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� ' <br />0 <br />��illiam D�►�rs�on �c �ry � : : <br />�;h�.s '�iPe <br />61 �' --to- <br />��s�au�l $, Dawsor� <br />n <br />lloxing: N,� of SW} gec. l, <br />- - - - <br />�'�i�l�.am i?ar�s�on & <br />'" d�,ry �` . , hi� vif'� <br />�� �� -�o- <br />P�.t��,ck T . Kavana�h & <br />3�mue1 E. �a�rson <br />� <br />� : <br />. , <br />�. �� <br />7 <br />Quit Gl�.im peeti ',, � <br />l�g��d 1�arcr 2, 1$8� <br />Filed 4ct. �� 1887 <br />n�$,l.n DeBds ��1 ' <br />Squal �c Und. 1/1� part caf alI <br />T. 29, R. 23, ��ther proper�ty. <br />___-_�--_ <br />�tarranty Deed <br />Dat�a �une 3a, 1886 ;,� <br />Filed July l7, 18�6 <br />"16�F" Deed� 272 <br />An equsl & Und .�./�.2 art oP <br />follo�ring � �t. � o� SW� �ec . �, , <br />�. 29 y R. 23 and oth�er proPer�y . <br />� w � i � r !� � i� � r I� _ . <br />Fa�x�ick H. Kell�r & speci�.l Warranty need <br />Mary A. �. , his '��.fe Coverdan�ts va �rantor� <br />-to- IJated Aug. 25, 1886 <br />R��ben B. Gal.u��aa Filed �ar�h 1]., �.887 <br />��1��» Dseda� 28 � ;, <br />The equal Urid. 1/f pQrt of �ol.loxing: N.� of �W� se�. i, <br />T. 2q, R, 23, &. other property; excepti�ng theref�am tk�at p�rt oP �; <br />Lot 7. Sec. 5, �. 2�, R. 2 3, k�eretoi"ore �onveyed to fi,he Nli.nnesata ' r <br />Trsnsfer P�ckin�3 Compa.x�y. <br />- - _ _ _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. : <br />pennis Ryan & Mary C,, �Tarranty Aeed �n: <br />his xife Dated Dee. 3, I.886 ,_� <br />-to- �iled Dec. �, 1886 <br />William Da�rson _ "16�+" Deeds; ��F� <br />Th� equal and U�d. i/3 pa�'� af' ,,;�Y,; <br />;Po17�owinga N.� �f �W� Seo.; l, T. 29, R. 23 &'othez• progerty. <br />� ___,.__- .,�__�._ <br />'Reuben B. t�alusha and Warranty De��i <br />jLaura s. , his xife Dated Fec. 21, �.886 <br />F ��o.. Filed eb, 19, l�$7 <br />�PatriGk T. Kavanagh and "165�� De�ds 567 . �; <br />�S�muel E. DaWson The equal & Und. 1/6 part of al�.' <br />of follo�ring : I� :� of SW� �ec . 1; ; <br />� � 0 29, R. 23 & other property. :; �: <br />� � � � � � r � r � r . . . <br />Wm� �axson & Mary F., Quit Claim �aed . }, <br />his xife ba�ed �ec. 2$, 3�86 <br />-to- Fiied �arch 13 i88$. ; <br />Patrick T. Ravanagh and 1t�88" D��ds 57� `` <br />, �, <br />� 38muel E. DaWsan An� �qual Und . 1/3 cf N.� c�f ; ;}; <br />SW� 3e�. 1, T. 29, R, �3, s.c�. ;,,: <br />. � .� � wr r r r �. r w w+s r �► . <br />Ps�trick T. Ka,vanagY� and Warranty Dead - <br />i�:rgaret S.;his w�.fe Dated A�g. 12, 1$$7 <br />5atnuel E, Da��rson, bacheior Filed Oct. l5, 1887 ; <br />� ,�to- 212 Deeds 191 ; �: <br />� An e�ual &�nd. 5/6 oP N•� "` <br />� Johr� W, Wl�i te <br />� 4f SW� seC. l, T. 29, R• 23: <br />�exeept s��.ch portion of said premi�ea as is taken by Minneapa l is <br />�and Sa�.nt Louis xa i lroa d Compan�r for its ri�ht of way. <br />� _ _ -- - - - - - - - ; _ _ ,� � <br />�� John W. W�iite i'urch�se ��ioney ��,c��' ��a�� : _ <br />-to- Dated Qug• �2'13$�7 <br />�� a and Filed ct. , � <br />�� Patri,ck T. Kavan_ gh �+�1���� Mtges . 535 <br />�Samuel E. Da�$an <br />t <br />�15,000.00 <br />�An equal and Ua�d, 5�6 of N.� c�f SW� Sec. 1, T. 29, R. 23, acc.: <br />� excep� such partion of said premises as is taken 1�y �Iinnea�alis <br />��& Saint Lauia Railroad �ompany Por its right oP �ray. <br />�Being same p�emises conveyed to said Jo1zn '�•i r��b bdeedibearing�k <br />T, Kavanagh & wife &�amuel E, Dawson (bache y - <br />�even da�e With these presents. <br />� ---�----------- <br />l Patri ck T. i�avanagh and As s ignment o�' 4115�4 r' Mtge �. 535 <br />�Samuel E. Da�rson DatF� Aug. 25, ?8�3$ <br />Filed Au� . 28, JL8�8 <br />-�°- t'W�` A�signments 27� <br />jCha�les C ., �mith _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ -_ <br />t ''' �. _ <br />