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. <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />Caee Number G3-13u <br />lPetitioner: <br />Loca[ian: <br />Requeet : <br />Clifford I,��.nd et al <br />May 1, 1963 <br />Alb�rmarl� Stfe�C and Slcilic��z� �venue near Itice Street <br />{Se� sk:etc�:) , <br />Vacation a= property shown on Ak�tch and extenaion of <br />Skillmaa� A lenue to Rice S�.reet. <br />Plenaain� Canaider�tions <br />1. Conaiderat�ons aith r�specC to this proposal are ae outlin�d Ln <br />the previous pl�nr�ing repart for April 3, 19E►3n a copy of uhich <br />ia ettsched, We have reviewed the �it� with the Village ingin�er <br />�nd the developQr as requeated hy the Planning Co�aissionq x� <br />would �ppear that fram � revi�ew of thc topo�raph� and engineer�tng <br />consideretione involved, th�t �C woul.d b� re,ssot�eble to conatuuct <br />Skilla�an Avenue a:� proposed and vscn:�t A1L�e�n8rle, Cc�t�$idera�io�s <br />�aith respect to �his �►u�geatia� are �s iollow� : <br />a. 7�he grade of Itice 5treet fa�ls �s qo�x progress southwgrd contig�ous <br />to [he property in question. Due to this conditiom th� extenaton <br />of Burke Avenue to [he east as a c�+nr�ecting Pinic �to Itice �treet <br />would invote�e a fairly di£ficult grr�de s�tuation �.nasmuch as <br />�urke Avenu� would have ta be gr�ded aC r� coa�siderable angle <br />to level wfth Rice 5treet at its po�nt vf intersectiono <br />b. Ther� �a an existin� hous� d"Lzectly north of the propexty in <br />questinn which wou�d conflict with the easterly extension of <br />lBurke �venue as no� platted further to the westo <br />�e The exte�s�.on af Skillman Avenue in the po�ition prop�se�d would <br />involve no grade prob�eiu snd �ould, in £S�t, b� help�ul to <br />th� drainnge p�tte rn. <br />d. The planning azea to the gouth o� Skillm�n Avenue would not <br />be the problem with respect to the pr��ao�ed loeation of Skillr�an <br />�lvenue . <br />e. The topography of the exiating right-of-way for Albermarle <br />St�reet (south of Skillman) presents a problem for stre�t con�truction <br />in this area. The ground is high necessiteting canaiderable <br />expenee in �rading Albe�marle through only a reesonAble centerline <br />bradient. <br />f. Construction of Sicfllm�n Avenue as p�opos�a gllo�a for excellent <br />,�ccess to the Naditict� I?evelopment. In xelationship to th� <br />Development Plen a� revised this accesa w�Zl work well toward <br />minimizing the ef�ect of traffic an the single f�mily ereas <br />to the west of A1bern�arle Street (directly acrosa th,e stre�t <br />Eran ti�e proposed apartment develop�nent�. <br />2. H,aving considered this proposal $t your April meeting, some of <br />you may have had an op partunity to view this property in qu�stion. <br />It a�uld be h�lpful if as many a� possible of the Pl�nnir�g �vmmis�ion <br />end Council members had an opportunity to note these physical factors <br />at th�.s aite. <br />