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Case Pi�ber �i3-139 <br />r�ay �, 196.� <br />Petitic�ner: Ggrley Con���uction Compa�y, 1$70 Stow� Avenue, Sain� <br />� Paul, Minnes�ta o <br />Lo�etion: <br />A.equest : <br />Aleer L�lm��- Street �nd Rice SCxeet �see sketeh) a <br />Appraval vi �pecig�. i�se pezmit and Vari�nce ta build two <br />two-and-one-halg ��oxy mpartmen� builcii,ngs in �]�-1 Districta <br />Plannimg Consid�r�a�io�s <br />1. The prope�rCy is no4� zoned Il•ln fronL-s an Elmer S�reet, and i� 300 <br />��et in de�th ��.th 190 fe�C a� fxc�nt�ge. Thus, �h� lot ��ces i.s <br />57, 000 squr�re fe�t 4 Th� pro�os� 1 ia to can� �ru�t t�ao two-and-o�te- <br />half sto�y npar�rnent buf.lc3�,n�s o� Ia ane-bedroam uni�e each. Thus, <br />at 1.704 squnre �eet p�r uniC th� l�nd �r.�� requirer�ent is S7,S00 <br />squar� f�st� e The lot �s 8Q0 square �eet under the mir�ia��xdn �r�quirement o <br />2o The properti�e to tihe �r�st �z� not develoged �nd r�r� xoned B-i <br />�corner of Elraer Str�e� a�nd R�.ce SE.��et) . 10 �he south rhe�e is <br />e ne�rly con�truct�d chur�h and a sin�le f�miry r�sfdence fu�thex <br />�o the w�sto The pro�erty nox�h ok E1me� SCrEe� :ts zon�d ��1 •�,:a <br />�s �h� �ub j�ct of the AlbermArl� S�:r�et vaca�:ion pro��c�cltngs e <br />3. �he buildin�s aace propoaed ro be se� baci� in the fkonC a distance <br />of 11U ��et with � IS foot aet-br�cEc or� the �ide. 7CF�us, the s�:ructures <br />are located wi�hi.n Che mini.n�ums required as to ixont� and s�.de ysrcds. <br />Ti7e app�.ic�anL- proposea to con�txuct an anclosecJ g�areg� at the rear <br />of the ��oper�y. Thi.s b�il�ling uaed to b� located �en f�et from <br />one a:Cd� y�rd �nd �i�ht f�et from th� oth�g and £i.v� feer �rvm <br />th� rear lat linee The B-1 Zon� r��qu�.,res � re�r yard af 20 f��te <br />The B-1 ?�ne a�.so requ�res �ha� °f�xhexe �he r�ar yard �d;oina � <br />resid�nt�al di��xict, a scr�en w�li af not less th�n four f�et <br />and not greate� �han �ix feet sh�ell be i�s��ll�d �nd mein�.��.ned <br />by the ow��e�r of �he bu�ines� parc�l �o �ffectively inh3.bit eye-level <br />vision beCween resid�nti�I and business area�se Inaam�ch a� �he <br />property is to be d�v�luped �or mulCi�le reaidentiaA purposes Chere <br />�L� a qu��tion as to whe'ther or not �his cri�e�i� would �pplye <br />The rear y�rd set-b�ck xequir�d in r��� ►nultiple �one is 30 Feet. <br />No prov�sion is mad� in �fi�e Ordin�ance far �he loc�tion ofc �iCG��SOX'j� <br />'�uiidings in L-he raul�ip�.e di�tr�c�.. �here is �han, a matter of <br />judgem+ent �s to the appxopci�t?ness o�E �he �ee-b�ck� epplicable <br />to the garmge struc�ur�� Aim�n�ions of �he gs��g� are to be 66° <br />l{ 172°o The gsrag� is propoa�d to accon�odate 26 c�rs and the <br />p�rkin� �rea is to accamm�date 32 carso Thusa �h�re �re 5� �paces <br />avsil�ble, <br />4o The applic�nC has submitted a p�ot plan showing the loca[ion of <br />the vsrious items in the dev�iopmen� including e proposed swium�ing <br />�a4a1 sand am�ll recreaCion �reso �Iowever, no det�ils hsve been <br />gupplied wi�h respect �o Lhe proposed conatruction �t�d �ea�hetic <br />handling of the g�gs�e stru�ture particularZy. �hi� i.s, of course, <br />e very larg� gar+age bui�.ding r�nd it may be we1l �o cons�d�r k�ow <br />it is to be h�ndled both irom the st�ndpo�nt of m�teria;s, atructure, <br />fire rating, iand�caping, �nd �m�inCen�nce of the narrow strips <br />of vronerties eround the �re�vos�d structure. Ieackf�u anv detailed <br />