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APPLiGATION OF VARIANCE: - Page 2 <br />o Eifect on Nei hborhood and Com rehenelve Ylanc c�anting the variance ��11 not <br />imp an a equa � aupp o g an a� o ad�acent prop�rty, unreasanab3.y <br />increa8e the con�estion in the public streets, incr��ee the danger �f fire, endanger <br />f.he publi.c ��fet,Ya unreasanably diminsh or impair e�etabliahed property values in the <br />sux'rounding are8� o� in ar�y other way impair health� Aafety� comfort9 morals, or in <br />ar�y �other re�pect be contrary to the inter�t of tYie �oninq Ordtnar�ce ar.d the <br />Compxehensive Plan. <br />� o ✓r/ c�--" <br />Map inciicating contiguou3 pro�erty usage ;5 copies) <br />. xc ow e gm��a ari gna ure: T e un ers�gaie ere ,y represen s upoti a o e <br /> of la�A for the purpose of inducing the Village of Rosevil],e' to tak,e <br />the action hex�ein requagted� that all statements r�erein are true at�d tha e11 work <br />hexeir� m�ntioned wi�l he dor�e in �;cc�rd�nce wit� the ordinances of the V of <br />Rosevi�.:L�9 �nd the laws of the State of Minnesota�. <br />Da�te <br />S <br />//�// / �� p (� L <br />� G C_ v ` � <br />v t� �CG <br />[� V <br />