<br />+ � �
<br />Thua, uader t�heae condit�..Qns, no constructi�es of homes could tske pl�c� even
<br />i� �� eree are� highly rlesis�b��.
<br />The conatructiaa of tt�e n�v hi�vay va� not emtire�r det�riment�l ta those
<br />a�lr+�ac�y reaiding 3.n �h.� $ffec�4d e.�oa. I�t djld p.t�vJ.do read,y ac�esa to ti:� ,fcee-
<br />'w�y �y�st�m a� �a� as a aonv�snic3nt arautc� to �ro�c3tirs,y �i�t�aet P�.S. Coupled wi.th
<br />th� cc�ang•�r�c�#�ion o�' 3��t, Count� Roa�3 �..� bec�rae a dead end elirainat3ng some
<br />"+�Sio alang �,hs�t nax►rov rasd. P�ow�s, �,h� c�o�,etaruction of �he no� h3.�1��y
<br />ba�d in the r�sident� c� botla ",.'�raee��h Ro�dand Ca2. �se�h Road i� naw
<br />baunded on the vest snd �aet bg� t}� old h�.�h�► e�glat �nd tise n�,r high�,y eigi�t
<br />x��pectively. Caiwty Road C�� ie bouaded by the nera hi��r eight �d int�r•
<br />et�,te h%gh�ra3r 3S'�T on the wes� a�d �,st reape�t►iPe1.�r. �he� nsquoes+�mp�*�" u��
<br />tmrl�r�.
<br />�tte C�re�tt La�ea Fip�litie ca�apX�t,�s tha t�hl.a�d �l.do of �he� ta�c. 1�gsin, e�
<br />.' at�ip a� 2�nd vas laft ros3.den��1� s�ned �d�ec�n� � C�2 b�zt t'�� c��truc�ior►
<br />o� th� ��ikg Qir�uall,� eliFoiri�,�+�cl fi�� po��3bili�� ��' dav�elopin� �s�3den��a1
<br />w�3.ts tlaera. The� t�l� £'� �,g ��Il � Pax�, ?�r�r��e�p.�!s�g, �;re�� and w��.l
<br />pe�n�d tank$ � u�� �pu�ai�r� ta th� i°�e�id�� �.on� C•2. N�ver��les�, thi.a
<br />,�anatruc�.an c�3d sf'���t �Me r�� s�;t.� v��.ue Qf �h� pr�p�eart� an tba� r9at^�it sid� r�f
<br />,
<br />C•Z� �br ��ap�� �'��� p�'o��y n�a�r aWned l� 3ackson' e vas Per �nla �'or n��•3�,y
<br />, .
<br />, - r,a� �r' '�' �he �'��r a��r,
<br />, �j' ps�a�pec�3ve is�yer� �aexe di�c:our�,ged from
<br />p�h�ng th� prrtp�r�tyr lbec���, o�' th.e e:�at�►� of tize Gra�� �t�s Pip�I3ne
<br />' iTnf��� _
<br />�il. �r�e�,1 �oasid�s�t�ion� �d �o��.ble �itec�s
<br />-, - ,,,-,,,,,,,,,,--,,,,,,, ,,.,,,,,_ � ,,.�
<br />�. �e p�mpo�i �a�a�.ng �ge� w�E ab� Ftill e�f�a� ���s�sdm�f.�3.� 3%, of' t�h�
<br />�deve�.vped �e �.��t�i of` ���,ui�� �.�d C�2 anci ��►st af ��e n�r 3a�.��g
<br />eight �11, iia ef'f''ee�, �3.t�r �h� �ora3.�g �f al�. the u�de�elop$� �rrmp�:�
<br />%a t�.f.� rg�S.�n. �� i� na� ���•�r o�' x°v�ania� ��� � f1� �� ��m Tc �vn�
<br />p�g��' as g�e�Z �►d��x.� �1 �a��� �n ps�p�x�� �orY�ci �s�r�eri�s3.,�1 .
<br />,, �
<br />'���.,
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