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� <br />SPF..^,IAL CONDTTIOI�S <br />__._______ <br />TD�IE c7�' C, C�SPL�� ION <br />The work �h�;i be stArtes wi_thin 10 ciaye and the ent; � 1�r�, ject, ��r:�,t <br />landscaping� �h,�zl. l��� �.�,r+�,lat�d v�th �..n �alendar da;rs. t,andsca�.�in� sha.: i t� <br />cc�npa.eted in i : <br />S�MIidATI('N OF SITE � <br />Biddars are x�quested to vi.sit th� site, campax� the dr�W� •�•s and <br />spac:Lficat.ic,n� and inf'o�n themsel�s of �1.1 con�itiona, includin� ot,tx3r �x�; , <br />if s.tiy, hein�; perforrned. Failu,.^e i�o vis.i.r. site� wi11. i_n no ��r reltPv� �,he <br />succea�fla.1. bidder fr�?m necc�ssity cf furn�.;nint, xny materials or �rforming <br />�r work that may be r�qui_rnd tn �,om�l.�te work in accordine, the dr�.►r' n�;:+ <br />and specificatiar� without add.i tiot�.cas t to ;>wnerA <br />I.dY� OUT WORI{ <br />� Coni�ra�_�t��r shall, immedi��tPly upon entorin,� pro joct aitP for purpo�e n� <br />be�i.nnin�; work , locatQ all gene ral refe rc�nce points and take su��i� action �.p <br />ia rt�+cessary to pr�vent their destruction; 1.a.y out hi � orwn �ae rk �n� be r�st ons ible <br />for alI 1ine�, ��],A4Af,io�s anri measur�nents of buildin.� 7, �rad�n�;, n�ving, u+. ,.ii+ ies <br />a.xid other wor4c e�o�cutec� by r..i.m und�r the Contra��te He must exarcL�e propsr �,.�,- <br />caution to v�rify fi�zr�s s'iown �n drawinE-s before layin� out wark �n,� wi11 ba <br />he:Ld r�spor.sible £ur a�y eri�or resiilt,�{t� frnm his ''ailur� to �.x�rciae such pre- <br />C$11�'o j.A21 e <br />TEMD�'f.i'OIt�1,R Y f�' IELD 0 F'F I�: E <br />Contract�r ehall p^ov-ic�P and rnaintain a temporary field office 3t the <br />eite equip��l �ri.t�-i heat, tQleph.�ne, toilat, plln desks and pla�n fi].�es. Offi^� <br />�hall b� of auff. icient si�.e f o�• � s� of Contractor and Architect's rep��s�ntativeo <br />I,oca�� office on �i�e where �iirec L�d and ramove when �ork is c rn�let�.��. <br />T�I�ARY �AT <br />._., — <br />Contr��tQr shall provide at own �x}aQr�se $srnpor�r heat as rbsce�sary to <br />pr'ot��� all �ark �nd material� a�ainst, inj:iry fro�n ciampnesa and cold anci to dry <br />etxt 'bui.Ldin�s. �ue1, equipm�e►nt and method of heatin� sha1.1 t�e sati�f�ctorp <br />to Architect. Sea requtrer�ents in d etail spec�ificatione £Qr temperatures to la� <br />rutit���ri f'or r�p►-�licaiion o� �rox�c un�er the various txridee. <br />�OP�ARY UTILITIFS <br />Contractor sh�1.1 ma�ke arrari{*ements for and f`u.�°nish, �t o�m e�cpen�e, a11 <br />water'elsetricity, Lighti.t�� and other utilities nece�sary for corYstruction purpoG�� , <br />[+� �1�.� � . ,�' � � a� <br />� Contrae�or �h�.]1 prov-ide and maintain temporary toilets as nec�ssary for <br />u.�e o�' worka�eno Looate toilets Where directed. Relocate inside buildir� or <br />co�nedt to a��aer ae �oon as �aork �rill a1�.rnr. Keep toilets in sanitary condition. <br />