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��������� <br />��� � �R�1 G� <br />(Off±ciat Publication) <br />VILL.AGE UF A05E�"ILI.E <br />ORD1tiAtiCE ��� ti" �.�,G <br />A;� ORD;:vAtiCE :,:�=•'J-�� <br />ORDI2v�;"tiCE ti0. 29^ AS "•i"l";i?- <br />ED. SE:tiG THr- �'ILLAGE � L-" <br />�F ROSE`: �LLE, i�L:N:`�ESOTy. commer.cemeni being on the <br />B�' .a�sEtiDI;,;.r, THE ZO:�ItiG «'esterly bourdar�• ]ine of <br />CO;�E A:rD ZONItiG ".IAP <br />Ha^�line .�+��enue, so - calied: <br />PL'RSCA'rT TO SEC"I':Cti� therce �'est a distance of i5sl . <br />i6.Ulu, i6.��20, 16.030 and Ifi.04U � feet: thence Sou.h a distance <br />ti�, i-iErZE:�S. pursuant ?o Sec:ion f tance of L150 fee t to athe aV.'est <br />' :o.OlU. 16.020, 16.030 �nd 16 040 <br />the Zoning Code of the Viilage uf line of said Hamiine R�'enue ; <br />Roseville, the prop�rt�' o.�.'ners `iled so-called: thence North along ; <br />an zpp:icatior. with the t'illaRe said :'�est line of Hamline Ave- <br />�ianager in the iorm of v:ritter. nue, 75 fe�et to the point of ' <br />�reques: to rezone from " R•1" te, beginning. <br />"R•3" the foll�v�'ing described rea; and <br />: property, to-writ: The East 22i2 acres of the <br />All that part of the East '_2�� :�orth Haif of the 2vorth«•est <br />j acres of the North Hali of the , eeCalonr Ten32 (10).N Township <br />�Northw•�est Quarter (N z O1 Twent}•-nine (291. Rang2 Tw•en- <br />i Ny,; �,4 ) �f SecUon Ten r 10 �.�� � <br />i Tow-nship Tv.'enty•nine �29i. , t}•-three (23�. except the East- <br />Range Twent�••ihree (23), de- , erly 363 fee2 of the Northerly i <br />scribed as follovvs: Commenc- ' �e �rightt ofhulayf ofaLhe Noriht ' <br />� ing at a point on thet^ East ' ern PacLfic Railw�a�• Company , <br />i boundary line of said 22 acre , across said land. and also eX• ' <br />j tract w•hich is 920.4 feet South ' cept that part described as fol- i <br />� of the Northeast corner of the ' <br />� Northwest Quarter ( NW �< i, lows : Commencing at a point I <br />' aforesaid and Thirty•three (33) on the East boundar�• line oi ; <br />(feet West of tne East line of ; said 22�.z acre tract w�hich is j <br />i said Northw•est Quarter (NW ; 920.4 feet South of the North- f <br />i4j, said point of commence- � east corner of the Northwest ; <br />I, ment bein� cn the R'esterl� ' Quarter (27W la1 aforesaid, and j <br />i boundary, line of Hamiine A��e- � of f satid�� Northwes; EQuarter ' <br />nue, so•called: thence West a; �� ,�� said point of com- l <br />distance of 150 feet; thence, <br />Sauth a distance of 75 feet: I erly b undarby line oftHam�lin ' <br />thence East a distan of 150 � Avenue, so called: thence <br />feet Lo the West L• said . V,;est a c!:stance of 150 feet: <br />H a m 1 i� e Avenu alled: thence South a distance of 75 <br />thence North along West �, <br />line of Hamline Avenue, 75 i feet; thence East a dista_��ce i <br />feet to the point of �eRinninQ of 150 feet to the West line i <br />of said HamIine Avenue. so � <br />.-•ti ;•.-,r� �Zir? � <br />Ttye f:ast 2�' acres of the called thence `�• • <br />„q .tip �.:�r.r,�•P�t !inn ��f ?iamlinP A•:c^:�.:�°. i' <br />Nnrtt� H=1f . -,� <br />— ti u: :�N' . _�f ft�c`t tc� the P�i��t ., ,��ee;r�.-. <br />Cl�.;rcer �•.4: � - � ; 2x�ent •ha° ,�ar: ,�ri.�. <br />�-ct:� ,. . .,. �. 1�.: �, "i ��. �:.::- .. � . r-,_.�.�. . <br />.'.�er. _. ri�t.�:" I .tie:. -...`�Ea��:ts . ,l't"•.t. . :-S'.c <br />�_s,;. �R a! a p��nr �� the �East <br />•, _ _`�r„• I•- � . <br />, ��. .:c`r; ..c u:e ne-:• '.;�undar-: ]Sr,e nf said 22�_ acre <br />�_;�,�.� Jt_ _; thereui, xceGt tract. �.�•hich is 822 54 feet South <br />� �° nf the Northeast corner of tY�e <br />.:'�,c ngtit �: v.a: U. ._ 'ortri- ,`�.th�ti•est uarte[' '*`"� <br />r:c: Yactf�c Hailv:a} Company Q <br />across sa�d is.�d, and a�su ex• a:oresaid. and 33 feet R'est of <br />cept that part described as �hest� Quarter of�s�aid lNo�ra � <br />io:io�•s: Com�nencing at a oint of cammencement beinR <br />point on the East t�oundary� P <br />line of said 2212 acre tract on !he «'Qsterly boundar�• line <br />which is 920.� feet South of of Hamline Avenue so calleci <br />the 2vortheast coriier of the , thence «'est and parallel to <br />Northx�•est Quarter (NW �ai ' the North line of said Scct�on. <br />aforesaid, and 33 feet West of a distance of 150 `eet: thence <br />the East lirne of sa�d North- South a distance of 75 feet; <br />west Quarter (NW ',,). s a i d thence East and parallel to ! <br />point of commer,cement being I the North line of said Section � <br />on the Westerly baundary line a distance of 160 feet to the , <br />of Hamline Avenue, sa called; «'est line of sa;d iiamline A��P- <br />ihence West a distance of 150 n�e, so called, thence North � <br />feet: thence South a distance ; along said ��'esi line of Ham- ! <br />of 75 faet; thence East a dis-' line A�•enue i5 feet to the ! <br />tance of 150 feet 4o the W'est Point of beginnin�,! also exc'pt , <br />line of said Hamline Avenue, that part of the East 2.. <br />so called; Yhence North aleng ', acres of t ze North Half of the ' <br />said line of Hamline Avenue,! ^i�rth.�•est Quarter (N 2 of' <br />i5 feet to the point of begin• '`1"`'�� of Section Ten {10i.; <br />ning, and alse except that part' To�+•rship Twenty - nine (29). ! <br />described as follows: Com-, Ran�e T�aenri�-three �23�, de-' <br />mencing at a point on the East scribed as follows: Commenc- <br />boundary line of said 22�z acre ing at a point on the !vorth <br />trac:t, u•hich is 822.54 feet South � line of said Section Ten (10 �' <br />of the Northeast corn2r of the distant 363 feet West of the � <br />Nor?hu�est Quarter �N✓/ �.,; Nertheast corner of�the North- <br />aforesaid, and 33 feet West of «'est Quarter �NW al of sai�i � <br />the East line of said North• Section ien 1101: thence South' <br />west Quarter (NW',1 said'', and parallel �+ith the East line" <br />int of comrnencement being I �f said 22�:pacres a distance <br />p° of 589.06 fe_t; thence West <br />on th2 Westeriy boundar}� line ', t� a point on the West lirte �'. <br />of Hamline Avenue �o called; �f said 22�z acres distant 589.06�. <br />thence West and paralLel to feet South of the North line', <br />the ivorth line of said Section, of said S=ction Ten (10): thence <br />a distance of 150 feet; thence ! North along the West line of <br />South a distance of 75 feet; said 221z acres to a point an <br />thence East and parallel to the I�Torth ]ine of said Section <br />the North line of said Section , Ten (10), distant 445.50 feet <br />a distance of 150'feet to the �qest of the point of beginnin�� <br />West line of said Hamline Ave- � thence East alon� the North <br />nue, so called, thence North ' �ine of said 5ectian Ten f 10� <br />along said West line of Ham• to the point of beginnin�: eY- <br />line Avenue 75 feet to the clusi�•e of the Railroad right <br />point of begir.nmg, also except � �i w a��, <br />that part of the E:ast 22�: <br />acres of the North Half of All of the above lying and be- <br />the Northwest Quarter �N 1.. of �n� in Ramsey County. '�4inne- <br />NW ?4) of Section Ten (10�. � sota, <br />Tow�nship Twenty•nine (29i. ', re. and hereby is. rezoned from <br />Range Tv��enty•three (23), de- ••R-1" to "R-3", and that the Zon- <br />scribed as follou•s: Commenc- �ng �rlaps be amended so that said <br />ing at a point on the North proqert�� is classified and zoned � <br />line of said Section T�en (10), �s "R-3". <br />distant 363 feet West of the I' <br />Northeast corner of tY�e North- ' <br />��est Quarter 1 NW � a 1 of said � II. � <br />Seciion Ten (10 i; thence South This Ordinance shall take effect <br />and paralbe] �t�ith the East line and be in force from and after it� <br />of said 22iZ acres 2 distance passage anci puolication. <br />of 589.06 feet; thence West to ' p,qS�ED b}� the Village C�unci] � <br />a point on the West line of of Rose•: ille. :�linnesota, this 13th, <br />said 22'2 acres distant 589.06 da�• of Sept�ember, 1965. <br />feet South of the North line E. F. CEDARHOLM� <br />of said Section Ten (101: � Ma�•orl <br />thence North along the West i ATTEST: <br />line of said 22i2 acres to a' R�ti'. TURNLUND <br />point on the North line of said � Manager <br />� Section TQn (10), distani 445.50 � • tSept. 22, 1965)—RL <br />feet West of the point of be-' <br />�inning; thence East alon� the <br />� North line of said Section Ten <br />� (10) io the po�nt of be�inning; <br />exclusive of the Railroad right <br />� of way. I <br />of the above ]ying and <br />bt_ng in Ramse�• County, Min- <br />nesota; and <br />�VHEREAS. the Village Co�lncil <br />' b}• motion referred same to the <br />Planning Commission; and <br />WHEREAS, [he Planning Com- <br />mission, pursuant to due no;ice <br />' and public hearing made its rec• <br />cmmendation to the Village Coun- <br />cil that said propertl' be rezoned <br />, to "R•3"; and <br />WHEFtEAS, the Village Council, <br />; pursuant to due notice held a pub- <br />lic hearing on said metter on the <br />� 30th da�� of August, 1965 at the <br />Villa�e iiall at a special Council <br />� meet�ng: <br />NO�L'. THEREFORE, pursuant t� <br />i said t3earing and the recommen- <br />' dations of the Planning Commis- <br />sion that said propert}� be re- <br />zoned to "R•3", <br />THE VILLAGE COi?NCIL OF <br />ROSEVILLE, 1SINI�ESOTA, OR- <br />� DAINS: <br />I. <br />That Ordinance No. 297, as <br />! amended, pursuant to Sections <br />16.010, 16.020, 16.030 and 1E.040, the ; <br />Zoning Code and Zoning :vIap there• � <br />;:,f, be further amended as follo���s: i <br />All that part of the East 22' _ i <br />acres of the North Half of the <br />Northv�•est �uarLer (N lz of <br />N�b' i� ) of Sectior Ten � 10 �. <br />T��ti•nship T��entc - n�ne i 29 i. <br /> Tw�enty�•three i 23), de- <br />' scribed as folloti•s Commenc- <br />ing at a point on the East <br />boundary line of said 22�z <br />acre tract u•hich is 920 4 feet <br />South of the hortheast c��rner ' <br />uf the North�ti•est Q u a r�t e r <br />i;�;�b' �,1 aforesaid and Th3rt�•- <br />three �33i feet West of the ' <br />Ea>; l�ne of said Northw�st ' <br />_ Quarter �Nu' �ai, said pnint of <br />