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. <br />.� <br />I��'i�i0 <br />T0: <br />FROi� : <br />SUBJECT: <br />Acting Villa�e i�anager <br />Fublic jdorks Director <br />Dead Lnciing of Heinel Drive <br />At the March 17, 1g69 meeting� the Villa.�e Council. requested. a report <br />from the Publzc Works Directox regardin� the petiti.on from the residents for <br />"dead ending" al' Heinel Dri ve at its west end. <br />The attacbed map indicates the location of the petitioners. There are ap- <br />proxim�,tely 4� parcel.s of properties along Heiuel and 23 property <br />ownexs have si�ned tbe petition. <br />The petition states that Heinel Drive was ori <br />saced. at the west end. Our file of the Korrolln� oreslAd.d�ion does note <br />make mention of this dead-ending. This plat was filed. in 1��56 and the <br />I�einel Drive connection from the west end of the plat to Coiznty Rpad, C was <br />obtained. for ra.ght-of-way by the V'�.11.age in 1951. <br />Tiae Vil].�.ge Code� Section 20.070 (2j) states: <br />"Maximum length cul-ci.e-sacs shall be 500 feet measured, along <br />the centerline from the intersection of origin to end of <br />right-of-way, ---". <br />The reasons for maintaining cul-d,e-sacs the minimum length are; <br />1• I.�' tbe street happened to be impassable for one reason or <br />another� emergency vehicles would not be able to en�er tbe <br />area. Because this street is so naxrow, it would. not take <br />mucb to cause an obstruction. <br />2. Maintenance equipment in the winter time would bave t^ <br />travel from Dale Street to tbe proposed cul-d.e-sac, which <br />is approximately 2 mile and then back again. By cul-de- <br />sacing �his stree�, our snow operations would be <br />hampered. <br />3• I have checked with Mr. Ray King, Rosevilie School Dis- <br />trict Supervisor and, because this street is a sclaool bus <br />route� he is not in favor oi this proposal. <br />Recommendation• <br />It is my recommendation that the petition requesting the "dead ending" of <br />Heinel Drive eas� of County Road. C be denied, and that it remain open at <br />both ends of the street. <br />b7arch 20, 1969 <br />: -;:,; <br />