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13. <br />. . . . . . , � _ . . . ' i:j� <br />• � <br />� <br />Effect on Nei�hborhood and Compre}iensive Plan; Granting the variance will not impaix � <br />an adequate supply of li�ht and air �o adjacent property, unreasonably incr�ase the <br />congestion in the public streetse increase the danger of fire, endang�r the public <br />safety, unreasonably diminish ox impair established property values in the surrounding <br />areae or i.n any other sray imhair heal�h, safety� comfort, morals� or in any ather <br />respect be cantrary to tl�o intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the Compr�henSive Plan. <br />�� c�- ��. <br />biap indicating contiguous property usage (S copies) - <br />. c no� e gement an ignatuxo: e un ersign�e ere y repxesents upbn a o t e "' <br />penalties of lawr for the purpose of inducing the Village of Roseville, �to �ake tt�,� <br />action herein requested, that a1S statements herein are Lrue and that aIl work herein <br />mentioned wfll be dono in accorciance with tI�e ordinances o£ the ViliaRe of Rosevillep <br />and t}le laws of th� State of hfinnesota. <br />date� , ; � �.- I Si ature: ' � . <br />. _, <br />.s....�.o� - � ._'�' P.i C; G� ^l 1 ct_{; 1�; <br />.. <br />