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� <br />VI LI:.4G�, o� p��,v zLL�, r���y�.� oT� <br />Pi ATTI;� G�,PPi.I CATI CI�l <br />Case No. <br />( FTNAI, ) <br />Date �iled 12/15/89 <br />We as (Owners, Lessee, Option holder, )-:' �'•� nroperty <br />�lescribed as t�,.�����j� <br />� <br />AI► thot peri ;,f Joy's R ice ��r�`t �1�d�tion to St. Poul, Rems.; Counfiy� P11in�. �s #a�loyvs: <br />� Lots ! thr:i 48, 61�cy I: e::���� ih�� �c��th � feet of sr��d I�i�s �� c�nd 25 tck�n f�r wi�9etts�� <br />' M�nn�s�ta A�z. <br />� t Luts I ti�ru 4�;, ��o:k 2, ezc�et t7� Soutt� 3 f�et c,� ;oid lets 2�� �n� 25 io��n for�vi�.'eniny <br />��ir�n?sota Ave. <br />Lots 1 thru i9, Urx� I�;S 3( tnru 48, BIOCk 3. <br />A�( ih�t p,;rt oi R�cL St�E� t Grc�ncv�e�.y A�diti,�n, P,omsey CG►nty� Minn, as foifo�r�s : <br />Lots �6 thr�� 19 on-; t�-t� Sc,;: th � o` lot 20, B'cck 2 ond thz Wtst � of th� pd;oining North- <br />Sovth v�cated c�'ey <br />Lcis �i th�u 7 a�c' tn� Sou1h !z of �ot 3, 6loc� 3 ond the E�st %� af th� adjoining North- <br />Soutn ti�cc�t�d a''ey. . <br />�..�tS � �(3{j �, 8�7C%( 3 0��':� tFl2 �JUf�I � C�f tfl� Cla Dlfllfi'1 <br />J y Eost-v��est vocoi2d �I��y,and <br />th� v��lest y2 0; tr�� Ro; t9�-5cutti •��u�:oled ol1�y cdjoining soid'ot $. <br />Lots 10 thrv 28, 8�ocl; 3, or,ci tn� odjo+ning vocoted oi'�ys in sa+d �I�ck 3. <br />' Lots � ttir� � on� th�- Scuth � c�� lot 3, B�oLk 4 and i��,� IEast y2 of the adjoining Narth- <br />South v;;c�ted o!'ey. <br />Lot� � thru 15, �!ock � end f>>� S��:t� 2 of fr�w c►djc�i�:�ing ERst-1�{lpst voco4ed all�y ; <br />ih�. tv2sty of the ti-ocote�J f�o��th- 5ou4t� allcy od�oinint� ,oi� lot 8; ont� th2 Eost�y2 6; <br />the North-�c�1th v�catec+ ��'e�� t�d;�ining ��id fot 15. <br />Lots f thru � onc lot 30, E31ack 5 ond tf�e adj�ini�g vQcated oll�ys in so�� B�ock 5. <br />Lots 1 tl�ru�3�, E��c:ch 5, r�nd ihe od;oininq 4►acqtec otf`ys in soid Dlaclt 6.. <br />�ots I thru 3G, Block 7, on� th� odjoining vocoted al(eys in said Blcck 7. <br />Lots I fhru 3C�, Elo�k 8, and the odjoining .vocotecl_o!ieys insoid @Joc� 8. <br />� Street Vocotions :(Vecution of the fo!lcw�ing ��scribed stre�ts or porfiions oi streets.. � <br />in RicE° St�e�t Gro�d•�iew Addifior� �rid Joy's F�ice Str�2t Ac�ition .) <br />. AIb�mQrle St : Thot �rti�� of �Ib�rnarie SirEef I�inq bet�e�n t;�e North lin¢-of <br />� t�linnesoto AtiJe. ond the South (ine of �isn-�orCk Ave. <br />- Wo�db�'i�g� Sfi: Thot portienof tt�� Ec�st � of ti'r'ooc;bridg��Street lying be#�reen <br />� tt�e R�o�th lin� o� Mirt:�Qsoio Av�. �nci t�»���ufi�li7e of E3i"smUrck Ave• ond tnat <br />- ond thot portion of t'r�e',N�st y2 oi V,'OOdb�i:l7� StrC�E� lyltlC,� bat�Ne�n tt� Soutie IinQ <br />� of tct !9, Block 3, Joy`s Rice StrpetA�d�tion ext�nded �aste�iy to th� South line'ofi � <br />- Bismorck 4ve. <br />Mori�n Si; Thnt �,ortip�t nf th� E�Gf 2 Of MC��iL;7 Sfit'E:qt ��,{�� b'�':�:�L�: the��o;lth <br />. tit�e of Bismc,rck Ave. and o line poro�lei to on� 35J feet North o; fih� �enterl►ne of <br />Minn�sot� A��e. � <br />• Ido �ue: That port;on of fda �i�e• lyin� �etv�a�pn fn2 �ouih line of Grondvie�w q,ve.. <br />aRd 3he P,lurth li�� of dism�cc4; A�re. <br />ST. Jvhn's Av�; Thot ��riio�� o� St, J�n� s Au�. lying b�`rwe�n the (�orth I�ne o� <br />E�isrnarc�c �Av�. c�d o tirQ ouro+l�l.�o ond 124. 33 feet S�u�h af tnfl cenfer line of <br />. Cc�u��y=��oo �-? ; s�id li��e=b�ir��.th�.f:4or'r�<�ir�e o� t+�u�St�3t��y2 of !oi 3, Slock 3,;: <br />Ftice�Sir�e�°�G����vie�N �l�cti�ian, e�t��rdw�#.;:�osterly. <br />� � P�nnyan- Ave:�,.Thot.p�r�iCn�.of fi�� Eo�t_ �2 of :Pe+nn�on Av2: (ying a2tween #t�� :. <br />� . N�r3h°lfn� of Q�s�rnorck t�v�. �r�d i��e So�th fi�e og Ccunty Ro�d B-2 ond��h�t p��f�on : <br />__ ' of the W�st �'2 0� P�nny�n av� . fyi�g b�twren the North tine o� the South y2. o'� !oi 3� _;; <br />Bl o c k 4, • R i c e� S� r e e t G r o n d v i e v i A d di ti on ex ten de d. Eos ter ly orx� the South trne of �� <br />� County Rood B- 2. � - 9 <br />. . . <br />. <br />� <br />. -__.._ _ - ..� . - �; <br />Bismar�ck A��e : Thot porti+on of #he Nor�n �'2 �of Bism�r�k Ave. (yi�ig bet�een fhe <br />Eos} IinE� c# i�lafiildc �i���. ond the West I'sn� Qf Rice Stre2� and tf�e So�.,th yz fyir�g <br />� � b2tween. t3�e,cenfier tine of Mario� Street c�d the 4�lest jine vf Ri�e �tre2i. � '` <br />Gro�Cvi�w=;AvA: T�ot p�rtion of Gra�dvi��� A4��. ,Iying b�t�f�en o iine- p�roit�l to K= <br />� _� _ ona� t 149.0 fe�# W�st o� 1he cen#er line of Rt�� S�r�et;'soid tir,� aeing-t�e ���f�ri`it�� '� ` -� ` <br />_ of vacated i4orth- Sauth �[�ay odjo�ning Iots i5 onci 23, Bl�,ck 2, Rice Sire�fi Grond���� <br />_ Additi4n, e�fien��� Sauth�;ly, ond o line p�r�fie( to on� 4�': 72 f��4 E�st of f�ie '=4; <br />�:- s, <br />cenfer line af 1�le�t�r� Ave., sotd line b�in tt�e �lest iine og [o# 30, 81ock 5 Rice ±}- <br />9 , ,. <br />Stre2i GEor�,��tiew Additio� exiended �Qrtherfy. . . } <br />C��1t� S��T�i? t�1 Uc.-Sti���Vtv �%J E.f���`i lili �i^+i ti�:�Qt i`y�� �Cilv'r'i� �sJ itl#F�'� v�r-�S�jf �'� <br />hoiQ cdi.ja��� ,. <br />(2� Si'�i?�:�',�:: f3� -i.�iS s;�fl.-�� �':l•:� :�:�i�'i�� C{��t.�`,�ic', i;' ii;� �'�7Ji�C aft� �v: �}���t�;;_S!�¢ fGf�'l�i .:�; <br />C��':;5�r�.''��iS= ., .. .', :�y FCi���' ;'::i���� ..-�--j o•.-,�iilT;��:, �4� fi i�:Y!:t �'1�F6a�.�'ri _ - <br />. :�'i <br />. . ' . . . . - . . - � .;;r <br />� _ _ - �'�1..-- _ _ . �-,.a:_:�..t - � _ ..^ <br />-• .' l. . . s .r_..r}! i _.4,. r.... <br />