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0 <br />0 <br />� <br />C� <br />� . <br />(This case was tabled at the applicant's request at the Oct�ber lst Meeting. <br />Fol lo�.��ing is a copy of the report prepared for that hearing. ) <br />December 3, 1969 <br />CAS E NO: <br />APPLICANT: <br />LOCATION <br />ACTION REQUESTED <br />541-69 <br />Bristol Company, Inc. <br />Cleveland Avenue South of Wilder Street (See Sketch) <br />Rezoning from "R-1" to "R-3A" and Special Use �'ermit <br />for Developmrnt Plan <br />PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS: <br />1. The property in questior� was considered for rezoning and development appraval <br />approximately a year a�o, at which time it was denied princ;pally because <br />inadequate space had been left b�tween the existing single family development <br />to the north and proposed apartment units. '�'ou will recall perhaps,at fihe time <br />of the previou5 proposal an open space had been (eft for the extension of the <br />cul-de-sac to terminate Wiider Street, but that development had been proposed <br />immediately south af Lot E(the nearest single family lot fronting on Cleveland <br />Avenue}, <br />2. The applicant now proposes to leave a continuous apen strip 170 feet in width <br />across the northerly third of Phe property, You will recall that under the 701 <br />Plan, it was suggested that the multiple area begin at a poinfi south of the Wilder <br />Street development leaving approximately enough distance fo complete the <br />cul-de-sac an Wilder Street with single family houses> If 5uch single family <br />housing were fio be built, the distance involved would approximate 250 feet, <br />The question then becomes one of �vhether or not the 170 feet of open space <br />(assurning tf�qt it is properly handled} carries out the spirit and intent of the <br />decision in tf�e 701 Plan. We suggest that if the 1%0 feet is properly handled, <br />that this area of land could successfully ma��e the tronsition between the <br />single fami!y housing and the apartments proposed. You will recall that there <br />are occasions in the Village,such as on Hamline Avenue across from Foodtown, <br />or on Rice Street east of Woodbridge,where the appropriate handl ing of a narrower <br />landscaped open space vras successfully used to create the transition between <br />the single family housing and the proposed �partments, In each of those cases, <br />the space i,�volved was considerably less than the 1; 0 feet suggested here. <br />The princi�al objection, you will recall, to the previous development was one <br />of inconsistency in the handling of space across the r-�tire width of the property <br />in question. <br />
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