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� <br />♦ <br />BA(d1ST�E� ENG�NEE�2i(`Jl,G GO. <br />CONSULTING ENL�INEERS <br />31�0 NORTN BNELLIYG AYHNUE <br />ST. PAUL 4. MIIVi�. <br />►1iOHYr d4f1-�612 <br />oGtnb�r� s, 19�� <br />KE: ��S�1T�LI�E, MINNESOT� <br />STQR�i 5E«ERS <br />Our File: �6332 <br />Village vf Ro�eviYle <br />2701 Norfih Lescington Av�. <br />5t. Paul I3, Minnesota '� <br />Gentlemen: <br />On Septemher I4, 1�64, your Village CQunc�.l dir�ct�d the �anister Lngineerfng <br />��' Campany to prepare deCa;iled preliminary engineering reports on the drainage ' <br />problems e�ist�n.g at Lexingtan �venue and CQunty Rc�ad aBn, Sherre�. Str.e�t just <br />` f; <br />a sast of Lexiugfiox� A�renc�e and 4�. Western Ave�ue at iGs �n��rse�tion w�th 6rand-� ; <br />5 view. �te were advised of sub�sct action in a ietter from yoc�.r Village Manager. '` �' <br />�� ; ; <br />�>> Subj�:ct le�ter direc��ci that we investigate these matters as tQ cost aa� spec�.fic ;;, <br />,,;� � <br />�,��. � cons.truct�on problem;s. Also we were to i�sves t�ga te �he benefie�d areas eligible <br />�;; ;. fs�� ass�ssme�� as a pa�rt of the f in�ncin.Q of any patenti �1 improvement involvireg ; <br />a�y ane or �ore r�f the foregoing drainage probie�s. It was suggested tha� �his " <br />°" �wcirk shoul�i b� crn�pleC�ed as �easan�.bly soon as possible but prior to the Pnd a� .. -�; <br />3.9�4 . <br />Iia�ever, subs�q�er�t to the ac�ian o� your Council on. �e�tembFr I4, 2964# �he `,,z <br />probl�t o£ a reconing oi properties lying on the �ast side of Lexi�ngton Aveaue <br />aa��i i�neciiate�.y:soath o.f Sh�rr.en Street �ers receiVea the artentian of your Village <br />;�{r Councile Sinee tl�e Cauncil is to consider this subjeet at the regui�r m�e�in� aa <br />�o�da�r, (3�:�ahex �.�s :I964, it is ���.� appropriate that a brie€ xeport shouZc� be <br />= �ubmit��d tQ ��x�: �Ca�inc�:l for their cansideration at tha� tir,�e so �ha1� �he draina�e s�, <br />u` facts si�►ul.d he :,k�ao�rrz at ` the tim�e of the �onsideration of any potential rezc�ning. �. <br />� . , : <br />�ti,rrYS t i ,;:� . ��'_ . .. , . :. ;. . . . . . _.,. � � . . . . . � .:., � � '�� �i:� ;:� <br />� In �a��.ing the�r p1.a.n ior st�orm drainage submi�ted by the Banister E�g'3.near� ;s=:� <br />; �. � <br />� i�g : C�nn.pax�y under the s�ate o� December 7.6, 1962, we f ind ti�at specif ic mention 3�s ' <br />made "af the draiu�ge proolem existing on Sk�err�n �rr�et �i��een �fard ancf ' <br />~�� As has be�n �aell es�ablished substantial amaunts of water ponc�s , <br />*, � , . L+��.ng ton, Avenue , � : <br />Y iaz th�.s ar�a and uiust be pump�d c�r transgorted followin� every r�.in .ar apon the z= <br />��`` m�it,i�,.4t �ccc�mul�te�i winter snows. T�is has proven to be both a nai..�ance a€�d ' `` <br />�;�, � � <br />} � � , � • � r p laa we ; ; ; <br />•�� ` a sc��is�a�.tial-�ex ense ta �he vi 1 la e» U aa exa�nina�aan of sub 'ect maste <br />�°�� f%d this area i�cated in the distric� establi.shed as i�a. 2-W. �Te f�xrther finc� � <br />r' �h�a� �her� i.s pt�or 'd�aina�e an Qxford Stree� iun�ediately sout� o� Sherren, which <br />a <br />�� grolaie�t should 'b� correeted and ac�omplish�d vy a single can�non ,i.mprcavemen+� �o, <br />f correct bat�a deficiencies,, We �i�ad that this woulc3 aPProx�ntat�ly 1504 <br />r litaeal f�et af sewer constrnction of 15 i.r�ch and 18 inch in siz� at an esti�t�d <br />="�,, . cast` of apgr�xima.tely $22,500. T�e oxzrletfnr subject stv�m sewer improvem�nt �Qu�:d <br />y, . . . . . � .� . . : .. ' � � _ <br />? _. � . � � . ' . .. � . <br />� <br />� ^r..�..�......�+�+�+.�w�+r�e�^I . � � . - . . <br />TM ���,� . . �. <br />a ( � , . . . . . � . � . . ' . . . . - � _ <br />�:,: ..'.�..: .� ..' ...'.`� . �� . . � . . . . �. ��. " :'.� � ,..,-,..�( <br />i� � . . - -. . - . . � . . .. . . <br />� �l�T 9 ��64 _z- <br />f <br />� - . . . � . . " .. � . <br />i L � � . � � . � - . �. <br />� <br />�FFtCE a# �LLh�E CLERK <br />r . ��s�viste, �li�ines�ta� <br />;:� <br />, <br />r , ` : i:. <br />.. . . . . ,'::t�; <br />��.�,. : . . <br />