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TU: <br />FP.O'�►: <br />S lJB J� CT : <br />� <br />Village Councii <br />� <br />Fi le �2 <br />Secret�.ry of Posevi lle Plannin� Com�issi.oit <br />43erntson IZezoninr.T <br />This refers to your letter oi' P�jay 17, 1962, 1r?visins� tilat- t11e Villa?e <br />Council liacl reFexrsd the .3erntson !:ezonin�� t� tre n��lilIilll^ Corr.�,a.ssion <br />For fuxtl�er consideration as '�r. Eserr�tson has nre�a.rec? a.ncl subr.litte�'. <br />a revised deve.lopment for the ,�ro� er.ty, <br />T)le xevisecl i�lan c�nfor.r.;s to th� or��inance in evexy r.esnec.t t� ��arki_n� <br />�ncl s�tblcic rc:quire;nents, Sor.�e oF tlie c}i�n�es sllo�;�n on t��e revise:' �Ian <br />are noted as follaws: � <br />1. 'I11e builclin� cle���h 1�as been zec'�zcecl from 45 �'ect to <br />36 fect on tY�� n�rth encl �nc 40 feet on t}ie �outl� en��, <br />2. '1';lE rear access ane? l�aclin� arn� (e�.st sic�e or t���iil,li;��) <br />has beci7 elirlinatc�l. <br />3, T'.Zc c�eptll o:� tlie ��ar]<in�? sethacl: f1,o-� tlle Snell_:ir.s �1v��, <br />xi�h.t-o{'-io�.y h_is 1�een increlse.' to 15 !'cet as r.e��iir.ecl <br />by ardin�.nc�, <br />4. T'he 7�umber o-F paxlcins� sr�aces has be�n incre�:iseci f'rom �6 <br />to ��7 s��aces , - <br />Tl7e Commissi.on believes tiiat thc traffic �ene.rated fro:n the cl�velo�--,�.e;lt <br />oi � r.etail business r:►.t this locatian w�ll i_ncrease i.n volu���e biit t?�zt <br />the antici�:��ted incr.ease in traffic ��t the inte�secti�n o�f a r��ior collectex <br />stxeet anc.l a,tatc 11i�}t��ay si�c�tald not c�-eate a;,roble7��, <br />In view of the above, tllc A.lallniTl� Cc���mission ciesires to ���it:idr.a��r its <br />recommen.clation ma�le ��.ril �, 1962 and ;Znr� rec�m;��e�n��s that the �:eti.tion <br />as submitt�c�i b� ^�ir. I3e�ntson for .rezani.n� be ,�.p�rovec.l, Tne rne�ryhers of tll� <br />Plannin�? Commission voted 3-2 ir� fav�r o:� the rezonirR, <br />cc-4Ui1�Fred C, Bexnston <br />James R, I3e11 <br />� R].C�l3x'C.L �''. Tt.ixn1u17c1 <br />l � : �.�- <br />-,�1�1'G / t� <br />June 4, 19�2 <br />\ <br />� <br />