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1 <br />� • � ' � . <br />� � <br />1, ?hs pu�ore og the sign we wi�h to �ree� o• t�is sit� ias <br />�� To infor� the public �raveiin,6 the higl�+ay at an a�erage spa�d <br />of SO ap� of the �ener4i natare an�d qculity �f our bwisais. <br />D. To id�mtig� to ti� occupant of a�ny appt�achiu� �eh�cle our <br />specific loc.ation and the eatra�nce tbereto vell enougb iu �d�aaee <br />to �llov the dri�ar o� sai�d �ehicle to `et o!f the highMay �wi�bo�ut <br />creo�ting a hazardouR �i�tion. <br />2. Ons raason� for req�esting a aasia�ct fraa t�e r�quir�d 30� aet b�ack to <br />x 15' �et back aras <br />p. T�e sfgn ao�l eai�Cing on tt�e ad joiatag property to the sout� �s a <br />15� aet b�ck established before curteat zoaiu� requireonenta. Tbe <br />oaly other �ign dir�ctly t�► tize aortb ir�►s a set bac3c of 8�, alro <br />eafrt�iaag befoge tha cusreat zociia� ordinancar. For us to na+ place <br />s aign �th o 30 °�et back �ill tak� it out of conforwity rrith the <br />already established 4iglnt li�ee sad uadu�y sffect proper legibi�j <br />aad �riril�ilit�. <br />B. Z''he si�n noe� azieting an thi• site and placed there aith a TS' set <br />laa,ck by the previou• occupaato before the carrsnt zonin� reclui�i- <br />•ent� �ill � bacausa nf deaf�n and al�to ecofloa�ic eo�nsideratioies, bo <br />retalAed `+�ith �dditions aad aLteratf��a� as the sian h�re gnder <br />cansl�dara�tioe�. ?o �►ove thi• sign ind the �to�� planter base, to <br />c�+nf ox� to the 3� ° aet back requir�rat 'rauld resn lt in aa exp�sd <br />readeri�g this �iga not oaly ae�le�a b�ut �a exper��i�a� ��cumbrasa�� <br />tp �t3a �Lb�CFt�/s <br />3, Our reasona for iecreaafag th�n exi�Ciag eiga� to a��t�l og 320 �q�asre <br />foet by t�e additione r►8 illustrated in tb� atCaehed �ketei� ares <br />A. Z°�e succes�ful ide�tificatiQn of our fis'c� to the �xade ,r�e t�ve built <br />up oser thirty-si�c 'e�ss in thi• atea aad the establiahe�ent of +�nn <br />ime►ge to tt�oee }�eop+�•• ao� ryet iaailiar with our �tore dependa upon <br />thii� si,� i�arin� the fallowia�g sle�ants s <br />�,p Our trade�ark ox� lo�o; T�ie Colonia�l Pl�id <br />b. O�i� product; fnrnitaYe <br />c. 4ur n�ne; Tize Cc►Lonial <br />d� A l�stingg l�indera, T�caditianal, �rl�r A�erican, to ��tablis� <br />the diatincti.:�n b�teaaea our name and a at�l� of furcaitnse, <br />B. A sign con�ini�g tk�ese e lements cotald pot be contained i� a sign con- <br />�ormi�g to the cnrrent zaai� restri.ctions of 100 squara feet wci[a�ue�� <br />and still eatisfy our stgn requirm�eat� ae stated in pasagr�ph otre <br />aboe��. Ne foel the sigu deei�n. at�bdittei ie �b� �ini�► e►i�e t�st <br />� <br />