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� <br />��C������ N ��1�� <br />TE�TUM TII� APVD PLAtVK <br />SMnRT FObtM SPE�CIFICATIOC�I <br />l'he ro��f cice:k tihall he nc�nec�mhu�lihle <br />N-ith a structural strcn�;th c�,p�►hlc uf <br />supporting a unifc�rm Ic>a� uf :'.t1(1 liis. <br />�.s.f. fc�r spans inciic�.itcci. "T-he thcrm,+l <br />insulatiun o( thc �Jcck asscmhl}• shail <br />have a"lJ" value, air-tc�-air, ot . <br />�+nt1 thc wcighl uf the cleck r�iateri.�l <br />shall bc ap�roximatcly . ihs, �sf. <br />(t shall bc tor�gue ��n�l groc>vcd un ali <br />ursupporrcd ccigcs, excrpt spc�i;+l <br />length tile �hull he tiqu.ire cut ��n thc: <br />en�ls. Thc ruof deck tih;ill have a fac- <br />tpry <:rplied asphalt roofing tell OIl the <br />�(l� Sil�l'. <br />�pWCs FCiRM SPEC�FICATIOPd <br />di. SCC�AE. fhe w�rk cc}��r�cl hy this <br />,eciiOt� ot the s�ecifiCatic�n con!;is',ti c�t <br />furnishin� lah��r, cyuiE�m�:nt. �.+►7�1 ma- <br />teri��ls far �nstall:ition of Tectum rui�f <br />�ieckin� in ac�:orJance with the speci- <br />tict�tions, clraw�ings, an�l t�rn�s ancl cc�n- <br />�litions c�f the runtract. <br />pB. MAT�RIALS� n. �I�ccCum structural <br />insul�tin� roof F�lank anil nx�f tilc 5hall <br />consist ��t wo���t lihcrs �n� a r�act;vc. <br />inort;anic. insr,l��hl�� h�'�raulic ccnient <br />I,in�ier rnol�le�t un�ler c��ntrolle�l c��n- <br />�fitions c�f hcat an.i pressure. <br />b. �T�hc unitti shall be [c�nguc and <br />grcx�ve�l ',�„ �1e�p „n ihc� twi� pacallel <br />unsi►pp��rtc�1 c�l�es, cxccpt spec;ial <br />lenglh tilc tihail he s��uarc cut c�n thG <br />cnds. The sup�«i�tccl encl� cif thr r�x�f <br />plank shall he syuar� cut. 1"hc suE3.. <br />portecl e�lges of the roi�f tile shall h� <br />rabbeted ��a inch. <br />e, "1'i�e units shall he noncomhu�tihlc <br />in ace�r�t;.ince with Feeler�►I Specifica- <br />tion SS-A-t IKh an�.i stun�iar�ls <br />est,�t�lishe�l hy the National Boani of <br />F�ire Undenvriters, (S�ec�al lnte��est <br />Sullctin Ni�. 294. ) <br />d. l�he ��nits shull he capahlc r�t sup- <br />portin�;. over th� �pans recummenelc�i <br />b} the munufacturer, applied lua�i <br />eyuivalent to .'.00 pounds per squ:►re <br />fcx�t uniformly distributect. �1�he test <br />procedure to he. in accorelnnc� with <br />Fcderal '::peciflc�tiun SS-S-439. <br />•, Thc units, in combination w�ith ap- <br />pri�vc�f built-ur roufing shall have a <br />..1,,�� vti�lue af: <br />��" 0.2? 81u.itp ft.;deg. F /hr. <br />2" ,....O.ZO Btu,!�q. R.; deQ. i./hr. <br />t1h" .0.17 Btu.lsq. ft.%de�. i.ihr. <br />7^ . . . , . .0.15 8tu„sp, }t./d�R. F./hr. <br />.' L ,.� 1 1�l.Il� ���,�U. Ji.��.J�v <br />f. �Thc: unit` shali ha��r �in a��rage nui�r <br />rccfucti��n rc�eflicicnt of .55 tu (�� for <br />I �<i ". .hU tc� .7U f„� �„ .b� lu ,?� fuf <br />:'.�'i", ancf .7S tc� .K5 fc.�r �„ <br />fl. �fhe u��rer surface ��1 the unit tih,sll <br />h;,v�� a factoty applie� asphaltic (elt. <br />h. �1-hc units stiull h;iv� a nc�m�nal <br />wcight pc'r squ;�re tc>ot i�f: <br />��,4�� . 4001b5 <br />2„ a z� i�s <br />74�" 5 25 �b> <br />��• 6 25 Ibs <br />t. 5uh-purlin, fi,r rc>�.�I tilc� ur �I,inl� <br />`hall hc ��f a�l�yuate 5iir I,� �upp�xt Ih�� <br />n>��f �I�tii�;n It>a�1ti ( h<< sh��ll hc i�f �ile� <br />tnific.itc�1 ��n th� clr:��.� in�;s ��` ��[�prc��'L�1 <br />h� thc ��rch�t�ct ur �n�;inecr. <br />j. l�hc' ru��l ��I�inl� �h.�ll hc an�h��reJ b� <br />�;ilv:�nii.c�l �li�, r�r I.�rgc hca�i galv,in- <br />iir�1 curk �n�ulat�un nail, �u prc�4'i�lc :+ <br />minimum re�,i�i.�ncr ��I {t! ruun�l� per <br />5qit��r'4 f�x�t tu U41I1��. � Ii��ti shall !�c of <br />a�provc�i ��c,i�;n. an�l n;►ils tih��ll bc at <br />Ir��st I in�h l��nger th�,n the thicknes� <br />of the roof C�lank. <br />k. Grout f��r anchuring rc,c�f tilcs sha�l <br />��rt>vieie a rninirnurn resistance of 3t) <br />poun�iti per �.c3uare lc3��t to i�plift anci <br />�hall he .�n insulating I� pc ci�rnE?osc� <br />�,f perlitc. P:�s tl;inci cerncnt anci �����tcr <br />�n the catio of -� cut�ic feet ��f {�erlil� tc� <br />I cuhi� fc�ut ��f I'��rtland rem�nt. <br />Slrurtulite. �� preni;rc�l +n�ulatin�; �r���it <br />matcrial rn.�y hc �isc�l .qll �;rc,utin►.; n���- <br />terials shc>ulci he n�ireci with sufiicient <br />wuter tc� prc��luc� ,� �c�urin� cc�nsistcncY. <br />03. IPdSTA1.lAilON: a. R��c�f pl4tnk or <br />:-oof tile shall h�• rut tc� fit ncativ at <br />walls, paru��ets, curhs ,�r ulhc�r ����cn- <br />I11�;5. AUXIII�t(� �f.inllfl�.', sh<<II he pro- <br />�-icls;cl tc� tiupp<?rt the unit� ar��un�1 <br />projechuns great�r ,han K inclie� in <br />�lianteter or arounc� uF�enin�,� �reater <br />than �t inc:hcs in any' clirnensiuii. <br />b. Roc�f plank shall he iai�� �iire�tl� on <br />purlins ur suh-pi�rlins with syuarc rut <br />ertcls huttc�l ti�htly anJ (alling on center <br />lincs of �uppurtii�� mcmhers l�hc �up- <br />�,c�rtc�1 cn�l, in a�a;�cent rows sh:�ll hc <br />stag�zcrc�l. Thc unsupport�:ii tongue an�i <br />groovic eci�es shali he ti�htl}� neste:i. <br />Clips or nails sha11 he installe�l at each <br />supportin� memher as the wurk pra- <br />gr�sses. <br />c. Ro��C tile shall he evcnly� spaced be- <br />twten bulb-tees with the rabheted ecibe <br />supported un the huttum flanbe. The <br />thickness of the roof tile shall be surh- <br />cient to provi�ie a minimum of !�" <br />�u��'r ��v�r th� hulh-ti•�• .•n��i �hc j��ini <br />i� �!r��ut���i Ilu�h ��;tn �hr c�>E� surlace ut <br />the nx�i tiic�. �[ he un,iiF��,��r;�•�i tun�ue <br />.in�1 grc�in'G entJti ��t 4�" ��I�• �hall hc <br />tita��;ere�l ' � I�n�th in .i,1�.�� �nt r�,�• <br />:,ncl t��;htl� nr,Ic�l. l.>>nl: hc•t���•en thr <br />r.�hhrt��l r�i�es c�t Ih� f�l�'ti �inJ the <br />hulh Irr. �h,tll hc kr��ut<'�1 tt� (�f��� ic�c <br />;�n��h��ra�r a. lh� µc�rk �rukr��.•�•�. <br />d. tiuh-E�urims .F�all hc ,�.i�«1 ,���u <br />r:�trl� �+ith�n �lus c�r minu4 I� i t�" in <br />:����,r�1��n�c wi�h thc tipc�ificalicin� �,r <br />;�, �hu�{ n �,n th�� .1r.��{ in�s ,tn� tiecurel� <br />���,�itiuii���l h� mc�,n� ��t temE�lalr� �lur- <br />in�; ��c•I�lin�. t�hrv tihall he HeiJe�.i at <br />e�rr� r��int c�t ,:r�.,�ti�ng u�er tiu�p�,r�ing <br />tr;�onin�; mrn�h;;rti �.�ilh .i `.�" Il�tll tillc[ <br />��c1�1 ��n ,ilt�rn�+tc �i�1rti c�f ih� fl:tn�e, <br />cxrept ,i! �n�1, �_�f tiuh rurlin. �.+hrn h��th <br />,i�lrs �,I (he flankc �h.+ll hc' uelde�l. T hr <br />�n�1s ��t th� ���h E�urlim �hall h�ve ,� <br />ntintn�um hr�u in�. c�i 1"' ��n thr �uF�- <br />�tlrllflt; tlllfllill'f <br />e. "( he Kr��ut �h,,il compir�elti fill the <br />tiE.ace hit�+c�en the su�p��rtr�l e.l�es ��f <br />t�'r rt�r�f hles an�.1 the hulh-tie' .�fter <br />tl�e grou� h,i� tak�n its initial ,c:►. rr.etiti <br />matcrial 5hall hc s�rape�l otT t�� fc�rm <br />a fini�he�1 I��inl ht.ish � i�h thr tc�� tiur- <br />lace c�f Ihr ru��� t�l�,. <br />f. 'fhe ap��li«i unit� `h,,ll hc rx�rnine�i <br />an�i an� ,Icf��ctivr rc,�,f �� ��r tilc• <br />shall hc ri�m����'�1 �tn�l r�E�I,trrJ. �nclu�- <br />�ng all �>:cc:,` m;��criai5 �n�l �lrhris Lx- <br />crss �_r��ul �hnll hc rc�mc�ve�l fr,�m thc: <br />t��� <urf.i�r �,I thc tin�1hc•�l ac,rk to <br />��rc,vi�lr .i �Ir�in Jrc{� Irr� �r�,rn �lrtect� <br />re:i�1�' t�� rc�rnc thc h��ilt-u� r���,fin�;. <br />(3�:. P�(7i£C�'i�Pd FRC)�iA ��iL'�S: <br />�, A�leyu.itc curc `hall hc taken in <br />han��lin� �i�i�J �tc�nng all r�>��t �9erk ma- <br />terials to in,un prutec:i<�n fr��n� �1am- <br />�,�<<i e�i�«. ����i�� �x����«� surf<<ces an�1 <br />punctunn� the [�11 i�ernhrane. A.11 units <br />in transit �tn�l in �t��rabc �hall he <br />thor���ighf� rre}trctecl from the weather <br />until lai�l. <br />b. All c1c�k lai�i in a ci�iy sh.ill he ma�ic <br />waterti�;ht at the CORlE1Ie�lU11 of the <br />�1.ty'S w��rk, hy applicatiun of the huilt- <br />up ��x�fing, ��r, as a minimum, hy <br />stripping the joints tu make them <br />w rathcrtight. <br />OS. AP��iCATIO�d OF �UILT-UP <br />1�G4�IF�G <br />Th� huilt-uE� rooting over the �e�l, <br />shall he lai�l �n .iccor�ancr Hith rhr <br />huilt-u�? r��ufing manufacturcr . <br />Sq�C1f1�1111U11ti. <br />