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�g2� <br />1. �ite ��eposa af �`,ha �ign �rn �rist► �o ere�t cn thi� sita is t <br />A. To inform the publi� tr�v'eliag the high�ay at afl average ��eecl <br />of SO �mpb oi the general nat�re �nd qYsali�y o� oux bu8ia�ss. <br />B. �'o idantify to the oecupsnC of acaq aPPr�achia8 vehirle ou� <br />sp�cl.f ic iocatioa an�l Che eantraace thereto w� 11 enough in ad�tas�ce <br />to allow the drtv�� of �aid vehicle to gmt c,}'+� the highway wit�out <br />Gresting a btzaxdoe�s s�tu�tio�, <br />2. Our re�soaa £or reque�sti,n� a vasianc� from the required 30� set back to <br />a 15' scnC back are : <br />A� Ttae gi�n nai�t exi.�ting on the nd joinin$ pYoperty to th� south has � <br />1S� aet �a�k esltabli�hexi be�fore current zoni�g requiremente. Tha <br />a�1y nttzer sign direc�Iy to th� north has a set back of 8', also <br />exi�Cing before the �curreat zoning ordi.�ces. F�r u� to naw piace <br />a ei�n wit�i a 30� set b�ck will take it out of conformity with the <br />alre�dy established gight lines and unduly �ffect proper Legib�Bty <br />atad visibi titq. <br />B. The sigr� no� exis�ing on this si�e and plac�d thsre with a 15' set <br />b�ck by �k�a previous oc�up�nts before ti�e current �oning �°equire- <br />mec,�a �oill, because of design a�nd also ee:o�o�nic consid�rations, 3�e <br />retai�e�d witt� aciditiane aad a�.teratione as the sign here uader <br />considaration. Ta► move thie �ign and the stone pianter base to <br />conform to the �0� �et back requireme�,t would reeult in �re expe�se <br />reader�ng thi� aigrt nmt onYy u�eleec but ss� expensive encumbran�e <br />to the px+operCy. <br />�, Ofur �reasons for incre�..sfng the eatisCing sign to s total of 320 squ�re <br />feet by tt�e additivn8 ae i1lus�tetec� ia the att�chtd sketch are: <br />A. The �uccessful isient3ficetion of ou� firrr� to th� tradie we �ave built <br />up dv�r tt�irty-si�c ye�ss in this area and the est4bli�hment of an <br />image L•o Ithost peo��.e �ot yet familiat with our s�ore depends upon <br />this sigia h4ving *he elaments z <br />a. Our trademark or logo; The Colonial i�id <br />b. Our product; furni�ure <br />c. 4ur name; y'tie Coloni�l <br />d. A listing; t�9�dern, Traditionel, Earlq Atoerican, to establish <br />the distiacti�n between ou� n�aame and a s�yle of furnituree <br />B. A aign coftta�ining thes� ele�ent8 could not be contained in 8 sign con- <br />form�ng to the curxent aoning restrictions of 100 squasre feet max�mum, <br />and still aatisfy ou� sign requirex�ents as stated in p�ragraph one <br />above. We feel the sign desig�n submitted is the minimu� size that <br />