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<br />�FFI�I�yL
<br />�.A��EY �(��JN`��Y ��.�ST�..�.CT JF' T�.`I�L��
<br />7. That The Minnesota �°ransfer Railway Cornp�ny is the owner of A st.rip
<br />of land 17 f t in width Lying 8. 5 f t on each side of the center 1i_ne ,
<br />w Y��_ c h i s d e s cribed as follows : Be ginnin g at the NW corner of the S[J4
<br />of Sec 8, T 29, R 23, thence S on �hc j�i line of said SW� of Sec 8, a
<br />distance of 2098 .23 f t more or less, t,�hence NE' ly at an angle of 38
<br />degrees 58' more or less, as meesured from the W line of the SW4 of
<br />sai.d Sec 8, a distance of 547.10 ft more or les�, to the center line
<br />af land tc� b2 described, thence NE' 1y on A 12 degrees 30' eurve to the
<br />lef t, 17 5. g6 f t to � poin� which a_s 377 . 5 f t E, measux�ed at righ�
<br />An�les to the t•J line of sa�.d SW� of Sec 8, thence N�and parallel and
<br />377.5 ft � of the W 1i.ne �f said SW4 of Sec 8, a distarice of 1468.32
<br />f t to a point which is 30 f t S of the N line of the SW% of Sec 8, �
<br />T 2 9, R 2 3. ,.�, O°7 l ('�.,�..�.�..� •�`�-2.''.
<br />8, xha�: St. P8u1 Termin�l Warehouse Comp�ny is the owner of that part of
<br />the SW � of Sec 8, T 29 �T, R 23 W].ying W' Ly and �TW' Ly and ad jacent to
<br />the W'ly line of The h4i.nneso�t Transfer Railway Company's right of w�y
<br />�nd bounded on �he �•J by the E line of Walnut Street, and bounded on the
<br />N by the S line af County Road "l3" 2, containing approximately 14.1.8
<br />�cres , sub ject �o a ri�ht of way for a lead trac�� described as follows :
<br />Part of the SW� of Sec 8, T 29, N, R 23 W, be�inning at the N��J corner
<br />oi �he St���� of Sec 8, thence E on the N line of said ST�J4 �f said Sec 8
<br />1.324 ft then�e S paral�el �o the;-;n� lin� of �aid SW14 oi said Sec 8,
<br />35 ft to the S line of Cour►ty f�,���� ��i��`I�" 2 p1�ce of beg;inning of land to
<br />be descriUed, a� trip of 1 and,s?� .'� � �� '���, in width, lying 8�; f t of such width
<br />on ��ch sa..de �f the. center � �;H� ������ e followin� described line.
<br />be innin �n the S li_ne of;,,;�o �;� �� �'�� "B'° 2 a distance of 132� ft E of
<br />� � � �� ����� f.
<br />the W line of SW g of S�c 8, a; ;�;� , ,�s��.d , thence S parall.el. to said W
<br />line � dist�nce of 405 5� t'Mc��� `��t�`� �l�ss thence on a�2 de ree 30'
<br />. � ,r ,�` , �
<br />i�sy �a � iil I
<br />curve to the ri�;ht a dista�ac�e. �� �i� ���� f t ta a poi nt which is 8. 5 f t,
<br />+ e!� �, �� r'�� � r f�; .
<br />moxe or 1_ess W'1. �f �l�.e '�� ��. ���� ��'��y line af The Minnesota
<br />i . i� J �
<br />� y .��w ti-
<br />Tr�nsfer R.�aiLway Cocx►Pany, ����C�i �S�:h ;��, �° �zar��l]_el and 8. 5 f t W' ly of said
<br />� �� �vtv x � �:'
<br />rlght of way ].ine, a ciista�:��������.�,�fi�_�::�ore or less, �thence deflect
<br />to the Left at an an�l.e of 6 de�rees and 2L' thence continue on such
<br />de��.ected line a'�dai_stance of 7E�.85 f�, more ar less, to the tiJ'ly
<br />ri�ht of �aay line of The Minnesota�'�ransfer Railway Company.
<br />Said r�_ght of w�ay shall have in perpetuity for the benefit of �he
<br />Grant�r., it� successors and assigns, so lon� as the said right of way
<br />is used or maint�ined as a tr�c�c, an easement upon such portion of the
<br />ad �joini_ng tand as shal]- be reasonable and mecessary for the proper
<br />construc�ion, support anci m�inzenance of said right of way and tracic.
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<br />P'orm AF3C-1RQ0 30hi 10-f,3
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