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.._- . .. . _ -- � <br />y .;�. <br />t � � � <br />� � j � <br />� , �� <br />� � <br />� . . .. ,, <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />�In the Same Matter Order Confirming sale <br />�9 Probate �ourt, Rainse�t Co. <br />� Daied Jar�. 2�, 1883 <br />j Filed Jan. 3, 1912 <br />� n�3 n Mise . �F17 <br />File ��16$07 <br />On re�dia�g anc� fi,ling repart ursuant to Order nf Probate <br />Court, Aamsey �o a�' Jan e 8, 1�$3, from� �rhich it agpear� �hat <br />Jasegh Homier, Qu��dia.n on Jan. 19, 1883 sold an Und. l/30 of <br />same premises as described at #�+8 to Denni� Ryan for, $2000.00, - <br />oW 8cc, confirms said sale & Guardian authorized �a execute <br />c onueyazace , <br />. . . o . �e � � � r � � r .n a �. . - � � ''^ <br />Ix� the �ame �a�ter 4rd�r of Lic�nse to S�el1 <br />5Q,' �` Prabate G urt R <br />� , am�ey Co., Mir�x�►,., .. <br />, Dated Jan. $, 1$83 <br />;� <br />yl, F,5 < Filed Sept. : 2,�, 19�4 _„ <br />��_,�� �p�cia.l Term Jan. 8, 18�3 <br />�� ��1���� �isc. 63� n:' <br />{ Fil� #�97919� : , ,,� <br />, , urauan:t ta o�d�r� of . th�.s Cnurt �na,de in the above ma�ter on - <br />,� ' av: 3 and Dec. 1$ 1$82 the :_ �,` <br />°�� , petition af Jv�epk� Ho�ier Guardiaxx ; <br />x� S' ; ' of �he persoz� and �s�a�a of �he 8,b��'e named insane ;_ : <br />� r p�raon� P�aY �t � <br />� �.ng :for 1lcense �o se�.l �11 c�f cne r�al �state oP hi� asid ;x�rd, <br />�.; <br />T, k 5>` � as .this day he�rd, etc . ,.. : <br />'�� , Tt i:a ordered., That the sai a Gu€�rdian be and he i� Y��reby. ,�� <br />;, �. <br />.��� ieense+d �nd author3zed,� to sell: at ;gri,v,a�e ,sale�,:the f'o�laxing ,;�; <br />" � � �` e�cribed real �state � situ�:�e„ : �3,ying , �,n'd beir�� :in Raa�sey �ount�r �y°� <br />� .. < <br />inn��ata that is to sa ,.,Lat 1, Sec.�S, T• 29, R. 23 containing {� <br />, ;. ;� <br />' , , �, 56 a�r�s &c . , 2'he Id. �oP �T� �.�f ��Sec .'` I, ,� ���� R �3 <br />}' � �� T��' . . cQrit�ining �,� <br />fy'. <br />4 acres, ar�d `other'property. � � �,,�� <br />� � � r . . . - . . . ,1,;,. <br />� ; hat im�aedia�ely upan an�aking s�.eh sa3.e said Guardian sh�ll. �� ''- ;: <br />" <br />��', ' �. epor,� tcr �his Cou�t af his grAceeding� hersin. ��, <br />� , <br />ertiFi�d b� Clerk tif s�id Court °►ept . 2l, 1g�F0. : <br />iJ ': �., . . . . . �w � . r ��Ir'+W � w s r,. -�IM r1 � �. � � I�y .. �.I4 ; <br />' `� n 'tne �e �atter Ord�r' Car�firmin Sale � : <br />� lY . 4, <br />, �� Probate �,ourt, �aimsey. �o . ;, 3��'� � �' � <br />,; . ; ' . ;: _ �� <br />rd Y <br />Specigl. Term Jan. 2�, l�$3 `' E"� <br />� ._k <br />a , � 'Filed �ept . 25 � 19�Q ' >;� <br />. <br />�`o-a tt�.92u' �.$C � 631 i ;ri <br />, ," , : Fil� #97919� ;� <br />, , <br />` : n re��ing �,nd fil,in� �%e report of sale �r� s�i.d m�,�te� fro� < �' <br />k t � - ,, <br />Y` �., '&ieh it; �ppears that i�y: �ir�ue and in pursua�r��e .o�': the ord�r a�' '�;{f: <br />�,' �icen�e me�de in said me,tter: on Jan. 8, ].$8 3, `J'a�e ph H o� i i er. '::;,; <br />�; ' usrdiar� of said Charles �om�.ex� in�a,ne, ` having given laand &c .,, �;�;� <br />,. �.d on �e.�,. 19, 1$83 by vir�ue caf said. order o� licen�e �,nrt <br />. , , � �� <br />ur�u�,nt th�x�et�►, sell at private sale �he premiises �hi�h by said �� <br />`�de� af licena� he` �ras authoriaecl and ` empo�rered to' ���.1, �t�-wit: ;' <br />� und . 3.�30 Qf the foll�win�, viz : SBa�e pro pert y as a,t � 50. . � <br />` nd then and there sell all of s�id real ea:t�te tc� �eruais R�ran :;. <br />, _ : c�r $2a��. ( t.he lst descriiaecl parcel �ar $19�0, �cc � � . ' - - <br />�r raerea- �,na ae�r�ea tn�,� s�,ia ��le be ana �n� �a�e i$ �er��y � � <br />� onf irmed . <br />ur�her o�clered, that said GuardiSn t�� and he is h�re�ay �,uthorized ;'� <br />` nd d�,rect�d to execute and deliver to t�e said Denriis Rya� �por2 <br />� <br />`. , ;, i�d 's�.f�ic3:ent d.e�ds of conveyance for said purehased : pre�i��� . ;; <br />��u�on h3s cvmp3ying �rith the conditi��ns of said sa3e r,y nim ;�a be <br />�. <br />erfor�ned. ` �: <br />_--_--_---.... m__ <br />�Toseph Homi�r, Guardian o�' Gu�,x�dian's Deed <br />�harles Ham:Ler (Insane) DP�ted �'an. 25,1$83 <br />�2 ��Rwan �'11�oa Deec�s�3211$83 <br />� ennis �r <br />Rec9.tes O�sder of �ice�� se ` �.ssued <br />�?�ut o#' P�obate Court, Ra�l�ey County Jar�. 8, 1883 authorizing �aid <br />�G�aardian to aell real esi;ate; Sale made in pursuance c�P said 4rd�� �, <br />an. ].g, �.88� �.: confirmea by said Court Jan. 2�F, 1883. <br />anveys an Un�.. 1030 part of following: N.� of ST�� Sec . 1, �, 29, `; <br />. 23, 8� 8cres; & other property. <br />- - - - - - - - - - - - - <br />�, <br />, �I4 ,..; <br />6 . .- �' � '. . . . . . ' .. . . � ' � : <br />�, . t f , ; : '. . . . .. � . . .. . .. - . , :.'".. . . _.-' ., -'`_ . .. tC ' <br />