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. <br />,- 1 � <br />� � � <br />� <br />� <br />June �, 1965 <br />Ccaa Number: 65-2b5 <br />Applicanfi: Angelo �ar�one (Conhroct Pvrchaset of Pro�rty} <br />692 East 4th Stre�t, St. Pav� <br />Lo�ation: West of Hcmiine Avenu� Qcross from 4akcrest <br />Action Reque�ted: Re�coni ng from R- i to R-3 <br />Planning Gans��ere�fii�ns: <br />I. 7his appi�cation wos initially cor�sidered at the Ios� r���fiing of the Pl�+nning Commission, <br />af� which tim+� the h�aring was receossed to th� June m�eting so as to give time for the <br />doveloper �a submit a more detail�d �v�lapm6nt R�an. This action was taken in view af <br />th� fact that �her� �pp�ared t� be no real opposition ta the rezAr►in� c:s such, i,u� th�re was <br />considerdble question c�s to the location of certain elemerts �+f the picsn. <br />2. Fallawing �s a eapy af the ietfer sent tc� the �pplicant by the secre�ary of ih� �lanning <br />Commission� <br />��TC�: <br />FRCaM: <br />Vi I Inge Counci I <br />GeArge Nlembrez, Secretary Pla`�ning �omm�ssion <br />SUB.��CT: R�zon6ng rea�ves� �rom R--1 to lt�3 by An�eio �c�rbone, controct <br />puccha�r of �he iNeinh+�lz�r pr�pe�ty on the �v�s� side of <br />Hamlin� e4venue, a�crass from Oak�rest. <br />Th� property in qu�stion consAsfis af Qppro��mc�tely 7.5 acres with422 feet of �'rantage <br />on hiamii�e Avenue. This property is qt�ifie sw'arnpy in nature which rr�ay nec�ssi4ate a <br />storm sower sy�t�m installatior� to dr�in fhe surface avater to permi� the construction of <br />ap�art�menfi bu�ldings containing 4� i-��dr�or� ar,d lU� 2-b�droom uEiits. SomE of the <br />rteighbors, actualGy not �pposed tv thc prapased lar�d use, vrere questianing the lacation <br />o¢ fhe garages ort th�e south sid�, tE�� sid�ycard �tbc�ck and fihe possibilifiy o�' movins� th� <br />buile�ir�g� further noethr thus leaving more sp�<;e on �he so��h side where the single re- <br />sidents are loc,ated. <br />I f was suggestec� by fihe Vi l l age P(+anner fih a� both th� rezani �g and spe ci f i c deve l�p- <br />m�:n� plan be cor�sidered at fihe same t�me. The meEnbers of #fye Plannir�g Comrriission <br />cancurred w3th th�E sugg�s�ion and by a�nc�nimous vo�� �fi was agreed $o !ay 'rhe mcatter <br />ovor po the »exfi regulcar meeting on �une 2, 1965, fo give the petB�ioner time to p�epare <br />a dev�lc�ment plan. . <br />cc/A�ge 1 n Carbone <br />��es P. N�1�6n <br />�n�y oo, �s�« <br />0 <br />