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�' <br />Fo« e:�� ec�;+r..tit.n:�:;.:s co. s". rAu; !w..� � <br />i�lS CO��itZl,CT ,•�.°?n0`��u $Y S�L G�1;,.iJ �: hE.�L7u:�, {;rC. ,,.',: �'i i;.� :i;c.��; ' —;_ ^•" -'� „ `�^WT{Q"� 1�l�1905 <br />C:,;,::;L CF ;� ,.�:...��Y Cu:.��if En� ASti�� , <br />L.—..'....�v .' .....J...�\.r J�J_V i .`.:.�..i•� <br />-_ , i ' ` -- � 7, Yh.�.l <br />_ , `.;,:��., - - <br />RECEIVE6 CF � ^� •^,'1"� - . ,-. . ' _.. -.� � � _ .r — _ _. — ..._ ,.��;��. �O <br />�Y � Do!lars <br />tRe sum ct <br />• �. <br />�y ,,:: ;�_ as ea,aest nor�a/.:.�� in �ar: �cyr,.ar,t ic: Lhe rutchase o prope <br />(CGatk, Ca51 ot tio,e — State Yi ��ch) <br />i .� nr1F_cr'r ^ c'�- <br />t - <br />��'�' ���� —. S:ate ct h'innesc.a, aad iezaliy CescriDed as feUows, to wit: <br />situated in the County of ��' •-• - <br />LO vS �1. uiY11 ?'�i �':CZ.11.`�1 T�: � :s�-OC::i ,"J� u �:;;`' � i�1CU 5' �'`i+• ?iCu1.u1021 lr0 S'i�„ �ai;t.:.� .�....�C� L1Ci1.T2� <br />NY:G1! pGl-lJ ��C^Glil�1.CaJ <br />1,.,.��1�'�'�'.�.SCi���_i.�''.�''ii?s.�.�.rJii�.y �r�� C{uti.�-'S���ul'uSl�a�'�it,�'�11Zii'r 1 �.�j..- 1� ��SJ _: ��f . l �S..SY:L4G1i.S.�L:(i.. �l.!i'.�y,�� __:i.fl..liJ � ��r'�U..•f.�l1.�.'.:�5�2 <br />ifri�Y`u �a.�. , ci: • h.!�. .. ` � � . 4 ' 'y <br />�w-1 �:�:-_ ,...�.li' Y3S.; ili,.���:�t�:.�..+kS ��'l� 7=:. .:.L:� li �� 1�}� i�-..:L�..::L..�;f�:�ii�Siu^T'.IIIS.- �� ... :1 �'. ,+ M .i.. �t.-,�. �!'w'LZeL7ae.,':70f0Y::Y.: <br />�`'.�.'�t��l:`v'�J'�,.'r.'Y2s':.]J�iliiw �.:iuli, �� ' ..-, a`..� -. �. <br />�atetysCStert�+',J,`'.'.,.""�r:...�ni:�'?�o�Y:_,Lit ;he;�r�E:r1`�y.cj;e;t�r1;.�^�,.rt.s_�_�i�t_en;�..I4„::-aa;iG�:.+���'vC�SiSiuR�iDO:C`JiG...,.uL::'r�L.s....:��:...:3L7r'[.'u:.C�';::'.o��2nL::s�iaX <br />j41:��E � . ._, � �� .,,.• �,,..,� ._---t ,,�- r- �• r *C;�'� �"YaIcGA�e7"�'.S8�3�c:S:, <br />c ertin �quT:me.tL;`ry:tl�l;i:�:.?I=_:.r.:r?r,;.._r'��-.�f``_.•��r..._V.�.___41�.=::J� _ir.�,�,, <br />�'+, -�-nn,-�-�pr'7 '�i.'1��"t' 1"�171"�CfiT'F•'. , .` <br />atl af which property ihe unCersigned, as agent for the seller, has this day soid to .he buyer fcr the sum of L�� ' �- o <br />— •-� — -- -- --- -� � " " '- '"' �" -' �' — '�'� — — ` �$ n � i ;- � o CC -) DOLLARS, which thc buyer agrees to pay in the foilawing manner� <br />` " �nn.,00 `�- ���oC� , cash, on oree�ore 'jUY'V 1'�" � �`�7 .> <br />Earnest money heoein paid ($ -- - and t._�J <br />1 Y�artanty l3eed (to be jolned in <br />i subject ta perfarmance by the buyer the seller agrees to execute and deliver <br />by spouse, it anyy conveying marketable titie to safd premises subject oNy to the following :xcep �cas: <br />(a} Rzser+ations of any minerals or minerat rights to tha Sta.e of ldinnzsota9 1! �°..ry . <br />,, <br />(bj �i;F�s"Ic:�'�edai:fs;a"'s.'`5e2eina?-.;sr�e�:f'"a. t� <br />i <br />�; h t � � <br />� Sellef covenants that buildings, if any, are entuely within #he boundary Im2s of t e proper y. 1 Oi1 , , <br />� Q�`7 chali be-.,r�-LQ %'r i�!:8 S8� � e'^S.,T��.11� �,S��SS7"tFx? u:�.2'�� ��.�`:�t;Y1�S C��t� ].Tl 1�6�; <br />� Taxes payable in the year �•r � <br />` ri��l;��se..�.�s„�rHo�;:'�'-'�ierYrc�rage;sax-�, '�5',�"=•i'�'..� ��'�1$C�A',�:n:5,,�=;1'';s�✓.'tG �:..^;'e�fI,.�I_�:�rr..r� �: 'pa:d:Eyst5,..sii�-� <br />i� �IT o�her spec�al assessmenfs, if anY, sha��be paidrby�the buyer. <br />i., <br />Leiler rrarrants that he has no knnwledg: of any planned Improvements which may resuii in special assessments except: i203:r.'"34 <br />� 7he sefle� further agrees te deliver actuaf possessioa an or beforo �� <<�1'=^ �-�: �C�7 provlded that a11 tho <br />conditior,s qf this agreement have been c�mpiied with. 7his sale shail be ciosed on or before <br />i��;,� l � ! ^�7 <br />,� , <br />The 6uy2� and sekiet also mntual(y agree thai pro-rata ad"yustments of interest and city water (and, in the case of income prope:ty, ccrreni operating and renis) shafi be <br />�'adjusied as af ��n - - - ��ra�-' �y�- <br />,,..,,.,» ��..�y �7,� ��+� <br />.:j}I:'ti'�TZZt�fj{g,;�'?'�;.��j �s�.��,:'�t�1C�L'�Si.Tu�"1:],g�.'ly¢ °,�x2L':.ry:4�i�1PL£3�°�.'T�i��°�.�D51T.d��L'.1�I6fa�'ilJ a^r,1ri73Eiiti5��C.�"o,��%irEBG;�Fi�'Frf:t�0��ii�+6ti2��6�4''4it8'f3ti7$�'i3�SS2t=S"6�EF0iF�`�'BmYi'�`'ittY�: <br />� �i�i��SFii�,S!�.�:�.�r'a!r��:3�;�..Sr�. �t�,i.-.Ed � ��._� 5+�..7�r�..,�.v.1 � � . � � <br />3he seller shail, iviihisi —�ays aiter approva� of tnis a;reement, f❑rrish an abstracf of if:lE certifi2d .o �aie or registered preaerty r2port to (nclude � <br />� ents 6ar:kru <br />tcies and STate and Fed2ral juCgmen[s xnd liens. 7ne b�yer s�+al; be a:lcwed 10 days siter recei�t tfiereci far ezamination <br />.prope <br />r sezrches cavering levied 2nG pending assessn D ,.,. so m d 'ha s2lter shall ba al(owed 120 da s fa' <br />aF;sa�d iitle a�d the mab;ing of asy objzctior thzre.o, said ohyectioas to be made i� tirn,�rg or deened io be waived. If an/ eb�ecticns are z a� <br />make such titie r�2rketabfe. ?endi�g correcYion cf title the paymer,ts hereunder required s7ati ��c pasf�o�ied, but upcn correctlon o; iiU2 znd wiihir. 10 days after tvriYten notice thereo ,�he <br />'�uyershaii perfiorm this agreer:le �t accarding to its !erms. <br />lisaid iitle is not marketahle and is not maCa so tivitnin 120 ciays from the da.e oi written o4jeciions thereto as above p;ovid�d, tnis agreemertt sha�l he void; and neiiher pnncipat `' <br />'; sha4C tie ifabie for dair�sges he�aunder to the othzr principa! and a!! m�ney th2retofcre p�id by the buyer shall bE rofunded; bvt if .ne t;ttz to szid prop�rry Ce :o�nd markeYah:e, or i�e so .: <br />madayritYin said time, sn� said buyer 5hai1 default in any of the agreemenfs ar.d con:ir,ue in de�ault �or z Fenod of 10 dzys, then ard ir tnzt event the seiler may tErminate this cantract, ; <br />, and u�such tarminat�or� all the paymenis mxde apan this coatraci shaif 6e retained by said seller an� ss.d agent, as their respective ir:teresi maf aapear, as liquida.ea damages, time beirg ; <br />• oi t�ke esser,ce hericr; but ihis pro:u�oa shal! rot deprwe eithet party oi the right oi enfo:cing the sp2cific per;armance of th�s coniract pruvidzd s�ch confracf shall not be terminated as ' <br />' aforesaid, and prauidad action to enforce such specific performance :.Nall be ccmmenctd within six months a#ter sLch right of actien shal! arise. <br />i!s}s contract cortz�ns the entira a"sreement betwean the partizs, and neiiaer party has relied upon any verba! repres2ntations, agreemzafs, or unders4andings r.ot set fori6 herein ` <br />rrhether made by any ager,t or party hereia � <br />!t is understopd aad agresd that ihis salE is made subject to the approvai by the sei(er of said �remises, in writing whieh apptoval agenY haz � .days to ' <br />eb�ain, aa@ Ltiat.tha undersigned asent is in no manner tiab:e or resQonstbie on account of this 2Sreement, exceDt to return or account for 2h2 earnas� monay paid undxr thfs contract. <br />, ���u„� ,7, �'�,,'—"�'r <br />3he 6etive:y of ail papers and ncnies shali Ge made at the offica aE <br />(� thc uadersigned, sePEer �f.the above land, do heteby approve <br />� ttie aDave agreemeat an� ihc sate the:edy maGe. <br />f� ..� -�� � ,G,_„/ �,,,- � � �', J""�� �/.�''�� ����''r�Y. �� . . . <br />' ��, ! ,. , ,� Sefter � kaant <br />, _ <br />y r../ � f;� f'J. �—`� � � . <br />{ <br />�, �F � ; � % "j j �..+.s .r..��-:-'-.�"!' 1 BY <br />t � �" ' 1 S��Icj J i hereby ?grP� urchase the 1d`�prcyee�j Ear Lhe prtca ar.d upon tf�o terms <br />ab�va men.lon� ; �/ f <br />i ; -� <br />f./: "� �. i� 1�'' i'�i ��_.._ . J . <br />s t � � � �:��� �.�.� � � � �-� <br />. / 'L� L.�..—..- ��_ / •_ ..C,;'.✓+_ 1.....-�-"' <br />, /L1yet <br />;tHiS �1��lNTEl�EQED 70-Bc A LEGPt!!.Y BItrDING CONTRACT. FOR LEGkI. f,�VI�E t�1 G��7d�CiiON �'�iTH TiifS TftAt�(SkCT{Ot; C4NS�ILT YU(!�' �tYE2. <br />�z ; <br />a�,;, .��-i -.-_ � ,�:._ . . . . .� . . - ...�. ,:� .. � . . . . ' . . . ���s.,r, <br />,�'�F-�'�.;r;:u. , «. i. � . , _ - — - - - _ -- — <br />