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r� <br />�TILLAGE -0F <br />;�;- <br />:<�, <br />;.;•� <, <br />��:: `� `Y... <br />� <br />�d . <br />..�, ° . <br />Dec�mbor 16, 1969 <br />i�lr. Ted G 1 as ruci <br />Ban-Con, Inc. <br />90S P ark�ray <br />S�t. Paul, �innasota <br />Dear �lr. Glasxud: <br />� <br />ROS�VIL�.�.�E <br />MINNESOT'A <br />�l,�ase b� advised that at its regular meeting af December 15, <br />�Che Vill�g� Cs�uncxl r�ferred to the PYanning Cvmmission your <br />requ�est �or an amended plan approval, Hillsborough Addition; <br />and �n addition, a hEar�ng before the Willa�e Council on Jan- <br />uary 19th was est�biished �or he�ring the final plat of tha <br />(: Hillat►orough Additaon. <br />The Iinens must be in the Village offices by no later than <br />= January 15, i� order that they can be checked ovex prior tv <br />' ths gublic he�ring. <br />�f you have any questicros please feel free Lo call ort �. <br />;; <br />i; <br />.'�, <br />�' BMR%mp <br />�,,, <br />�:' <br />a,, <br />t: <br />; <br />€�:, - " _ <br />k,:., . ... .. . <br />Sincerely, <br />l �j' <br />`� <br />B ka . Raymnnd <br />Villa�e �anager <br />