] 2 t? i 8I:? 1. S � � ---- <br />gayable to c�id uarty af the first part, its successors or essigs�s, snd, in c�a of losa, s�ould there be any surplus over and sbove the <br />• amount then oain8 e+ud P�3' of the first part, ita euccess°Tn� °= �b'�� �he t:alanca ehall be paid over to the Esid part.�_Y_._of the <br />AQ i� g ;,,{a�g shall appenr, and to deposit with the psrty of the fi�st part policies of asid insur°.nce. But <br />second part J under the isrms hereof, same may be p�.isl by firb-t <br />shoutd tb� second pwrt�� � PaY �Y item to ba`paid by said psrt..,r..-.--- <br />partq and ahall be iorthwith paYable, with interest t}�ereon, as an additionsl amount due fnrst par6y und�r thie contract <br />Bui �hould default be made iu the payment of principal or interest due herPunder, ar of any part thereof, to be by second part.X_.._ <br />fa1'to a the tsxes or assessments uP°n aaid land, premiums upon said insurance, or to pertorm <br />paid, or shauicL_�. p y t or erformed the <br />any or either of the covenants, agreements� terms or couditions hercan cuntained, to be by said second part...�kep P � <br />s�id psrty of the first part mnY+ at ita opt�ion, by tivritten notice declare this contracG cancElled and terminatE 3, +snd all nghfs, tiile and <br />i: inte: est acquired thereunder by said second part�—.uh�.11 thereuP°n ceaae and terminate, and e11 imProvemsnts made upon tY�a prem- <br />ises� aud al! payments made hereunder sbsll beiong to said party of ihe first paa't as liqui�lsied dama�'es for bresch of this wntraci by <br />' eaid second ps�rt �'_---, eaid noii se to be ia accordance �vith the statut„� in such ca�e made and prat+ided. Neit'ner the sxtension of ths time <br />,� of psymerit oF sny eum �s sums �nf money #a� be paicl hereunder, nor ar►y waYver by the paciy of the firet•part af ita righta to declare this <br />-;• con�ct farfeited bp reason of �any breach theseof, sball in suy ffianner a�tect the right of s�id pssrty to canc�el this conL�ract becavae o# <br />defaults subse�Neaily waturiag, an�, uo eztensioa of tima shall ba valid unless �vzdenced by duly gigned ina{'.rumenf;. Fuather, st�ez,a�vica �. <br />�` Qf �tiro a�d taiture to zamove,. r�itbin ��e pariad �Ilawad b�' l�zw� tbo daf�ul� th�in sg�oi�ed, eaid �art.�'.-,....o� t�be ascaad.psr� hqrob� <br />�� n n demand of'ssid party of the flrst pari, qufetly aud geaceablp ib surrandar to it pesses�io� of �aid prea,:Rea ' <br />apeafically agr ----� P° <br />and everp Part thereof f it heing understood that until auch def�ult, said part..�..—af tha �e�ond pag�.to have posa�asion of ssid .' <br />Prem:sea. <br />�� <br />/i <br />