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�a�� Number 63-16I <br />Fati�ioaex: <br />Loc��Svn' <br />� <br />t3ctob��' 2, 1963 <br />No�man C. and Luci,ll� E. florton, 635 3outh Qwc�eao <br />goulev�rd, 3aint Fau�. 13. <br />S�e akaL•ch at !eft. <br />Acti�an �eque�t�d: App�av81 of di �sia�n O£ p�l�C�l inCO three mat�s <br />c��d boUnde �ote . <br />Plenning Ccnaidora�iorae <br />�1) The dort�ns pr�p��se ta develop a pa�c�� of l.and cotneistin� of <br />app�������,y 3.�� ��cr�� inCo three lo�a c�f 1.2 ac�sa� 1.3 8c�res <br />end 1m4 acxo� Qm�ch. Thea�t lots� ar� �s shoum on ��fl sketch at <br />Che le�t ead t�uml�e�ad l., 2, a�d 3. �t ��� �n eximting 4�ouse <br />�nn it ae ehown by thc Zocr�tion o� �.he circle or► �h� eketch. <br />(2) �her� er� pri�ci�l.�,y ��o qu��tion� hs�re; <br />(a) Ths que� aa to wa���her car nvt �hese Ao�s Ehould be divided <br />by l�ngthy met�� and baunds a�acxiption ae propoQ�d, <br />(b) t�th�sr or no� the Late shoc�ld be divi.d�ed in thia p8trern. <br />t�) �be pa�cQl. �.:� �u`stion c�s origiet�lly pl�attea �� part af Isot 12 <br />o� B�rn�n'� Garde� Lots. T%� gou�he.�aterly g�rt o� Chts ori�in�l <br />p18t h�ts s�nce t� �en rc�plrat�ed ineo ema�,l�x Craccs a�ong ��in�e:l <br />T�c�v�. ]�a�crip��c�ns of ��ch of thE p�-opo�ed lot� h�tve been sub�it�ed <br />to the £'.�nning Gcurnission bu� �he9s s�e of can�id�reble �.�n��h. <br />(2�e questiana �s to w��ther or nofi th�sQ l.�n�thy �e�crip��.cma <br />a�e �hp�opri�s�e ar wi-r�ther c�r not 8�1atCing of �he psop�r�y in <br />s�ue�ti� �oul.d nQr be �o=e u£fici�nt. <br />��.) Anoth�r f�c�osr to b� concern�d abc�uG i�n �hp plattiug pxa��$s 3.s <br />th� �ac� thar tk�e franr�g� mn �h�� p��P���Y �gQil�h �einel ih'fv�, <br />hae e right •o�awey o�C o�xl� 40 f�e+� .'�he n�� l right-of -wr��r �n <br />.�u�h inefit�a��s ca�uld, of ee�urse, be the uc�u�l �n F��t snd si2au�d <br />be d�dicatr�d Ae part of the g�late <br />(g� �� �r�a�l queetior� with reepect to �hia devel�op��r�t is vh��her <br />as not any o�her �oad patC�rne shaulclb� u�ed �h�t might �urth�r <br />divide th� prop�xty �n�o �malla�r mvr� pxa�cei.�el shgped lor�. <br />�he propss�d 1ate. ��ixl be apgrox�.n�at��.y 9Q fflet wide aC the buiidin� <br />�i� gnd �omc 6pt) �e�� i�e ��pth. Gbv�ou�ly, �he qu�etioR occur� <br />ae �o tl� fee�ib�.l3.ty �¢ con��re�c�ing a s�xeet in a�ac��th�a�terly <br />di�acCiocr �o �s Co de��Tio� �i� 00�3 �eL� ; n�� �pgrcximatvty t�r��e <br />lot dapths. For tih� prop��ty in questio�, of cour��, i�[ w�uld <br />app�a� that the obv�oc�g �y to do this wocald be in coti junc�ioa <br /> th� can�i�uo�� pro�@r�ies an �he e�s� �nd west. These�.i��es <br />had� been dis��assed �•i�h th� applic�n� and �ppnsently have been <br />rev�.ea�d wi�h the neighboring prQ�r�y o�`nexs. The appli��r►t <br />eta��s in a' ].e�e8r fra� th�ir aCtor�nf�a ��� �hg possib�Iitie� <br />of woskfng �iCh �he eoa�tigur�u$ prop�r�y ���5 h�s be�n explored <br />